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[Burnout: a useful diagnosis?].

Neuropsychiatrie : Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation : Organ der Gesellschaft Osterreichischer Nervenarzte und Psychiater

Thalhammer M, Paulitsch K.
PMID: 24841902
Neuropsychiatr. 2014;28(3):151-9. doi: 10.1007/s40211-014-0106-x. Epub 2014 May 20.

In psychiatry, burnout is a relevant phenomenon. A large number of individuals is feeling overburdened at work. In contrast to mental disorders, the term 'burnout' is not perceived as stigmatizing, making it therefore easier for afflicted persons to seek...

[Professional fatigue syndrome (burnout). Part 1 : identification by the general practitioner].

Revue medicale de Liege

Clumeck N, Delroisse S, Gozlan S, le Polain M, Massart AC, Mesters P, Pitchot W.
PMID: 28520324
Rev Med Liege. 2017 May;72(5):246-252.

Burnout or professional fatigue syndrome has never been more talked about than in recent times. It is the result of exposure to a situation in which the strategies of the subject who are supposed to manage the stresses of...


Revue de l'infirmiere

Rogez E.
PMID: 7652272
Rev Infirm. 1994 Jan;(1):53-4.

No abstract available.

[The burnout syndrome of the caregiver].

Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983)

Barbier D.
PMID: 15105785
Presse Med. 2004 Mar 27;33(6):394-9. doi: 10.1016/s0755-4982(04)98606-x.

SLAVES TO THEIR WORK: The Anglo-Saxons were the first to evoke the "burn out syndrome" although the Canadians prefer to use "burning" in order to emphasize these situations in which the person is as it were literally "consumed by...

Burnout syndrome in medical professionals: a manifestation of chronic stress with counterintuitive passive characteristics.

Neuro endocrinology letters

Ptacek R, Stefano GB, Kuzelova H, Raboch J, Harsa P, Kream RM.
PMID: 23803863
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2013;34(4):259-64.

By operational criteria, burnout appears to be a multifaceted behavioral syndrome consisting of maladaptive individual responses subsequent to prolonged stressful situations. Given the intense physical and cognitive demands of providing high quality healthcare to a wide spectrum of patients,...

The work-life balance.

Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)

Davies N.
PMID: 25204954
Nurs Stand. 2014 Sep 16;29(2):63. doi: 10.7748/ns.29.2.63.s51.

No abstract available.

Burnout: a fashionable diagnosis.

Deutsches Arzteblatt international

Kaschka WP, Korczak D, Broich K.
PMID: 22163259
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011 Nov;108(46):781-7. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2011.0781. Epub 2011 Nov 18.

BACKGROUND: "Burnout syndrome" is now a common reason for medical excuses from work, and thus an important topic in health-related economics. Much research is still needed, however, to establish the scientific basis for this entity, the criteria by which...

[Burnout syndrome].

Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz

Koch U, Broich K.
PMID: 22290158
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2012 Feb;55(2):161-3. doi: 10.1007/s00103-011-1415-x.

No abstract available.

[Burnout. Can it be measured?].

Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz

Korczak D, Huber B.
PMID: 22290159
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2012 Feb;55(2):164-71. doi: 10.1007/s00103-011-1404-0.

Burnout is widely known as a work-related syndrome that is associated by serious individual and social consequences. The aim of the HTA report "Differential diagnostic of the burnout syndrome" published by DIMDI in 2010 was to determine how burnout...

[Professional exhaustion, a concept to be clarified].

L'Infirmiere du Quebec : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec

Bédard D, Duquette A.
PMID: 10076253
Infirm Que. 1998 Sep-Oct;6(1):18-23.

No abstract available.

Surviving depression.

British dental journal

[No authors listed]
PMID: 9807915
Br Dent J. 1998 Oct 10;185(7):334-5. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4809808.

Depression can strike any one of us at any time and for any number of reasons. A GDP in practice in the UK gives an account of how it affected her and of how she is coping with it...

[Symptoms and characteristics of burnout].

Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere

Mauranges A.
PMID: 30449467
Soins. 2018 Nov;63(830):28-32. doi: 10.1016/j.soin.2018.09.006.

For several years, the use of the term 'burnout' has been applied to clinical situations inappropriately and often excessively. The complexity of the approach to work related stress could explain this. It is important to understand the clinical bases...

Showing 1 to 12 of 87 entries