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JMIR Cancer. 2019 Jan 30;5(1):e11556. doi: 10.2196/11556.

Evaluation and Implementation of ListeningTime: A Web-Based Preparatory Communication Tool for Elderly Patients With Cancer and Their Health Care Providers.

JMIR cancer

Janneke Noordman, Jeanine A Driesenaar, Inge R van Bruinessen, Johanneke Ea Portielje, Sandra van Dulmen


  1. Nivel: Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  2. Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  3. Department of Medical Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
  4. Department of Oncology, Hagaziekenhuis, Den Haag, Netherlands.
  5. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen, Norway.

PMID: 30698525 PMCID: PMC6372931 DOI: 10.2196/11556


BACKGROUND: Effective patient-provider communication is an important condition to deliver optimal care and it supports patients in coping with their disease. The complex and emotionally loaded setting of oncology care challenges both health care providers (HCPs) and patients in reaching effective communication. ListeningTime is developed for elderly patients with cancer and their oncological HCPs to help them (better) prepare the clinical encounter and overcome communication barriers. ListeningTime is a Web-based preparatory communication tool including modeling videos and has an audio-facility to listen back to recorded encounters.

OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the usability, perceived usefulness, and actual use of ListeningTime, through the eyes of elderly patients with cancer and their oncological HCPs. If highly rated, the ultimate goal is to make ListeningTime publicly available.

METHODS: First, members of a panel of elderly cancer survivors and patients (age ≥65 years) were approached to evaluate ListeningTime through a Web-based questionnaire. The usability and perceived usefulness were assessed. Second, ListeningTime was evaluated in real-life practice through a pilot study in 3 Dutch hospitals. In these hospitals, elderly patients with cancer and their oncological HCPs were approached to evaluate ListeningTime through a similar Web-based questionnaire, measuring the perceived usefulness. In addition, we examined log files and user statistics to get insight into how the program was used.

RESULTS: A total of 30 cancer survivors or patients from the patient panel, and 17 patients and 8 HCPs from the hospitals, evaluated ListeningTime. Overall, both panel members and hospital patients were positive about the ListeningTime website, audio-facility, and video fragments. Some patients suggested improvements with respect to the actors' performances in the video fragments and believed that ListeningTime is mainly suitable for non experienced patients. HCPs were also positive about ListeningTime; they valued the video fragments for patients and the audio-facility for patients and themselves. However, providers did not relisten their own recorded encounters. Patients did use the audio-facility to relisten their encounters.

CONCLUSIONS: ListeningTime was highly rated, both by patients and their oncological HCPs. As a result, the video fragments of ListeningTime are now made publicly available for elderly patients with cancer through the Dutch website "kanker.nl."

©Janneke Noordman, Jeanine A Driesenaar, Inge R van Bruinessen, Johanneke EA Portielje, Sandra van Dulmen. Originally published in JMIR Cancer (http://cancer.jmir.org), 30.01.2019.

Keywords: Web-based tool; audio-facility; cancer patients; communication; health care providers; internet; videos


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