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Martin J, Kluver W, Hibbard AJ.
PMID: 15377194
Immunohematology. 1998;14(3):125.

No abstract available.

"Color Screens" as applied to Photomicrography.

Journal. Boston Society of Medical Sciences

Hubbard JG.
PMID: 19971248
J Boston Soc Med Sci. 1899 Jun;3(11):297-301.

No abstract available.

Demonstration of ignition radiation temperatures in indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion hohlraums.

Physical review letters

Glenzer SH, MacGowan BJ, Meezan NB, Adams PA, Alfonso JB, Alger ET, Alherz Z, Alvarez LF, Alvarez SS, Amick PV, Andersson KS, Andrews SD, Antonini GJ, Arnold PA, Atkinson DP, Auyang L, Azevedo SG, Balaoing BN, Baltz JA, Barbosa F, Bardsley GW, Barker DA, Barnes AI, Baron A, Beeler RG, Beeman BV, Belk LR, Bell JC, Bell PM, Berger RL, Bergonia MA, Bernardez LJ, Berzins LV, Bettenhausen RC, Bezerides L, Bhandarkar SD, Bishop CL, Bond EJ, Bopp DR, Borgman JA, Bower JR, Bowers GA, Bowers MW, Boyle DT, Bradley DK, Bragg JL, Braucht J, Brinkerhoff DL, Browning DF, Brunton GK, Burkhart SC, Burns SR, Burns KE, Burr B, Burrows LM, Butlin RK, Cahayag NJ, Callahan DA, Cardinale PS, Carey RW, Carlson JW, Casey AD, Castro C, Celeste JR, Chakicherla AY, Chambers FW, Chan C, Chandrasekaran H, Chang C, Chapman RF, Charron K, Chen Y, Christensen MJ, Churby AJ, Clancy TJ, Cline BD, Clowdus LC, Cocherell DG, Coffield FE, Cohen SJ, Costa RL, Cox JR, Curnow GM, Dailey MJ, Danforth PM, Darbee R, Datte PS, Davis JA, Deis GA, Demaret RD, Dewald EL, Di Nicola P, Di Nicola JM, Divol L, Dixit S, Dobson DB, Doppner T, Driscoll JD, Dugorepec J, Duncan JJ, Dupuy PC, Dzenitis EG, Eckart MJ, Edson SL, Edwards GJ, Edwards MJ, Edwards OD, Edwards PW, Ellefson JC, Ellerbee CH, Erbert GV, Estes CM, Fabyan WJ, Fallejo RN, Fedorov M, Felker B, Fink JT, Finney MD, Finnie LF, Fischer MJ, Fisher JM, Fishler BT, Florio JW, Forsman A, Foxworthy CB, Franks RM, Frazier T, Frieder G, Fung T, Gawinski GN, Gibson CR, Giraldez E, Glenn SM, Golick BP, Gonzales H, Gonzales SA, Gonzalez MJ, Griffin KL, Grippen J, Gross SM, Gschweng PH, Gururangan G, Gu K, Haan SW, Hahn SR, Haid BJ, Hamblen JE, Hammel BA, Hamza AV, Hardy DL, Hart DR, Hartley RG, Haynam CA, Heestand GM, Hermann MR, Hermes GL, Hey DS, Hibbard RL, Hicks DG, Hinkel DE, Hipple DL, Hitchcock JD, Hodtwalker DL, Holder JP, Hollis JD, Holtmeier GM, Huber SR, Huey AW, Hulsey DN, Hunter SL, Huppler TR, Hutton MS, Izumi N, Jackson JL, Jackson MA, Jancaitis KS, Jedlovec DR, Johnson B, Johnson MC, Johnson T, Johnston MP, Jones OS, Kalantar DH, Kamperschroer JH, Kauffman RL, Keating GA, Kegelmeyer LM, Kenitzer SL, Kimbrough JR, King K, Kirkwood RK, Klingmann JL, Knittel KM, Kohut TR, Koka KG, Kramer SW, Krammen JE, Krauter KG, Krauter GW, Krieger EK, Kroll JJ, La Fortune KN, Lagin LJ, Lakamsani