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Arch Argent Pediatr. 2015 Oct;113(5):469-72. doi: 10.5546/aap.2015.469.

[Patient safety: Glossary].

Archivos argentinos de pediatria

[Article in Spanish]
Verónica Sabio Paz, Néstor D Panattieri, Farmacéutica Cristina Godio, María E Ratto, Lucrecia Arpí, Nora Dackiewicz

PMID: 26294153 DOI: 10.5546/aap.2015.469


Patient safety and quality of care has become a challenge for health systems. Health care is an increasingly complex and risky activity, as it represents a combination of human, technological and organizational processes. It is necessary, therefore, to take effective actions to reduce the adverse events and mitigate its impact. This glossary is a local adaptation of key terms and concepts from the international bibliographic sources. The aim is providing a common language for assessing patient safety processes and compare them.

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