Educational and Psychological Measurement
Nilsson, Schmidt, Meek.
2002;62:647-658. doi: 10.1177/0013164402062004007.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the variability in reliability scores on a commonly used career scale, the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDMSE). Reliability generalization was employed to identify typical score reliability, variability of score reliability,...
Nilsson, Schmidt, Meek. Reliability generalization: An examination of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale. 2002;62:647-658doi: 10.1177/0013164402062004007.
Nilsson, Schmidt, & Meek. (2002). Reliability generalization: An examination of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62647-658.
Nilsson, Johanna E, et al. "Reliability generalization: An examination of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale." Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 62 (2002): 647-658. doi:
Nilsson, Schmidt, Meek. Reliability generalization: An examination of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale. 2002;62:647-658. doi: 10.1177/0013164402062004007. UIID-EM: 62.
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Journal of Career Assessment
1996;4:445-456. doi: 10.1177/106907279600400407.
This article presents the rationale for the development of a skill-oriented career self-efficacy scale, the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale. It is believed that self-perceptions of these career self-efficacies at a skill-specific level may permit better study and understanding of...
Temple. Development and use of the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale. 1996;4:445-456doi: 10.1177/106907279600400407.
Temple. (1996). Development and use of the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 4445-456.
Temple, Richard D. "Development and use of the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 4 (1996): 445-456. doi:
Temple. Development and use of the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale. 1996;4:445-456. doi: 10.1177/106907279600400407. UIID-EM: 64.
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Journal of Career Assessment
Buelow, Matyja, Schneider.
2012;20:123-139. doi: 10.1177/1069072711420849.
This study reports the development and initial validation of the Career Futures Inventory–Revised (CFI-R) in two large samples of university students. The 28-item CFI-R assesses aspects of career adaptability, including positive career planning attitudes, general outcome expectations, and components...
Buelow, Matyja, Schneider. The Career Futures Inventory-Revised: Measuring dimensions of career adaptability. 2012;20:123-139doi: 10.1177/1069072711420849.
Buelow, Matyja, & Schneider. (2012). The Career Futures Inventory-Revised: Measuring dimensions of career adaptability. Journal of Career Assessment, 20123-139.
Buelow, Kristine L, et al. "The Career Futures Inventory-Revised: Measuring dimensions of career adaptability." Journal of Career Assessment vol. 20 (2012): 123-139. doi:
Buelow, Matyja, Schneider. The Career Futures Inventory-Revised: Measuring dimensions of career adaptability. 2012;20:123-139. doi: 10.1177/1069072711420849. UIID-EM: 74.
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Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
Turner, Alliman-Brissett, Lapan, Udipi, Ergun.
The authors describe the construction of the Career-Related Parent Support Scale and examine the validity of the scale scores within a sample of at-risk middle school adolescents. Four empirically distinct parent support factors were confirmed along A. Bandura's (1977,...
Turner, Alliman-Brissett, Lapan, et al. The Career-Related Parent Support Scale. 2003;36:83-94
Turner, Alliman-Brissett, Lapan, Udipi, & Ergun. (2003). The Career-Related Parent Support Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 3683-94.
Turner, Sherri L, et al. "The Career-Related Parent Support Scale." Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development vol. 36 (2003): 83-94.
Turner, Alliman-Brissett, Lapan, Udipi, Ergun. The Career-Related Parent Support Scale. 2003;36:83-94. UIID-EM: 86.
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Journal of College Student Development
The prevalence of conceptually valid mentoring relationships in higher education is currently unknown due to a lack of a valid conceptualization within the literature. This article examines the construct validity of College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS) with an eye...
Crisp. Conceptualization and initial validation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS). 2009;50:177-194
Crisp. (2009). Conceptualization and initial validation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS). Journal of College Student Development, 50177-194.
Crisp, Gloria. "Conceptualization and initial validation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS)." Journal of College Student Development vol. 50 (2009): 177-194.
Crisp. Conceptualization and initial validation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS). 2009;50:177-194. UIID-EM: 94.
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Journal of Nursing Measurement
UIID-EM: 109
2012;20:113-122. doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.20.2.113.
Background and Purpose: The ability to measure the benefits of mentoring among bedside nurses is essential for leaders in health care organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of mentoring initiatives for nurses. This article describes the development and testing of...
Jakubik. Development and testing of the Jakubik Mentoring Benefits Questionnaire among pediatric nurses. 2012;20:113-122doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.20.2.113.
Jakubik. (2012). Development and testing of the Jakubik Mentoring Benefits Questionnaire among pediatric nurses. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 20113-122.
Jakubik, Louise D. "Development and testing of the Jakubik Mentoring Benefits Questionnaire among pediatric nurses." Journal of Nursing Measurement vol. 20 (2012): 113-122. doi:
Jakubik. Development and testing of the Jakubik Mentoring Benefits Questionnaire among pediatric nurses. 2012;20:113-122. doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.20.2.113. UIID-EM: 109.
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International Coaching Psychology Review
Law, Ireland, Hussain.
UIID-EM: 110
Objectives: The objectives of this case study were to: (1) develop a Universal Integrated Framework (UIF) of coaching; and (2) evaluate its effectiveness in terms of its impact upon the participants and the organisations. Design: 49 participants assessed themselves...