VK, Landen OL, Lane SW, Langdon AB, Langer SH, Lao N, Larson DW, Latray D, Lau GT, Le Pape S, Lechleiter BL, Lee Y, Lee TL, Li J, Liebman JA, Lindl JD, Locke SF, Loey HK, London RA, Lopez FJ, Lord DM, Lowe-Webb RR, Lown JG, Ludwigsen AP, Lum NW, Lyons RR, Ma T, MacKinnon AJ, Magat MD, Maloy DT, Malsbury TN, Markham G, Marquez RM, Marsh AA, Marshall CD, Marshall SR, Maslennikov IL, Mathisen DG, Mauger GJ, Mauvais M-, McBride JA, McCarville T, McCloud JB, McGrew A, McHale B, MacPhee AG, Meeker JF, Merill JS, Mertens EP, Michel PA, Miller MG, Mills T, Milovich JL, Miramontes R, Montesanti RC, Montoya MM, Moody J, Moody JD, Moreno KA, Morris J, Morriston KM, Nelson JR, Neto M, Neumann JD, Ng E, Ngo QM, Olejniczak BL, Olson RE, Orsi NL, Owens MW, Padilla EH, Pannell TM, Parham TG, Patterson RW, Pavel G, Prasad RR, Pendlton D, Penko FA, Pepmeier BL, Petersen DE, Phillips TW, Pigg D, Piston KW, Pletcher KD, Powell CL, Radousky HB, Raimondi BS, Ralph JE, Rampke RL, Reed RK, Reid WA, Rekow VV, Reynolds JL, Rhodes JJ, Richardson MJ, Rinnert RJ, Riordan BP, Rivenes AS, Rivera AT, Roberts CJ, Robinson JA, Robinson RB, Robison SR, Rodriguez OR, Rogers SP, Rosen MD, Ross GF, Runkel M, Runtal AS, Sacks RA, Sailors SF, Salmon JT, Salmonson JD, Saunders RL, Schaffer JR, Schindler TM, Schmitt MJ, Schneider MB, Segraves KS, Shaw MJ, Sheldrick ME, Shelton RT, Shiflett MK, Shiromizu SJ, Shor M, Silva LL, Silva SA, Skulina KM, Smauley DA, Smith BE, Smith LK, Solomon AL, Sommer S, Soto JG, Spafford NI, Speck DE, Springer PT, Stadermann M, Stanley F, Stone TG, Stout EA, Stratton PL, Strausser RJ, Suter LJ, Sweet W, Swisher MF, Tappero JD, Tassano JB, Taylor JS, Tekle EA, Thai C, Thomas CA, Thomas A, Throop AL, Tietbohl GL, Tillman JM, Town RP, Townsend SL, Tribbey KL, Trummer D, Truong J, Vaher J, Valadez M, Van Arsdall P, Van Prooyen AJ, Vergel de Dios EO, Vergino MD, Vernon SP, Vickers JL, Villanueva GT, Vitalich MA, Vonhof SA, Wade FE, Wallace RJ, Warren CT, Warrick AL, Watkins J, Weaver S, Wegner PJ, Weingart MA, Wen J, White KS, Whitman PK, Widmann K, Widmayer CC, Wilhelmsen K, Williams EA, Williams WH, Willis L, Wilson EF, Wilson BA, Witte MC, Work K, Yang PS, Young BK, Youngblood KP, Zacharias RA, Zaleski T, Zapata PG, Zhang H, Zielinski JS, Kline JL, Kyrala GA, Niemann C, Kilkenny JD, Nikroo A, Van Wonterghem BM, Atherton LJ, Moses EI.
PMID: 21405580
Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Feb 25;106(8):085004. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.085004. Epub 2011 Feb 25.

We demonstrate the hohlraum radiation temperature and symmetry required for ignition-scale inertial confinement fusion capsule implosions. Cryogenic gas-filled hohlraums with 2.2 mm-diameter capsules are heated with unprecedented laser energies of 1.2 MJ delivered by 192 ultraviolet laser beams on...

