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Filters applied: Articles With 50+ Citations
Who's persisting in engineering? A comparative analysis of female and male Asian, black, Hispanic, Native American, and white students.

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

Ohland M.W., Layton R.A., Lord S.M., Camacho M.M., Long R.A., Wasburn M.H..
2009;15:167-190. doi: 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.v15.i2.40.

Interest in increasing the number of engineering graduates in the United States and promoting gender equality and diversification of the profession has encouraged considerable research on women and minorities in engineering programs. Drawing on a framework of intersectionality theory,...

Chemistry teachers' levels of using teaching materials.

Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies

Karamustafaoglu S..

The purpose of this study is to determine how often the chemistry teachers use teaching materials in their courses. This study has been carried out by employing case study approach. Twenty-seven chemistry teachers working in Amasya participated in the...

Inferring program effects for special populations: Does special education raise achievement for students with disabilities?.

Review of Economics and Statistics

Hanushek E.A., Kain J.F., Rivkin S.O..
2002;84:584-599. doi: 10.1162/003465302760556431.

Most discussion of special education has centered on the costs of providing mandated programs for children with disabilities and not on their effectiveness. As in many other policy areas, inferring program effectiveness is difficult because students not in special...

Leaving engineering: Lessons from Rowan University's College of Engineering.

Journal of Engineering Education

Hartman H., Hartman M..
UIID-AC: 107

The paper focuses on retention in the Rowan University undergraduate engineering program with many "female-friendly" features despite its design as best practices for all students. Both male and female "stayers" in the program are compared to "leavers" on a...

Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers?.

Journal of Business Venturing

Chen C.C., Greene P.G., Crick A..

Previous research on the psychology of entrepreneurs found that personality traits such as locus of control failed to distinguish entrepreneurs from managers. In search of an individual characteristic that is distinctively entrepreneurial, we proposed an entrepreneurial self-efficacy construct (ESE)...

Designing computer learning environments for engineering and computer science: The scaffolded knowledge integration framework.

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Linn M.C..
1995;4:103-126. doi: 10.1007/BF02214052.

Designing effective curricula for complex topics and incorporating technological tools is an evolving process. One important way to foster effective design is to synthesize successful practices. This paper describes a framework called scaffolded knowledge integration and illustrates how it...

Beyond cultural competence: Critical consciousness, social justice, and multicultural education.

Academic Medicine

Kumagai A.K., Lypson M.L..
2009;84:782-787. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181a42398.

In response to the Liaison Committee on Medical Education mandate that medical education must address both the needs of an increasingly diverse society and disparities in health care, medical schools have implemented a wide variety of programs in cultural...

Identifying factors influencing engineering student graduation: A longitudinal and cross-institutional study.

Journal of Engineering Education

Ohland M.W., Zhang G., Anderson T.J., Thorndyke B.R..

Pre-existing factors are quantitatively evaluated as to their impact on engineering student success. This study uses a database of all engineering students at nine institutions from 1987 through 2002 (a total of 87,167 engineering students) and focuses on graduation...

Diet, breakfast, and academic performance in children.

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism

Kleinman R.E., Hall S., Green H., Korzec-Ramirez D., Patton K., Pagano M.E., Murphy J.M..

Objective: To determine whether nutrient intake and academic and psychosocial functioning improve after the start of a universal-free school breakfast program (USBP). Methods: Information was gathered from 97 inner city students prior to the start of a USBP and...

The PhD and the Autonomous Self: Gender, rationality and postgraduate pedagogy.

Studies in Higher Education

Johnson L., Lee A., Green B..

Interventions in the quality of research training provided in universities today focus largely on educating supervisors and monitoring their performance as well as student progress. More private than any other scene of teaching and learning, postgraduate supervision - and...

Changing student teachers' attitudes towards disability and inclusion.

Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability

Campbell J., Gilmore L., Cuskelly M..
2003;28:369-379. doi: 10.1080/13668250310001616407.

A total of 274 preservice teacher education students were surveyed at the beginning and end of a one-semester unit on Human Development and Education which combined formal instruction with structured fieldwork experiences. The latter included interviewing community members regarding...

Accomplishments and challenges of surgical simulation: Dawning of the next-generation surgical education.

Surgical Endoscopy

Satava R.M..
2001;15:232-241. doi: 10.1007/s004640000369.

For nearly a decade, advanced computer technologies have created extraordinary educational tools using three-dimensional (3D) visualization and virtual reality. Pioneering efforts in surgical simulation with these tools have resulted in a first generation of simulators for surgical technical skills....

Showing 13 to 24 of 109 entries