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Dosimetry of permanent interstitial prostate brachytherapy for an interoperative procedure, using O-arm based CT and TRUS.

Journal of contemporary brachytherapy

Ishiyama H, Sekiguchi A, Satoh T, Tsumura H, Takenaka K, Kawakami S, Tabata K, Kobayashi K, Iwamura M, Hayakawa K.
PMID: 26985192
J Contemp Brachytherapy. 2016 Feb;8(1):7-16. doi: 10.5114/jcb.2016.57817. Epub 2016 Feb 09.

PURPOSE: The aim of this report is dosimetric evaluation for an intraoperative fusion computed tomography (CT) as a superior predictor of 1-month CT based dosimetry in comparison to transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) in permanent interstitial prostate brachytherapy.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data...

Sex-Related Differences in the Effects of Sleep Habits on Verbal and Visuospatial Working Memory.

Frontiers in psychology

Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Kunitoki K, Sassa Y, Kawashima R.
PMID: 27516751
Front Psychol. 2016 Jul 28;7:1128. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01128. eCollection 2016.

Poor sleep quality negatively affects memory performance, and working memory in particular. We investigated sleep habits related to sleep quality including sleep duration, daytime nap duration, nap frequency, and dream content recall frequency (DCRF). Declarative working memory can be...


Evolution; international journal of organic evolution

Sekiguchi K, Sugita H.
PMID: 28563980
Evolution. 1980 Jul;34(4):712-718. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1980.tb04010.x.

No abstract available.

Simple microfluidic formation of highly heterogeneous microfibers using a combination of sheath units.

Lab on a chip

Yoon DH, Kobayashi K, Tanaka D, Sekiguchi T, Shoji S.
PMID: 28301613
Lab Chip. 2017 Apr 11;17(8):1481-1486. doi: 10.1039/c7lc00157f.

This paper presents the formation of complex cross-sectional microfibers using three-dimensional microfluidic devices. The compartments and shapes of core and shell layers in the microfibers were independently controlled via three-dimensional fluidic channels fabricated by the combination of sheath units....

Light propagation in a Penrose unilluminable room.

Optics express

Fukushima T, Sakaguchi K, Tokuda Y.
PMID: 26191751
Opt Express. 2015 Jun 29;23(13):17431-6. doi: 10.1364/OE.23.017431.

Using the finite-difference time-domain method, propagation of light waves is studied in a Penrose unilluminable room. Such a room always has dark (unilluminated) regions, regardless of the position of a point source in it. However, in contrast to the...

Angiogenesis in newly regenerated bone by secretomes of human mesenchymal stem cells.

Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery

Katagiri W, Kawai T, Osugi M, Sugimura-Wakayama Y, Sakaguchi K, Kojima T, Kobayashi T.
PMID: 28405581
Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Mar 25;39(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s40902-017-0106-4. eCollection 2017 Dec.

BACKGROUND: For an effective bone graft for reconstruction of the maxillofacial region, an adequate vascular network will be required to supply blood, osteoprogenitor cells, and growth factors. We previously reported that the secretomes of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells...

Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with mixed-type fulminant autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society

Hirano Y, Itonaga T, Yasudo H, Isojima T, Miura K, Harita Y, Sekiguchi M, Kato M, Takita J, Oka A.
PMID: 26892457
Pediatr Int. 2016 Jun;58(6):527-530. doi: 10.1111/ped.12849. Epub 2016 Feb 19.

We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who presented with mixed-type fulminant autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) at the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). On admission, laboratory investigations indicated very severe anemia (Hb, 2.7 g/dL) with reticulocytosis and...

Demonstration of a robust magnonic spin wave interferometer.

Scientific reports

Kanazawa N, Goto T, Sekiguchi K, Granovsky AB, Ross CA, Takagi H, Nakamura Y, Inoue M.
PMID: 27443989
Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 22;6:30268. doi: 10.1038/srep30268.

Magnonics is an emerging field dealing with ultralow power consumption logic circuits, in which the flow of spin waves, rather than electric charges, transmits and processes information. Waves, including spin waves, excel at encoding information via their phase using...

DNA damage response in plants: conserved and variable response compared to animals.


Yoshiyama KO, Sakaguchi K, Kimura S.
PMID: 24833228
Biology (Basel). 2013 Nov 21;2(4):1338-56. doi: 10.3390/biology2041338.

