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Showing 1 to 12 of 18 entries
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How the clergyman can assist the physician in the care of a patient.

Modern treatment

Buchdahl G.
PMID: 5810680
Mod Treat. 1969 Jul;6(4):885-99.

No abstract available.

A technique for open peritoneoscopy.


Treat M, Forde KA, White J, Befeler D.
PMID: 6214036
Surgery. 1982 Sep;92(3):544-5.

No abstract available.

Behavior of Dolomedes tenebrosus.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Treat M.
PMID: 17775666
Science. 1884 Feb 22;3(55):217-8. doi: 10.1126/science.ns-3.55.217-b.

No abstract available.

The prognosis and treatment of melancholia.

Modern treatment yearbook

PMID: 18108778
Mod Treat Yearb. 1948;1:285-93.

No abstract available.

Expression of p21ras-related protein in the plasma and tissue of patients with adenomas and carcinomas of the colon.

Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals

Luo JC, Neugut AI, Garbowski G, Forde KA, Treat M, Smith S, Niman H, Brandt-Rauf PW.
PMID: 23888891
Biomarkers. 1996;1(1):29-33. doi: 10.3109/13547509609079344.

Abstract Over-expression of p21 ras-related protein was determined in the plasma by immunoblotting and in the tissue by immuno-histochemistry in a cohort of patients undergoing colonoscopy. In the plasma samples, p21 ras over-expression was detected in: 9% (4/47) of...

Treatment of pseudoretardation from non-neurologic causes.

Modern treatment

Huntley CJ.
PMID: 6046650
Mod Treat. 1967 Jul;4(4):747-60.

No abstract available.

Psychiatric management of the mentally retarded child.

Modern treatment

Hart W.
PMID: 6046652
Mod Treat. 1967 Jul;4(4):770-9.

No abstract available.


Modern treatment

PMID: 14208539
Mod Treat. 1964 Sep;1:1150-65.

No abstract available.

Therapeutic classification of epilepsy.

Modern treatment

Millichap JG.
PMID: 5377630
Mod Treat. 1969 Nov;6(6):1179-81.

No abstract available.

Treatment of regional enteritis.

Modern treatment

Benson JA.
PMID: 5318845
Mod Treat. 1965 Sep;2(5):1003-17.

No abstract available.

Chronic glaucoma.

Modern treatment yearbook

PMID: 18108779
Mod Treat Yearb. 1948;1:301-7.

No abstract available.

Rehabilitation of the cardiac patient.

Modern treatment

Feldman DJ.
PMID: 5711675
Mod Treat. 1968 Sep;5(5):931-41.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 12 of 18 entries