Holding aesthetics and ideology in tension. [No authors listed] P Duncum - Studies in Art Education, 2008 - Taylor & Francis GSID: NnlD7SvuzhUJ
Becoming a/r/tography. Irwin RL. RL Irwin - Studies in Art Education, 2013 - Taylor & Francis GSID: 1J98Dkm8yVwJ
De/signing research in education: Patchwork (ing) methodologies with theory. [No authors listed] GSID: bYEG6l32a3gJ
Commitments to a community of artistic inquiry: Becoming pedagogical through a/r/tography in teacher education. [No authors listed] GSID: -MgypAhIu34J
Becoming a/r/tography. Irwin RL. RL Irwin - Studies in Art Education, 2013 - Taylor & Francis GSID: 1J98Dkm8yVwJ