The genome of an organism is under constant attack from endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors, such as reactive radicals, radiation, and genotoxins. Therefore, DNA damage response systems to sense DNA damage, arrest cell cycle, repair DNA lesions, and/or...

Quantitative evaluation of diagnostic information around the contours in ultrasound images.

Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)

Ito M, Chono T, Sekiguchi M, Shiina T, Mori H, Tohno E.
PMID: 27277480
J Med Ultrason (2001). 2005 Dec;32(4):135-44. doi: 10.1007/s10396-005-0050-2.

PURPOSE: To develop a new contour extraction method for identifying abnormal tissue.METHODS: We combined two techniques: logarithmic K distribution of a scattering model (method 1) and regional discrimination using the characteristics of local ultrasound images (method 2) into an...

Production of K[Formula: see text](892)[Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text](1020) in p-Pb collisions at [Formula: see text] = 5.02 TeV.

The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields

Adam J, Adamová D, Aggarwal MM, Aglieri Rinella G, Agnello M, Agrawal N, Ahammed Z, Ahmad S, Ahn SU, Aiola S, Akindinov A, Alam SN, Aleksandrov D, Alessandro B, Alexandre D, Alfaro Molina R, Alici A, Alkin A, Almaraz JR, Alme J, Alt T, Altinpinar S, Altsybeev I, Alves Garcia Prado C, Andrei C, Andronic A, Anguelov V, Antičić T, Antinori F, Antonioli P, Aphecetche L, Appelshäuser H, Arcelli S, Arnaldi R, Arnold OW, Arsene IC, Arslandok M, Audurier B, Augustinus A, Averbeck R, Azmi MD, Badalà A, Baek YW, Bagnasco S, Bailhache R, Bala R, Balasubramanian S, Baldisseri A, Baral RC, Barbano AM, Barbera R, Barile F, Barnaföldi GG, Barnby LS, Barret V, Bartalini P, Barth K, Bartke J, Bartsch E, Basile M, Bastid N, Basu S, Bathen B, Batigne G, Batista Camejo A, Batyunya B, Batzing PC, Bearden IG, Beck H, Bedda C, Behera NK, Belikov I, Bellini F, Bello Martinez H, Bellwied R, Belmont R, Belmont-Moreno E, Belyaev V, Benacek P, Bencedi G, Beole S, Berceanu I, Bercuci A, Berdnikov Y, Berenyi D, Bertens RA, Berzano D, Betev L, Bhasin A, Bhat IR, Bhati AK, Bhattacharjee B, Bhom J, Bianchi L, Bianchi N, Bianchin C, Bielčík J, Bielčíková J, Bilandzic A, Biro G, Biswas R, Biswas S, Bjelogrlic S, Blair JT, Blau D, Blume C, Bock F, Bogdanov A, Bøggild H, Boldizsár L, Bombara M, Book J, Borel H, Borissov A, Borri M, Bossú F, Botta E, Bourjau C, Braun-Munzinger P, Bregant M, Breitner T, Broker TA, Browning TA, Broz M, Brucken EJ, Bruna E, Bruno GE, Budnikov D, Buesching H, Bufalino S, Buncic P, Busch O, Buthelezi Z, Butt JB, Buxton JT, Caffarri D, Cai X, Caines H, Calero Diaz L, Caliva A, Calvo Villar E, Camerini P, Carena F, Carena W, Carnesecchi F, Castillo Castellanos J, Castro AJ, Casula EA, Ceballos Sanchez C, Cerello P, Cerkala J, Chang B, Chapeland S, Chartier M, Charvet JL, Chattopadhyay S, Chattopadhyay S, Chauvin A, Chelnokov V, Cherney M, Cheshkov C, Cheynis B, Chibante Barroso V, Chinellato DD, Cho S, Chochula P, Choi K, Chojnacki M, Choudhury S, Christakoglou P, Christensen CH, Christiansen P, Chujo T, Chung SU, Cicalo C, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Cleymans