Law, Ireland, Hussain. Evaluation of the Coaching Competence Self-Review online tool within an NHS leadership development programme. 2006;1:56-67
Law, Ireland, & Hussain. (2006). Evaluation of the Coaching Competence Self-Review online tool within an NHS leadership development programme. International Coaching Psychology Review, 156-67.
Law, Ho, et al. "Evaluation of the Coaching Competence Self-Review online tool within an NHS leadership development programme." International Coaching Psychology Review vol. 1 (2006): 56-67.
Law, Ireland, Hussain. Evaluation of the Coaching Competence Self-Review online tool within an NHS leadership development programme. 2006;1:56-67. UIID-EM: 110.
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Educational and Psychological Measurement
Tepper, Shaffer, Tepper.
UIID-EM: 118
1996;56:848-857. doi: 10.1177/0013164496056005013.
The latent structure of a 16-item mentoring function instrument was analyzed with the responses of 568 full-time employees. Five samples of respondents were used, to explore the responses of individuals representing diverse backgrounds and types of relationships with senior...
Tepper, Shaffer, Tepper. Latent structure of mentoring function scales. 1996;56:848-857doi: 10.1177/0013164496056005013.
Tepper, Shaffer, & Tepper. (1996). Latent structure of mentoring function scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 56848-857.
Tepper, Kelly, et al. "Latent structure of mentoring function scales." Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 56 (1996): 848-857. doi:
Tepper, Shaffer, Tepper. Latent structure of mentoring function scales. 1996;56:848-857. doi: 10.1177/0013164496056005013. UIID-EM: 118.
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Journal of Personality Assessment
UIID-EM: 121
2009;91:166-174. doi: 10.1080/00223890802634290.
In this article, we introduce brief self-report and informant-report versions of the Grit Scale, which measures trait-level perseverance and passion for long-term goals. The Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) retains the 2-factor structure of the original Grit Scale (Duckworth, Peterson,...
Quinn. Development and Validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S). 2009;91:166-174doi: 10.1080/00223890802634290.
Quinn. (2009). Development and Validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S). Journal of Personality Assessment, 91166-174.
Quinn, P D. "Development and Validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S)." Journal of Personality Assessment vol. 91 (2009): 166-174. doi:
Quinn. Development and Validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S). 2009;91:166-174. doi: 10.1080/00223890802634290. UIID-EM: 121.
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Journal of Research in Personality
Jellison, Pratt-Hyatt.
UIID-EM: 132
2009;43:856-867. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.04.005.
The current study examined change in identity centrality as a moderator of interference between the woman and scientist identities and subsequent negative outcomes in a longitudinal study of 128 women-scientists. Results indicated that higher Time 1 interference was associated...
Jellison, Pratt-Hyatt. Identification with multiple social groups: The moderating role of identity change over time among women-scientists. 2009;43:856-867doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.04.005.
Jellison, & Pratt-Hyatt. (2009). Identification with multiple social groups: The moderating role of identity change over time among women-scientists. Journal of Research in Personality, 43856-867.
Jellison, W A, and Pratt-Hyatt, J S. "Identification with multiple social groups: The moderating role of identity change over time among women-scientists." Journal of Research in Personality vol. 43 (2009): 856-867. doi:
Jellison, Pratt-Hyatt. Identification with multiple social groups: The moderating role of identity change over time among women-scientists. 2009;43:856-867. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.04.005. UIID-EM: 132.
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Research in Science Education
Spiegel, McQuillan, Halpin, Matuk, Diamond.
UIID-EM: 134
2013;43:2309-2326. doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9358-x.
No abstract available.
Spiegel, McQuillan, Halpin, et al. Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. 2013;43:2309-2326doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9358-x.
Spiegel, McQuillan, Halpin, Matuk, & Diamond. (2013). Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. Research in Science Education, 432309-2326.
Spiegel, A N, et al. "Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics." Research in Science Education vol. 43 (2013): 2309-2326. doi:
Spiegel, McQuillan, Halpin, Matuk, Diamond. Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. 2013;43:2309-2326. doi: 10.1007/s11165-013-9358-x. UIID-EM: 134.
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Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
UIID-EM: 139
2007;51:297-313. doi: 10.1080/00313830701356141.
The present study investigated whether two summated rating scales used in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2003), Mathematics Self-Concept (MSC), and Students' Valuing of Mathematics (VoM) seemed appropriate, meaningful, and useful in a Swedish context....
Eklöf. Self-concept and valuing of mathematics in TIMSS 2003: Scale structure and relation to performance in a Swedish setting. 2007;51:297-313doi: 10.1080/00313830701356141.
Eklöf. (2007). Self-concept and valuing of mathematics in TIMSS 2003: Scale structure and relation to performance in a Swedish setting. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 51297-313.
Eklöf, Hanna. "Self-concept and valuing of mathematics in TIMSS 2003: Scale structure and relation to performance in a Swedish setting." Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research vol. 51 (2007): 297-313. doi:
Eklöf. Self-concept and valuing of mathematics in TIMSS 2003: Scale structure and relation to performance in a Swedish setting. 2007;51:297-313. doi: 10.1080/00313830701356141. UIID-EM: 139.
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