The pause/play button actor-network: lecture capture recordings and (re) configuring multi-spatial learning practices. Luke K. K Luke - Interactive Learning Environments, 2020 - Taylor & Francis GSID: ZL6htyp_G-cJ
Show and 'tool': How lecture recording transforms staff and student perspectives on lectures in higher education. MacKay JRD. JRD MacKay - Computers & Education, 2019 - Elsevier GSID: pHcLAcABSVQJ
The pause/play button actor-network: lecture capture recordings and (re) configuring multi-spatial learning practices. Luke K. K Luke - Interactive Learning Environments, 2020 - Taylor & Francis GSID: ZL6htyp_G-cJ
Lecture capture and peer working: exploring study practices through staff-student partnerships. [No authors listed] GSID: 3iffdOw2vlQJ
The lecturer's toolkit: a practical guide to assessment, learning and teaching. [No authors listed] GSID: Fkj6npbv73sJ