community college
Sax LJ, Lee JJ.
LJ Sax, SK Gilmartin, JJ Lee… - Community College …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
… of community college students: those who received a district-wide follow-up survey of their college … Further, by focusing this study on community college students, we stand to learn more …
Sax, L. J., Gilmartin, S. K., Lee, J. J., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2008). Using web surveys to reach community college students: An analysis of response rates and response bias. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 32(9), 712-729.
Sax, Linda J., et al. "Using web surveys to reach community college students: An analysis of response rates and response bias." Community College Journal of Research and Practice 32.9 (2008): 712-729.
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mathematics education
Lee JK.
JK Lee - … pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators, 2014 -
This chapter suggests that technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) is the key to successful curriculum-based technology integration. It provides both a theoretical frame …
Growth Mindset
Keil M, Lee JS, Wong KFE.
GSID: _Y3MwzUbyMwJ
JS Lee, M Keil, KFE Wong - Information Systems Journal, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
… ' growth mindset concerning IT project management (PM) ability and investigates how such a mindset can … Specifically, we suggest that the growth mindset of IT PM ability promotes …
Lee, J. S., Keil, M., & Wong, K. F. E. (2021). When a growth mindset can backfire and cause escalation of commitment to a troubled information technology project. Information Systems Journal, 31(1), 7-32.
Lee, Jong Seok, Mark Keil, and Kin Fai Ellick Wong. "When a growth mindset can backfire and cause escalation of commitment to a troubled information technology project." Information Systems Journal 31.1 (2021): 7-32.
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first generation college student
Lee JJ, Sax LJ.
JJ Lee, LJ Sax, KA Kim… - Community College …, 2004 -
… first-generation students are most highly represented, with over 50% of all first-generation college students … Overall, the findings of this study show that the predictorsof firstgeneration …
Lee, J. J., Sax, L. J., Kim, K. A., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2004). Understanding students' parental education beyond first-generation status. Community College Review, 32(1), 1-20.
Lee, Jenny J., et al. "Understanding students' parental education beyond first-generation status." Community College Review 32.1 (2004): 1-20.
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Science and underrepresented
Lee JD.
GSID: j28rOnmDkcIJ
JD Lee - Sociology of Education, 2002 - JSTOR
… n the United States, women have consistently been proportionally underrepresented in science and technology. In these disciplines, as students move from high schools to colleges to …
Lee, J. D. (2002). More than ability: Gender and personal relationships influence science and technology involvement. Sociology of Education, 349-373.
Lee, James Daniel. "More than ability: Gender and personal relationships influence science and technology involvement." Sociology of Education (2002): 349-373.
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science instruction
Lee JW.
GSID: qTu1Z_m4ygYJ
JW Lee - 2005 -
This research used a spatial skills test and cognitive-mapping test to examine the effect of GIS learning on the spatial ability and spatial problem solving of college students. A total of …
Lee, J. W. (2005). Effect of GIS learning on spatial ability. Texas A&M University.
Lee, Jong Won. Effect of GIS learning on spatial ability. Texas A&M University, 2005.
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EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation
Kim S, Lee JH.
GSID: y-rC7I8My2kJ
S Kim, JH Lee, W Chung - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2019 -
Full waveform inversion (FWI) has been carried out to reconstruct high-resolution velocity model in the subsurface. However, as geophysical data acquisition techniques are developed for obtaining high dimensional velocity model, computational cost increases tremendously. Because we set unknowns on...
Kim, S., Lee, J. H., & Chung, W. (2019, December). Two dimensional acoustic full waveform inversion using discrete cosine transform. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2019, pp. S53D-0485).
Kim, Sumin, Jonghyun Harry Lee, and Wookeen Chung. "Two dimensional acoustic full waveform inversion using discrete cosine transform." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2019. 2019.
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instructional interventions
Lee JE, Recker M.
JE Lee, M Recker - Computers & Education, 2021 - Elsevier
This study examines instructor strategies for designing and participating in online discussions and how these strategies influence their students' participation and course …
Lee, J. E., & Recker, M. (2021). The effects of instructors' use of online discussions strategies on student participation and performance in university online introductory mathematics courses. Computers & Education, 162, 104084.
Lee, Ji-Eun, and Mimi Recker. "The effects of instructors' use of online discussions strategies on student participation and performance in university online introductory mathematics courses." Computers & Education 162 (2021): 104084.
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Minority STEM
Blosnich J, Horn K, Lee JGL.
J Blosnich, JGL Lee, K Horn - Tobacco control, 2013 -
… to stem from minority stress and stigma.81 An additional theme of the social aspects of smoking (eg, bonding, ice breaker) also arose from the data. Remafedi interviewed a sample of …
Blosnich, J., Lee, J. G., & Horn, K. (2013). A systematic review of the aetiology of tobacco disparities for sexual minorities. Tobacco control, 22(2), 66-73.
Blosnich, John, Joseph GL Lee, and Kimberly Horn. "A systematic review of the aetiology of tobacco disparities for sexual minorities." Tobacco control 22.2 (2013): 66-73.
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Build and Broaden 3.0 AND Program Evaluation
Cho H, Kim S, Lee J, Lee JS.
GSID: CweO8_qVmxoJ
H Cho, S Kim, J Lee, JS Lee - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014 - Elsevier
In lexicon-based sentiment classification, the problem of contextual polarity must be explicitly handled since it is a major cause for classification error. One way to handle contextual polarity is to revise the prior polarity of the sentiment dictionary to...
Cho, H., Kim, S., Lee, J., & Lee, J. S. (2014). Data-driven integration of multiple sentiment dictionaries for lexicon-based sentiment classification of product reviews. Knowledge-Based Systems, 71, 61-71.
Cho, Heeryon, et al. "Data-driven integration of multiple sentiment dictionaries for lexicon-based sentiment classification of product reviews." Knowledge-Based Systems 71 (2014): 61-71.
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lesson plans
Lee JE, Kim HJ.
GSID: MPkphlY0byAJ
JE Lee, W Lim, HJ Kim - Education of Primary School …, 2016 -
… MTPs and analyze lesson plans using MTPs as an analytical lens, PSTs demonstrated various interpretations of MTPs, made efforts to … lesson plans in methods courses, it is imperative that MTEs make these opportunities more explicit and purposeful...
Lee, J. E., Lim, W., & Kim, H. J. (2016). Lesson Planning: How Do Pre-service Teachers Benefit from Examining Lesson Plans with Mathematics Teaching Practices as an Analytical Lens?. Education of Primary School Mathematics, 19(3), 211-222.
Lee, Ji-Eun, Woong Lim, and Hee-Jeong Kim. "Lesson Planning: How Do Pre-service Teachers Benefit from Examining Lesson Plans with Mathematics Teaching Practices as an Analytical Lens?." Education of Primary School Mathematics 19.3 (2016): 211-222.
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STEM and boys
Kaciroti N, Lee JM.
GSID: oJXoqgHZr-cJ
JM Lee, N Kaciroti, D Appugliese… - … of pediatrics & …, 2010 -
… of 346 boys, Biro et al 18 found that boys who had a greater fat mass as measured by the sum of skinfolds had less advanced sexual maturation by age 12 years and that boys who had …
Lee, J. M., Kaciroti, N., Appugliese, D., Corwyn, R. F., Bradley, R. H., & Lumeng, J. C. (2010). Body mass index and timing of pubertal initiation in boys. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 164(2), 139-144.
Lee, Joyce M., et al. "Body mass index and timing of pubertal initiation in boys." Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 164.2 (2010): 139-144.
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