Research in Science Education
UIID-EM: 140
2014;44:549-579. doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9393-7.
No abstract available.
Hardy. Academic Self-Concept: Modeling and Measuring for Science. 2014;44:549-579doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9393-7.
Hardy. (2014). Academic Self-Concept: Modeling and Measuring for Science. Research in Science Education, 44549-579.
Hardy, G. "Academic Self-Concept: Modeling and Measuring for Science." Research in Science Education vol. 44 (2014): 549-579. doi:
Hardy. Academic Self-Concept: Modeling and Measuring for Science. 2014;44:549-579. doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9393-7. UIID-EM: 140.
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Schilling, Nickels.
UIID-EM: 146
2005;51:21-28. doi: 10.1026/0012-1924.51.1.21.
No abstract available.
Schilling, Nickels. Facets of academic self-concept - Validity of the Differential Self-Concept Grid (DISC-Grid). 2005;51:21-28doi: 10.1026/0012-1924.51.1.21.
Schilling, & Nickels. (2005). Facets of academic self-concept - Validity of the Differential Self-Concept Grid (DISC-Grid). Diagnostica, 5121-28.
Schilling, S R, and Nickels, G. "Facets of academic self-concept - Validity of the Differential Self-Concept Grid (DISC-Grid)." Diagnostica vol. 51 (2005): 21-28. doi:
Schilling, Nickels. Facets of academic self-concept - Validity of the Differential Self-Concept Grid (DISC-Grid). 2005;51:21-28. doi: 10.1026/0012-1924.51.1.21. UIID-EM: 146.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Hammond, Multon.
2005;13:131-149. doi: 10.1177/1069072704273123.
The present study, based on three samples of college students totaling 1,832 participants, resulted in the conclusion that a 5-level response continuum for the short form of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE) proved at least as reliable and...
Hammond, Multon. Reliability and Validity of Five-Level Response Continua for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale. 2005;13:131-149doi: 10.1177/1069072704273123.
Hammond, & Multon. (2005). Reliability and Validity of Five-Level Response Continua for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 13131-149.
Hammond, Marie S, and Multon, Karen D. "Reliability and Validity of Five-Level Response Continua for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 13 (2005): 131-149. doi:
Hammond, Multon. Reliability and Validity of Five-Level Response Continua for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale. 2005;13:131-149. doi: 10.1177/1069072704273123. UIID-EM: 7.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Schifano, Kaplan.
1999;7:213-226. doi: 10.1177/106907279900700302.
Examined the construct validity of the Task-Specific Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSS; S. H. Osipow et al; 1992, 1993) and the Skills Confidence Inventory (SCI; N. Betz et al; 1996), both measures of self-efficacy with respect to basic domains of vocational...
Schifano, Kaplan. Relationships among measures of perceived self-efficacy with respect to basic domains of vocational activity. 1999;7:213-226doi: 10.1177/106907279900700302.
Schifano, & Kaplan. (1999). Relationships among measures of perceived self-efficacy with respect to basic domains of vocational activity. Journal of Career Assessment, 7213-226.
Schifano, Ross, and Kaplan, Allison. "Relationships among measures of perceived self-efficacy with respect to basic domains of vocational activity." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 7 (1999): 213-226. doi:
Schifano, Kaplan. Relationships among measures of perceived self-efficacy with respect to basic domains of vocational activity. 1999;7:213-226. doi: 10.1177/106907279900700302. UIID-EM: 10.
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Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
Büyüköztürk, Atalay, Sozgun, Kebapçı.
The purpose of this research is to develop a scale towards identifying research-related self-efficacies of university students. Research Self-Efficacy Scale (RSS) has been applied to 310 students pursuing academic education at the Near East University (NEU). For structural validity...
Büyüköztürk, Atalay, Sozgun, et al. The development of Research Self-Efficacy Scale. 2011;6:22-29
Büyüköztürk, Atalay, Sozgun, & Kebapçı. (2011). The development of Research Self-Efficacy Scale. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 622-29.
Büyüköztürk, Şener, et al. "The development of Research Self-Efficacy Scale." Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences vol. 6 (2011): 22-29.
Büyüköztürk, Atalay, Sozgun, Kebapçı. The development of Research Self-Efficacy Scale. 2011;6:22-29. UIID-EM: 18.
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Journal of Career Assessment
2007;15:194-205. doi: 10.1177/1069072706298020.
The present study, based on a sample of 220 African American college students, sought to examine the utility of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE) for African Americans. Values of coefficient alpha indicated reliability similar to that found in...
Chaney. The reliability and factor structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-SF with African Americans. 2007;15:194-205doi: 10.1177/1069072706298020.
Chaney. (2007). The reliability and factor structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-SF with African Americans. Journal of Career Assessment, 15194-205.
Chaney, Demetris. "The reliability and factor structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-SF with African Americans." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 15 (2007): 194-205. doi:
Chaney. The reliability and factor structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-SF with African Americans. 2007;15:194-205. doi: 10.1177/1069072706298020. UIID-EM: 19.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Creed, Conlon, Dhaliwal.
2013;21:537-554. doi: 10.1177/1069072712475285.
We used two studies to evaluate, modify, and provide initial validation for a revised Academic Hardiness scale. First, 16 experts rated scale items for content validity and identified two problematic questions. Second, confirmatory factor analyses with 300 Grade 10...
Creed, Conlon, Dhaliwal. Revisiting the Academic Hardiness Scale: Revision and revalidation. 2013;21:537-554doi: 10.1177/1069072712475285.
Creed, Conlon, & Dhaliwal. (2013). Revisiting the Academic Hardiness Scale: Revision and revalidation. Journal of Career Assessment, 21537-554.
