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Filters applied: Evaluation Measures
Validity of measures of math- and science-related self-efficacy for African Americans and European Americans.

Journal of Career Assessment

2001;9:261-282. doi: 10.1177/106907270100900304.

Examined the reliability and validity of 3 measures of investigative (science) self-efficacy, a measure of self-efficacy with respect to scientific/technical fields (STF), and mathematics self-efficacy. Also, it addressed the question of whether or not these measures were psychometrically sound...

Development of a career task self-efficacy scale: The Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale.

Journal of Vocational Behavior

Lucas, Wanberg, Zytowski.
1997;50:432-459. doi: 10.1006/jvbe.1996.1548.

Developed and tested the Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale (KTSES), a 30-item scale measuring a person's self-efficacy for specific occupational tasks corresponding to G. F. Kuder's 10 occupational interest areas (G. F. Kuder and D. G. Zytowski, 1991). In addition,...

Student Opinion Survey: Development of measures of student motivation.

Educational and Psychological Measurement

McMillan, Simonetta, Singh.
1994;54:496-505. doi: 10.1177/0013164494054002024.

Describes the development of measures of student motivation. Using the expectancy-value model of motivation as a theoretical rationale, instruments were developed to measure self-efficacy and attitudes toward the importance of learning in general, science, mathematics, and reading/English of elementary,...

Validity estimates for the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale.

Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development


Reports that the results of concurrent and discriminant validity studies, based on data from 92 undergraduates, only partially support the construct validity of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDMSE); the use of individual subscales also proved uncertain. Criterion variables...

The Career Futures Inventory: A Measure of Career-Related Adaptability and Optimism.

Journal of Career Assessment

2005;13:3-24. doi: 10.1177/1069072704270271.

The purpose of this study was to provide initial results on the development and validation of the Career Futures Inventory (CFI), a new 25-item measure of positive career planning attitudes. Items were originated using the rational method. Results from...

Assessing career search expectations: Development and validation of the Career Search Efficacy Scale.

Journal of Career Assessment

Good, Nord, Holm, Hohner, Zima, Heffernan, Malen.
1994;2:111-123. doi: 10.1177/106907279400200202.

An instrument was developed to assess the career search efficacy of individuals who are interested in finding careers or jobs, changing careers or jobs, or reentering the job market. Data were obtained from a total of 192 college students....

Development and psychometric testing of the Nursing Research Self-Efficacy Scale (NURSES).

Journal of Nursing Measurement

Swenson-Britt, Berndt.
2013;21:4-22. doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.21.1.4.

Background and Purpose: The Nursing Research Self-Efficacy Scale (NURSES) was designed to measure individual nurses' degree of research self-efficacy and their perceptions regarding their unit's collective support of research use. Development for the NURSES instrument spanned a 4-year period,...

Superqual: A tool to explore the initial expectations of PhD students and supervisors.

Active Learning in Higher Education

UIID-EM: 105
2006;7:9-23. doi: 10.1177/1469787406061140.

In recent years there has been growing concern to improve standards in postgraduate research. Much of this has focused on generic research skills training. However, there are other, equally important, supervisory aspects such as welfare, mentoring and support arrangements....

The GPS to success growth grids: Measurement properties of a tool to promote intentional self-regulation in mentoring programs.

Applied Developmental Science

Napolitano, Bowers, Arbeit, Chase, Geldhof, Lerner, Lerner.
UIID-EM: 113
2014;18:46-58. doi: 10.1080/10888691.2014.866768.

Mentoring programs may be contexts for building important intentional self-regulatory skills in adolescents. In this study, we provide data about the factor structure of new measures that assess youth intentional self-regulation (ISR) within such programs: the “GPS growth grids.”...

Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) Assessment Questionnaire in cross-cultural coaching: A cross-validation with Wave Focus Styles.

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring

Rojon, McDowall.
UIID-EM: 117

This paper outlines a cross-validation of the Cultural Orientations Framework assessment questionnaire (COF, Rosinski, 2007; a new tool designed for cross-cultural coaching) with the Saville Consulting Wave Focus Styles questionnaire (Saville Consulting, 2006; an existing validated measure of occupational...

When multiple identities interfere: The role of identity centrality.

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

UIID-EM: 131
2004;30:487-500. doi: 10.1177/0146167203261885.

The current study extends research in the area of identity conflict or interference by focusing on a new identity combination, the woman and scientist identities. In addition, it examines the influence of identity centrality, or importance, as a predictor...

Comparative validities of standardized academic self-concept scales and achievement test measures and of teacher ratings of citizenship and effort in forecasting performance of junior high school students.

Educational and Psychological Measurement

Darakjian, Michael.
UIID-EM: 136
1982;42:629-641. doi: 10.1177/001316448204200228.

For 240 8th graders, criterion-related validities of each of the 5 scales of the Dimensions of Self-Concept (DOSC), 6 achievement subtests from the SRA Assessment Survey, and 2 teacher ratings pertaining to student citizenship and student effort were found...

Showing 97 to 108 of 132 entries