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Oecologia. 1995 Feb;101(2):156-168. doi: 10.1007/BF00317279.

Structuring factors in a marine soft bottom community during eutrophication-an experiment with radio-labelled phytodetritus.


Bertil Widbom, Jeffrey B Frithsen


  1. Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, 02882, Narragansett, RI, USA.

PMID: 28306786 DOI: 10.1007/BF00317279


The quantitative development and uptake of radio-labelled phytodetritus in benthic macro- and meiofauna was studied in a 5-month experiment in two mesocosms, one of which received a single large nutrient (N and P) addition, while the other served as control. In reponse to the 12-fold increase in phytoplankton biomass noted after 2 weeks and the resulting enhanced accumulation of fresh phytodetritus, the abundance and biomass of the polychaetes Mediomastus ambiseta and Polydora ligni and the mud anemone Cerianthiopsis americanus increased significantly in the enriched tank. The abundances of P. ligni and M. ambiseta increased 37-fold and 12-fold, respectively, within the first two months of the experiment. No other macrofaunal or meiofaunal taxa showed any consistent positive quantitative response to the increased input of phytodetritus. In the control tank no considerable change in the benthic community structure was noted. The measurements of radio-label uptake within the benthic fauna showed that the quantitatively most successful species utilized fresh phytodetritus highly. However, a high degree of utilization of fresh detritus was also shown by taxa that did not respond quantitatively within the 5 month of the experiment, and almost all taxa showed a preference for fresh detritus over older organic material. Within the benthic meiofauna, kinorhynchs and especially foraminiferans showed a remarkably low preference for fresh detritus. A budget calculation comparing the total amounts of labelled organic carbon bound in animal tissue and in the sediment indicated that at any time at least 75% of this carbon was available for assimilation by deposit feeders. These results suggest that factors other than the availability of food, such as competition for space by a few opportunistic macrofauna species, limited the response of other species within this benthic community to the increased input of phytodetritus.

Keywords: Eutrophication Radiotracer; Experimental mesocosm; Macrofauna; Meiofauna


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