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[Use of nonparametric methods in medicine. II. Comparison of levels in 2 related samples].

Vnitrni lekarstvi

Gerylovová A, Holcík J.
PMID: 2247975
Vnitr Lek. 1990 Jul;36(7):710-6.

The authors present two non-parametric tests which are suitable for comparison of the level of a random variable on the basis of results obtained from two dependent samples. The sign test is discussed which is based on the evaluation...

Explorative statistical analysis and the valuation of hypotheses.

Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique

Roebruck P.
PMID: 6522732
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1984;32(3):181-4.

Clinical research has to include data from various sources. In many cases, the structure of the data allows explorative analysis only. This paper is concerned with situations in which no special hypotheses from a large set of possible ones...

[The significance of the significant. Some considerations on the use of the value "p"].

Atencion primaria

Ramalle-Gómara E, Bermejo-Ascorbe R.
PMID: 7986991
Aten Primaria. 1994 Oct 31;14(7):863-5.

No abstract available.

Statistical analysis of multi-eye data in ophthalmic research.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Ray WA, O'Day DM.
PMID: 4019113
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1985 Aug;26(8):1186-8.

An apparently common error in statistical analysis of ophthalmic data is to perform statistical tests that do not account for the correlation generally present between observations made for the right and left eyes of a subject. This error has...

Challenging the validity of conclusions based on P-values alone: a critique of contemporary clinical research design and methods.

Instructional course lectures

Ebramzadeh E, McKellop H, Dorey F, Sarmiento A.
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Instr Course Lect. 1994;43:587-600.

No abstract available.

[The role and significance of demographic projections in socioeconomic development].

Acta demographica

Bakmetova G.
PMID: 12179167
Acta Demogr. 1977;2:732-41.

No abstract available.

[Use of nonparametric methods in medicine. VII. Kendall's coefficient of concordance in several sequences].

Vnitrni lekarstvi

Gerylovová A, Holcík J.
PMID: 2021080
Vnitr Lek. 1991 Feb;37(2):186-91.

The authors describe the procedure, suggested by Kendall for evaluation of the concordance of several sequences. Kendall's coefficient, called also coefficient of concordance, can be used when it is possible to assess the sequence of investigated variables. The calculation...

[Determination of the required volume of a sampling population in scientific and practical research].

Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii

Kazakov AV.
PMID: 2773577
Vestn Dermatol Venerol. 1989;(5):23-6.

Three stages in the determination of the sampling population volume are described. The significance of a correct definition of the confidence interval is stressed, as well as the adjustment of the calculated values of the sampling population volume during...

Magic of p values.

Lancet (London, England)

Wulff HR.
PMID: 2898074
Lancet. 1988 Jun 18;1(8599):1398. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(88)92211-8.

No abstract available.

*, **, and ***; statistical nonsense at the .00000 level.

Nursing research

Slakter MJ, Wu YW, Suzuki-Slakter NS.
PMID: 1857654
Nurs Res. 1991 Jul-Aug;40(4):248-9.

Researchers who report statistical significance with *, **, ***, or p values are confusing statistical significance with clinical significance and are wasting time, money, and energy with studies that are either too precise, or more likely too imprecise. Therefore,...

Policy and p-values.

American journal of public health

Thompson WD.
PMID: 3565643
Am J Public Health. 1987 Feb;77(2):238. doi: 10.2105/ajph.77.2.238.
Free PMC Article

No abstract available.

[Round-table discussion: Sense and nonsense of the significance test].

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Innere Medizin

[No authors listed]
PMID: 1227062
Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1975;81:1706-10.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 12 of 16 entries