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Filters applied: Comparative Study
Type II diabetes and its complications in Mexican Americans.

Diabetes/metabolism reviews

Stern MP, Haffner SM.
PMID: 2192854
Diabetes Metab Rev. 1990 Feb;6(1):29-45. doi: 10.1002/dmr.5610060102.

The prevalence and incidence of type II diabetes are substantially higher in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. This, combined with its earlier age of onset and the younger age structure of the Mexican American population, makes diabetes a...

Paying the price for home care: costs are lower than at hospitals, but lack of regulation raises concerns.

American journal of hospital pharmacy

Abramowitz M.
PMID: 1814193
Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991 Dec;48(12):2548-50, 2555, 2559.

No abstract available.

Parameter space boundaries for unidentifiable compartmental models.

Mathematical biosciences

Vajda S, Distefano JJ, Godfrey KR, Fagarasan J.
PMID: 2520205
Math Biosci. 1989 Nov;97(1):27-60. doi: 10.1016/0025-5564(89)90042-4.

Methods for dealing with unidentifiable compartmental models are first reviewed, emphasizing the parameter interval analysis and exhaustive modeling approaches. More general methods are presented for generating the set of all nonnegative parameter solutions that localize the parameters within bounded...

[Methods of pedagogical assessment of qualifications in postgraduate medical education].

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

Murav'ev MV, Voznesenskiĭ BB, Volodim BV.
PMID: 2623454
Sov Zdravookhr. 1989;(12):43-8.

The methods of pedagogical assessment of qualification in postgraduate medical education play a decisive role in assessing both the effectiveness of training and the level of professional competence of physicians. The methods of pedagogical assessment of qualification provide an...

[Ways of improving activities of primary health care institutions based on family principle of health care].

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

Grinina OV, Kicha DI, Manukian LM.
PMID: 1470994
Sov Zdravookhr. 1992;(1):46-51.

No abstract available.

[Comparative study of electroencephalographs].

Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde

Sterken W, van Keulen GJ, Boter J, van Eijnsbergen B.
PMID: 673038
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1978 Jul 15;122(28):1034-6.

No abstract available.

The computer-assisted electrocardiogram.

Lancet (London, England)

[No authors listed]
PMID: 63808
Lancet. 1976 Dec 18;2(7999):1339-41.

No abstract available.

[Quality assurance or research?].

Ugeskrift for laeger

Madsen F, Dirksen A, Viskum K.
PMID: 1413230
Ugeskr Laeger. 1992 Oct 05;154(41):2841.

No abstract available.

Primary health care. Second opinion: American perspective.

Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)

Dingwall R.
PMID: 2119765
Nurs Stand. 1990 Sep 5-11;4(50):47. doi: 10.7748/ns.4.50.47.s55.

No abstract available.

Who cares about homecare?.

Lancet (London, England)

[No authors listed]
PMID: 1682692
Lancet. 1991 Nov 23;338(8778):1303-4.

No abstract available.

[Unacceptable long waiting for bypass surgery is frequent. Continuous development of coronary surgery is necessary].


Ivert T.
PMID: 1895824
Lakartidningen. 1991 Aug 28;88(35):2754-7.

No abstract available.

Depression and learning disabilities in children: a test of an hypothesis.

Journal of learning disabilities

Mokros HB, Poznanski EO, Merrick WA.
PMID: 2738458
J Learn Disabil. 1989 Apr;22(4):230-3, 244. doi: 10.1177/002221948902200406.

Performance-Verbal IQ discrepancy scores are compared for 27 depressed and 15 nondepressed children all of whom experienced learning difficulties. Brumbach (1985) reported a significant association between depression and Performance IQ deficits for children with learning difficulties. In contrast to...

Showing 37 to 48 of 2709 entries