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Soins Pediatr Pueric. 2017 Nov - Dec;38(299):36-39. doi: 10.1016/j.spp.2017.09.008.

[An innovative position during skin-to-skin contact in neonatology].

Soins. Pediatrie, puericulture

[Article in French]
Aude Buil, Nathalie Renault, Émilie Boulonnois, Gisèle Apter, Emmanuel Devouche


  1. Centre hospitalier Sud Francilien,Service de médecine néonatale, 40 avenue Serge-Dassault, 91106, Corbeil-Essonnes cedex, France; Université Paris-Descartes, Laboratoire psychopathologie et processus de santé (EA4057), 71 avenue Édouard Vaillant, 92774, Boulogne-Billancourt cedex, France. Electronic address: [email protected].
  2. Centre hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil, Service de médecine néonatale, 40 avenue de Verdun, 94000, Créteil, France.
  3. Groupe hospitalier du Havre et Faculté de médecine, Université de Rouen Normandie, 55 bis rue Gustave-Flaubert, 76600, Le Havre, France.
  4. Université Paris-Descartes, Laboratoire psychopathologie et processus de santé (EA4057), 71 avenue Édouard Vaillant, 92774, Boulogne-Billancourt cedex, France; Groupe hospitalier du Havre et Faculté de médecine, Université de Rouen Normandie, 55 bis rue Gustave-Flaubert, 76600, Le Havre, France.

PMID: 29162258 DOI: 10.1016/j.spp.2017.09.008


Skin-to-skin is, by its very nature, the only relational care entirely devoted to the parent-baby relationship, from the infant's time in neonatal intensive care. However, current practice is unsuited to visual and tactile exchange. A simple change to the baby's positioning helps to improve the quality of the immediate interaction between the infant and the mother, benefiting the development of the baby and parenthood.

Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: formation; installation; neonatology; néonatologie; peau à peau; recherche; relational care; research; skin-to-skin; soin relationnel; training

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