Fleming, House, Hanson, et al. The Mentoring Competency Assessment: Validation of a new instrument to evaluate skills of research mentors. 2013;88:1002-1008doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318295e298.
Fleming, House, Hanson, Yu, Garbutt, McGee, Kroenke, Abedin, & Rubio. (2013). The Mentoring Competency Assessment: Validation of a new instrument to evaluate skills of research mentors. Academic Medicine, 881002-1008.
Fleming, Michael, et al. "The Mentoring Competency Assessment: Validation of a new instrument to evaluate skills of research mentors." Academic Medicine vol. 88 (2013): 1002-1008. doi:
Fleming, House, Hanson, Yu, Garbutt, McGee, Kroenke, Abedin, Rubio. The Mentoring Competency Assessment: Validation of a new instrument to evaluate skills of research mentors. 2013;88:1002-1008. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318295e298. UIID-EM: 102.
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