Oei NY, Elzinga BM, Wolf OT, et al. Glucocorticoids Decrease Hippocampal and Prefrontal Activation during Declarative Memory Retrieval in Young Men. Brain Imaging Behav. 2007;1(1):31-41doi: 10.1007/s11682-007-9003-2.
Oei, N. Y., Elzinga, B. M., Wolf, O. T., de Ruiter, M. B., Damoiseaux, J. S., Kuijer, J. P., Veltman, D. J., Scheltens, P., & Rombouts, S. A. (2007). Glucocorticoids Decrease Hippocampal and Prefrontal Activation during Declarative Memory Retrieval in Young Men. Brain imaging and behavior, 1(1), 31-41.
Oei, Nicole Y L, et al. "Glucocorticoids Decrease Hippocampal and Prefrontal Activation during Declarative Memory Retrieval in Young Men." Brain imaging and behavior vol. 1,1 (2007): 31-41. doi:
Oei NY, Elzinga BM, Wolf OT, de Ruiter MB, Damoiseaux JS, Kuijer JP, Veltman DJ, Scheltens P, Rombouts SA. Glucocorticoids Decrease Hippocampal and Prefrontal Activation during Declarative Memory Retrieval in Young Men. Brain Imaging Behav. 2007 Jun;1(1):31-41. doi: 10.1007/s11682-007-9003-2. Epub 2007 Jun 01. PMID: 19946603; PMCID: PMC2780685.
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