Shafir D, Novotny S, Buhr H, et al. Rotational cooling of HD+ molecular ions by superelastic collisions with electrons. Phys Rev Lett. 2009;102(22):223202doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.223202.
Shafir, D., Novotny, S., Buhr, H., Altevogt, S., Faure, A., Grieser, M., Harvey, A. G., Heber, O., Hoffmann, J., Kreckel, H., Lammich, L., Nevo, I., Pedersen, H. B., Rubinstein, H., Schneider, I. F., Schwalm, D., Tennyson, J., Wolf, A., & Zajfman, D. (2009). Rotational cooling of HD+ molecular ions by superelastic collisions with electrons. Physical review letters, 102(22), 223202.
Shafir, D, et al. "Rotational cooling of HD+ molecular ions by superelastic collisions with electrons." Physical review letters vol. 102,22 (2009): 223202. doi:
Shafir D, Novotny S, Buhr H, Altevogt S, Faure A, Grieser M, Harvey AG, Heber O, Hoffmann J, Kreckel H, Lammich L, Nevo I, Pedersen HB, Rubinstein H, Schneider IF, Schwalm D, Tennyson J, Wolf A, Zajfman D. Rotational cooling of HD+ molecular ions by superelastic collisions with electrons. Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Jun 05;102(22):223202. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.223202. Epub 2009 Jun 05. PMID: 19658863.
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