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Gender-Related Academic and Occupational Interests and Goals.

Hyde JS, Petersen J.
UIID-AD: 581
2014;47:43-76. doi: 10.1016/bs.acdb.2014.04.004.

This chapter reviews the theories and empirical evidence concerning whether gender differences in academic and occupational goals and interests exist, and if so, why those differences may be present. Expectancy-value theory, stereotype threat, sociocultural theory, and the gender similarities...

Intersections of African American women in STEM and lingering racial and gender bias.

Martin-Dunlop Catherine, Johnson Whitney.
UIID-AD: 1926

A dearth of knowledge exists regarding the experiences of African American women during their science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. During the mid-1990s, gender research rarely considered the effects of race (Scantlebury, 2012), and any "assumptions about the...

Male Dominated Industries: Jobs for the Boys.

Prescott J, Bogg J.
UIID-AD: 1142
2013;26-63. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2107-7.ch002.

This chapter aims to: look at the current position of women working in the SET sector from higher education through to the workforce, using data from the UK and USA as examples; consider previous research looking at the lack...

NASA's Astrophysics Education and Public Outreach: Selected Highlights.

Hasan H, Smith D, Sharma M.
UIID-AD: 1034

NASA's rich portfolio of Astrophysics Education and Public Outreach (EPO) programs spans formal and informal education from K-12, addresses diverse audiences, and takes the latest NASA scientific discoveries to the public through science museums, planetaria, exhibitions, and other outlets....

Crossing the boundaries, entering the territory of science: Women and physics.

Ajello AnnaMaria, Belardi Cristina, Calafiore Giulia, Cimmino Cristina.
UIID-AD: 1437

Despite a consistent presence of women in the professional workplace in the western countries, there is still underrepresentation of women in some working sectors historically considered male, and a lack of women at the top levels of all professions....

A Novel REU Program to Develop the Skills of the Engineer of 2020.

Ieee, West M, Cross W, Kellogg S, Boysen A.
UIID-AD: 796

Since 2009, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T) has hosted a new Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site entitled Back to the Future. The focus of the REU site is metallurgical engineering research with an emphasis...


Coll RK, Paku L.
UIID-AD: 947

Worldwide indigenous peoples are reported to be underrepresented in science and engineering higher education study and related careers. The literature suggests this is due in part at least to indigenous people feeling alienated from Western ideas of science, with...

Self-efficacy in school and community settings.

Britner ShariL.

Albert Bandura's introduction of social cognitive theory moved the field of social psychology from viewing people as primarily reacting to events to viewing people as being active agents who interpret events and plan their future behaviors. Educators and psychologists...

Outreach Project Introducing Computer Engineering to High School Students.

Ieee, Gasser M, Lu YH, Koh CK.
UIID-AD: 227

This paper presents an outreach program that targets students in high school. The program is designed to be fun, hands-on, and interactive, while introducing educational building blocks that will prepare students for careers in computer engineering. Key concepts introduced...

Panel - Computer Scientists Wanted! Strategies for Increasing Interest in Computer Science.

Ieee, Anewalt K, Havill J, Liu C, Polack-Wahl J.
UIID-AD: 871

Diverse strategies have been used to improve student awareness and interest in computer science. Research suggests that by focusing on rich interdisciplinary subfields of the computing discipline, computer science courses will be more appealing to women and other underrepresented...

The continuing technological revolution: A comparison of three regions' strategies for creating women-inclusive workplaces.

Vogt ChristinaM.
UIID-AD: 2514
2008;323-351. doi: 10.1037/11706-012.

Historically, women have not always been welcomed into the scientific community, yet they have often been coopted into the science and engineering professions to provide lower cost labor necessary to combat temporary workforce shortages. Economic restructures have entailed the...

Assessment of Engineering Students Perception after Industrial Training Placement.

Omar MZ, Rahman MNA, Kofli NT, Mat K, Darus ZM, Osman SA, Yasin RM.
UIID-AD: 274

Industrial training is an important strategy to expose students to real work life situation and to equip them with the necessary skills so that they would be job ready when they graduate. Industrial training program or training related program...

Showing 13 to 24 of 259 entries