Kohn T, Rast P, Kallscheuer N, et al. The Microbiome of . Front Microbiol. 2020;11:1458doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01458.
Kohn, T., Rast, P., Kallscheuer, N., Wiegand, S., Boedeker, C., Jetten, M. S. M., Jeske, O., Vollmers, J., Kaster, A. K., Rohde, M., Jogler, M., & Jogler, C. (2020). The Microbiome of . Frontiers in microbiology, 111458.
Kohn, Timo, et al. "The Microbiome of ." Frontiers in microbiology vol. 11 (2020): 1458. doi:
Kohn T, Rast P, Kallscheuer N, Wiegand S, Boedeker C, Jetten MSM, Jeske O, Vollmers J, Kaster AK, Rohde M, Jogler M, Jogler C. The Microbiome of . Front Microbiol. 2020 Jul 10;11:1458. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01458. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32754127; PMCID: PMC7366357.
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