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Clujul Med. 2013;86(3):185-91. Epub 2013 Aug 05.

An overview of pharmacology and clinical aspects concerning the therapy of cochleo-vestibular syndromes by intratympanic drug delivery.

Clujul medical (1957)

Felician Chirteş, Silviu Albu


  1. ENT department, Military Hospital, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  2. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Department, Iuliu Ha?ieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

PMID: 26527944 PMCID: PMC4462510


Intratympanic drug delivery refers to drug administration in the middle ear, the main advantage being direct diffusion of substances in the inner ear through the round window membrane with subsequent high intralabiryntine drug concentration and very low systemic side effects. The article is a review of literature concerning the inner ear barrier systems, the physiology of inner ear fluids, intralabirinthine pharmacokinetics and the commonest drugs applied in the middle ear for the treatment of cochleo-vestibular syndromes.

Keywords: hemato-labirinthine barrier; intralabirinthine pharmacokinetics; intratympanic corticosteroids; intratympanic drug delivery; intratympanic gentamicine


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