[No authors listed]
Jiang EPS 9977776 This project will establish an Interdisciplinary Research Group in advanced semiconductors in Kansas to forward research in the group III-nitride wide band gap semiconductors, a category of which is recognized as integral to the fabrication of...
Advanced Semiconductor Research Group in the State of Kansas. ;
(). Advanced Semiconductor Research Group in the State of Kansas. .
"Advanced Semiconductor Research Group in the State of Kansas." vol. ().
Advanced Semiconductor Research Group in the State of Kansas. UIID-NSF: 444.
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Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory (LBNL) will host a workshop to promote the formation of research partnerships between faculty at colleges and university in designated EPSCoR states and the scientific staff from DOE national laboratories and facilities. The date will...
Advancing Energy Science and Technology Through Partnerships Workshop, Summer 2000. ;
(). Advancing Energy Science and Technology Through Partnerships Workshop, Summer 2000. .
"Advancing Energy Science and Technology Through Partnerships Workshop, Summer 2000." vol. ().
Advancing Energy Science and Technology Through Partnerships Workshop, Summer 2000. UIID-NSF: 671.
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The Texas A&M University System (TAMU) Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate was created in response to the NSF's Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) program solicitation (NSF 12-554) for the AGEP-Transformation (AGEP-T) track. The AGEP-T...
AGEP-T: Collaborative Research: Advancing Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Education in Energy and Sustainability Disciplines. ;
(). AGEP-T: Collaborative Research: Advancing Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Education in Energy and Sustainability Disciplines. .
"AGEP-T: Collaborative Research: Advancing Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Education in Energy and Sustainability Disciplines." vol. ().
AGEP-T: Collaborative Research: Advancing Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Education in Energy and Sustainability Disciplines. UIID-NSF: 22.
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The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) in the state of Alabama will enhance the research competitiveness of approximately 70 investigators working in five research clusters: (1) Coastal Marine Sciences; (2) Land-Water Interfaces; (3) Modification of Material Surfaces;...
Alabama EPSCoR Advanced Development Program. ;
(). Alabama EPSCoR Advanced Development Program. .
"Alabama EPSCoR Advanced Development Program." vol. ().
Alabama EPSCoR Advanced Development Program. UIID-NSF: 686.
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[No authors listed]
The goal of the Alabama EPSCoR initiative is to create three multi-campus Centers of Excellence reflecting research programs in biological and environmental sciences, materials science and technology, and information science and technology. The Centers include: (1) the Alabama Structural...
Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement Program. ;
(). Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement Program. .
"Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement Program." vol. ().
Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement Program. UIID-NSF: 874.
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The Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) project will feature infrastructure enhancements in three research focus areas as well as strengthen research competitiveness through S andT planning, outreach and education, technology transfer, targeted hires and faculty development....
Alaska EPSCoR Research Infrastructure. ;
(). Alaska EPSCoR Research Infrastructure. .
"Alaska EPSCoR Research Infrastructure." vol. ().
Alaska EPSCoR Research Infrastructure. UIID-NSF: 872.
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9623943 Gomez-Rodriguez The Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation Phase II joins 14 universities, National Laboratories and local industry to increase the quality and number of Hispanic BS degrees in SMET conferred by PR-AMP institutions each year by a...
AMP: Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation Phase II. ;
(). AMP: Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation Phase II. .
"AMP: Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation Phase II." vol. ().
AMP: Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation Phase II. UIID-NSF: 491.
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Intellectual Merit - This study will develop a phylogeny and classification for the fishes of the Order Cypriniformes, the largest group of entirely freshwater fishes in the world with 3,285 described, and as many as 2,600 undescribed species. This...
AToL: Collaborative Research: Systematics of Cypriniformes, Earth's Most Diverse Clade of Freshwater Fishes. ;
(). AToL: Collaborative Research: Systematics of Cypriniformes, Earth's Most Diverse Clade of Freshwater Fishes. .
"AToL: Collaborative Research: Systematics of Cypriniformes, Earth's Most Diverse Clade of Freshwater Fishes." vol. ().
AToL: Collaborative Research: Systematics of Cypriniformes, Earth's Most Diverse Clade of Freshwater Fishes. UIID-NSF: 365.
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This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). The College of Idaho is one of only 5 liberal arts colleges in the Intermountain Region, encompassing Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Nevada....
Boone Science Hall Renovation. ;
(). Boone Science Hall Renovation. .
"Boone Science Hall Renovation." vol. ().
Boone Science Hall Renovation. UIID-NSF: 295.
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Abstract ? Award Number 1505098
Livingstone College is completing the implementation of an HBCU-UP Broadening Participation Research in STEM Education project to examine the impact of the Advancing Interest and Motivation (AIM) model on student career interests, motivation, self-efficacy,...
Broadening Participation Research Project: Advancing Interest and Motivation (AIM) for STEM Careers. ;
(). Broadening Participation Research Project: Advancing Interest and Motivation (AIM) for STEM Careers. .
"Broadening Participation Research Project: Advancing Interest and Motivation (AIM) for STEM Careers." vol. ().
Broadening Participation Research Project: Advancing Interest and Motivation (AIM) for STEM Careers. UIID-NSF: 257.
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UIID-NSF: 1413
Abstract Proposal Number: EPS-1006983 Proposal Title: Broadening Workstation Connectivity to Enhance Research Productivity and Student Preparation in Computational Sciences Institution: Mississippi State University This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)....
Broadening Workstation Connectivity to Enhance Research Productivity and Student Preparation in Computational Sciences. ;
(). Broadening Workstation Connectivity to Enhance Research Productivity and Student Preparation in Computational Sciences. .
"Broadening Workstation Connectivity to Enhance Research Productivity and Student Preparation in Computational Sciences." vol. ().
Broadening Workstation Connectivity to Enhance Research Productivity and Student Preparation in Computational Sciences. UIID-NSF: 1413.
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[No authors listed]
The project entitled - Building Academic Leadership and Campus Capacity to Transform STEM Education at Selected HBCUs - is developing a program of campus specific activities that will advance the undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education transformation...
Building Academic Leadership and Campus Capacity to Transform STEM Education at Selected HBCUS. ;
(). Building Academic Leadership and Campus Capacity to Transform STEM Education at Selected HBCUS. .
"Building Academic Leadership and Campus Capacity to Transform STEM Education at Selected HBCUS." vol. ().
Building Academic Leadership and Campus Capacity to Transform STEM Education at Selected HBCUS. UIID-NSF: 28.
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