Transplantation of Arteries.

The Journal of medical research

Hubbard JC.
PMID: 19971546
J Med Res. 1903 Jun;9(4):456-61.

No abstract available.

Typical Lateral Interactions, but Increased Contrast Sensitivity, in Migraine-With-Aura.

Vision (Basel, Switzerland)

Asher JM, O'Hare L, Romei V, Hibbard PB.
PMID: 31735871
Vision (Basel). 2018 Feb 09;2(1). doi: 10.3390/vision2010007.

Individuals with migraine show differences in visual perception compared to control groups. It has been suggested that differences in lateral interactions between neurons might account for some of these differences. This study seeks to further establish the strength and...

Corrigendum to: Variations in the Calvin-Benson cycle: selection pressures and optimization?.

Journal of experimental botany

Schreier TB, Hibberd JM.
PMID: 31121037
J Exp Bot. 2019 Aug 07;70(15):4063. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz215.

No abstract available.

Hydrodynamic friction of arbitrarily shaped Brownian particles.

Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics

Douglas JF, Hubbard JB.
PMID: 9960451
Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics. 1993 May;47(5):R2983-R2986. doi: 10.1103/physreve.47.r2983.

No abstract available.

Unusual carotenoid composition and a new type of xanthophyll cycle in plants.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Bungard RA, Hibberd JM, Horton P, Press MC, Ruban AV, Scholes JD.
PMID: 9927706
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Feb 02;96(3):1135-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.3.1135.
Free PMC Article

The capture of photons by the photosynthetic apparatus is the first step in photosynthesis in all autotrophic higher plants. This light capture is dominated by pigment-containing proteins known as light-harvesting complexes (LHCs). The xanthophyll-carotenoid complement of these LHCs (neoxanthin,...

Fully 3D-printed soft robots with integrated fluidic circuitry.

Science advances

Hubbard JD, Acevedo R, Edwards KM, Alsharhan AT, Wen Z, Landry J, Wang K, Schaffer S, Sochol RD.
PMID: 34261646
Sci Adv. 2021 Jul 14;7(29). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe5257. Print 2021 Jul.

The emergence of soft robots has presented new challenges associated with controlling the underlying fluidics of such systems. Here, we introduce a strategy for additively manufacturing unified soft robots comprising fully integrated fluidic circuitry in a single print run...

Nonadiabatic Dynamics between Valence, Nonvalence, and Continuum Electronic States in a Heteropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon.

The journal of physical chemistry letters

Bull JN, Anstöter CS, Stockett MH, Clarke CJ, Gibbard JA, Bieske EJ, Verlet JRR.
PMID: 34870432
J Phys Chem Lett. 2021 Dec 06;11811-11816. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03532. Epub 2021 Dec 06.

Internal conversion between valence-localized and dipole-bound states is thought to be a ubiquitous process in polar molecular anions, yet there is limited direct evidence. Here, photodetachment action spectroscopy and time-resolved photoelectron imaging with a heteropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (hetero-PAH) anion,...

Development of a nondiapausing strain of northern corn rootworm with rearing techniques for both diapausing and nondiapausing strains.

Scientific reports

Huynh MP, Nielson C, Wade French B, Ludwick DC, Geisert RW, Pereira AE, Barry J, Meihls LN, Schneider SK, Hibbard BE.
PMID: 34504232
Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 09;11(1):17944. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97452-8.

The northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence, has a univoltine life cycle that typically produces one generation a year. When rearing the northern corn rootworm in the laboratory, in order to break diapause, it is necessary to...

Photoelectron spectroscopy of the protoporphyrin IX dianion.

Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

Gibbard JA, Clarke CJ, Verlet JRR.
PMID: 34612383
Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2021 Sep 14;23(34):18425-18431. doi: 10.1039/d1cp03075b. Epub 2021 Aug 23.

Two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy using nanosecond and femtosecond lasers has been used to study the protopophyrin IX dianion at photon energies between 1.8-4.1 eV. The photoelectron spectra indicated the presence of two direct detachment channels, tunnelling through the repulsive Coulomb...

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