Creed, Peter A, et al. "Revisiting the Academic Hardiness Scale: Revision and revalidation." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 21 (2013): 537-554. doi:
Creed, Conlon, Dhaliwal. Revisiting the Academic Hardiness Scale: Revision and revalidation. 2013;21:537-554. doi: 10.1177/1069072712475285. UIID-EM: 22.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Osipow, Fassa.
1994;2:384-397. doi: 10.1177/106907279400200405.
Evaluated the internal structure of 2 translated multiple-scale questionnaires: the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSS; S. H. Osipow et al, 1993) and the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDMSE; K. M. Taylor and N. E. Betz, 1983). Data were obtained...
Osipow, Fassa. The scale structure of multi-scale measures: Application of the split-scale method to the task-specific occupational self-efficacy scale and the career decision-making self-efficacy scale. 1994;2:384-397doi: 10.1177/106907279400200405.
Osipow, & Fassa. (1994). The scale structure of multi-scale measures: Application of the split-scale method to the task-specific occupational self-efficacy scale and the career decision-making self-efficacy scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 2384-397.
Osipow, Samuel H, and Fassa, Naomi. "The scale structure of multi-scale measures: Application of the split-scale method to the task-specific occupational self-efficacy scale and the career decision-making self-efficacy scale." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 2 (1994): 384-397. doi:
Osipow, Fassa. The scale structure of multi-scale measures: Application of the split-scale method to the task-specific occupational self-efficacy scale and the career decision-making self-efficacy scale. 1994;2:384-397. doi: 10.1177/106907279400200405. UIID-EM: 34.
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Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice
Gore, Leuwerke, Turley.
2005;7:227-244. doi: 10.2190/5CQF-F3P4-2QAC-GNVJ.
Researchers and educators continue to try to understand and predict premature post-secondary institutional departure. According to social cognitive theory, self-efficacy beliefs are the gateway to understanding why individuals initiate behavior, the effort they expend in engaging in behavior, and...
Gore, Leuwerke, Turley. A psychometric study of the College Self-Efficacy Inventory. 2005;7:227-244doi: 10.2190/5CQF-F3P4-2QAC-GNVJ.
Gore, Leuwerke, & Turley. (2005). A psychometric study of the College Self-Efficacy Inventory. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 7227-244.
Gore, Paul A, et al. "A psychometric study of the College Self-Efficacy Inventory." Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice vol. 7 (2005): 227-244. doi:
Gore, Leuwerke, Turley. A psychometric study of the College Self-Efficacy Inventory. 2005;7:227-244. doi: 10.2190/5CQF-F3P4-2QAC-GNVJ. UIID-EM: 37.
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International Journal of Nursing Studies
Harvey, McMurray.
1994;31:471-485. doi: 10.1016/0020-7489(94)90017-5.
Developed and refined 2 nursing self-efficacy scales, the Nursing Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and the Nursing Clinical Self- Efficacy Scale, for use in identifying problems in the progress of undergraduate nurses. 549 nursing students (aged (17–45 yrs) participated in 3...
Harvey, McMurray. Self-efficacy: A means of identifying problems in nursing education and career progress. 1994;31:471-485doi: 10.1016/0020-7489(94)90017-5.
Harvey, & McMurray. (1994). Self-efficacy: A means of identifying problems in nursing education and career progress. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 31471-485.
Harvey, Valerie, and McMurray, Nancy. "Self-efficacy: A means of identifying problems in nursing education and career progress." International Journal of Nursing Studies vol. 31 (1994): 471-485. doi:
Harvey, McMurray. Self-efficacy: A means of identifying problems in nursing education and career progress. 1994;31:471-485. doi: 10.1016/0020-7489(94)90017-5. UIID-EM: 42.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Kelly, Nelson.
1999;7:381-392. doi: 10.1177/106907279900700404.
Using the social cognitive theory of career and academic behavior as a guide, the authors conducted a predictive validity study for the Quantitative and Verbal scales of the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSS). The Quantitative and Verbal TSOSS scale...
Kelly, Nelson. Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale: A predictive validity study. 1999;7:381-392doi: 10.1177/106907279900700404.
Kelly, & Nelson. (1999). Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale: A predictive validity study. Journal of Career Assessment, 7381-392.
Kelly, Kevin R, and Nelson, Russell C. "Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale: A predictive validity study." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 7 (1999): 381-392. doi:
Kelly, Nelson. Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale: A predictive validity study. 1999;7:381-392. doi: 10.1177/106907279900700404. UIID-EM: 44.
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Journal of Career Development
Millar, Shevlin.
2007;33:224-249. doi: 10.1177/0894845306296643.
This article describes the development and psychometric assessment of a multidimensional, domain-specific Career Locus of Control Scale (CLOC) designed for use with adolescent school pupils engaged in the career development and decision-making process. A 47-item version was administered to...
Millar, Shevlin. The Development and Factor Structure of a Career Locus of Control Scale for Use With School Pupils. 2007;33:224-249doi: 10.1177/0894845306296643.
Millar, & Shevlin. (2007). The Development and Factor Structure of a Career Locus of Control Scale for Use With School Pupils. Journal of Career Development, 33224-249.
Millar, Rob, and Shevlin, Mark. "The Development and Factor Structure of a Career Locus of Control Scale for Use With School Pupils." Journal of Career Development vol. 33 (2007): 224-249. doi:
Millar, Shevlin. The Development and Factor Structure of a Career Locus of Control Scale for Use With School Pupils. 2007;33:224-249. doi: 10.1177/0894845306296643. UIID-EM: 57.
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