J, Colamaria F, Colella D, Collu A, Colocci M, Conesa Balbastre G, Conesa Del Valle Z, Connors ME, Contreras JG, Cormier TM, Corrales Morales Y, Cortés Maldonado I, Cortese P, Cosentino MR, Costa F, Crochet P, Cruz Albino R, Cuautle E, Cunqueiro L, Dahms T, Dainese A, Danisch MC, Danu A, Das D, Das I, Das S, Dash A, Dash S, De S, De Caro A, de Cataldo G, de Conti C, de Cuveland J, De Falco A, De Gruttola D, De Marco N, De Pasquale S, Deisting A, Deloff A, Dénes E, Deplano C, Dhankher P, Di Bari D, Di Mauro A, Di Nezza P, Diaz Corchero MA, Dietel T, Dillenseger P, Divià R, Djuvsland Ø, Dobrin A, Domenicis Gimenez D, Dönigus B, Dordic O, Drozhzhova T, Dubey AK, Dubla A, Ducroux L, Dupieux P, Ehlers RJ, Elia D, Endress E, Engel H, Epple E, Erazmus B, Erdemir I, Erhardt F, Espagnon B, Estienne M, Esumi S, Eum J, Evans D, Evdokimov S, Eyyubova G, Fabbietti L, Fabris D, Faivre J, Fantoni A, Fasel M, Feldkamp L, Feliciello A, Feofilov G, Ferencei J, Fernández Téllez A, Ferreiro EG, Ferretti A, Festanti A, Feuillard VJ, Figiel J, Figueredo MA, Filchagin S, Finogeev D, Fionda FM, Fiore EM, Fleck MG, Floris M, Foertsch S, Foka P, Fokin S, Fragiacomo E, Francescon A, Frankenfeld U, Fronze GG, Fuchs U, Furget C, Furs A, Fusco Girard M, Gaardhøje JJ, Gagliardi M, Gago AM, Gallio M, Gangadharan DR, Ganoti P, Gao C, Garabatos C, Garcia-Solis E, Gargiulo C, Gasik P, Gauger EF, Germain M, Gheata A, Gheata M, Ghosh P, Ghosh SK, Gianotti P, Giubellino P, Giubilato P, Gladysz-Dziadus E, Glässel P, Goméz Coral DM, Gomez Ramirez A, Gonzalez V, González-Zamora P, Gorbunov S, Görlich L, Gotovac S, Grabski V, Grachov OA, Graczykowski LK, Graham KL, Grelli A, Grigoras A, Grigoras C, Grigoriev V, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan S, Grinyov B, Grion N, Gronefeld JM, Grosse-Oetringhaus JF, Grossiord JY, Grosso R, Guber F, Guernane R, Guerzoni B, Gulbrandsen K, Gunji T, Gupta A, Gupta R, Haake R, Haaland Ø, Hadjidakis C, Haiduc M, Hamagaki H, Hamar G, Hamon JC, Harris JW, Harton A, Hatzifotiadou D, Hayashi S, Heckel ST, Hellbär E, Helstrup H, Herghelegiu A, Herrera Corral G, Hess BA, Hetland KF, Hillemanns H, Hippolyte B, Horak D, Hosokawa R, Hristov P, Huang M, Humanic TJ, Hussain N, Hussain T, Hutter D, Hwang DS, Ilkaev R, Inaba M, Incani E, Ippolitov M, Irfan M, Ivanov M, Ivanov V, Izucheev V, Jacazio N, Jacobs PM, Jadhav MB, Jadlovska S, Jadlovsky J, Jahnke C, Jakubowska MJ, Jang HJ, Janik MA, Jayarathna PH, Jena C, Jena S, Jimenez Bustamante RT, Jones PG, Jusko A, Kalinak P, Kalweit A, Kamin J, Kang JH, Kaplin V, Kar S, Karasu Uysal A, Karavichev O, Karavicheva T, Karayan L, Karpechev E, Kebschull U, Keidel R, Keijdener DL, Keil M, Mohisin Khan M, Khan P, Khan SA, Khanzadeev A, Kharlov Y, Kileng B, Kim DW, Kim DJ, Kim D, Kim H, Kim JS, Kim M, Kim M, Kim S, Kim T, Kirsch S, Kisel I, Kiselev S, Kisiel A, Kiss G, Klay JL, Klein C, Klein J, Klein-Bösing C, Klewin S, Kluge A, Knichel ML, Knospe AG, Kobdaj C, Kofarago M, Kollegger T, Kolojvari A, Kondratiev V, Kondratyeva N, Kondratyuk E, Konevskikh A, Kopcik M, Kostarakis P, Kour M, Kouzinopoulos C, Kovalenko O, Kovalenko V, Kowalski M, Koyithatta Meethaleveedu G, Králik I, Kravčáková A, Kretz M, Krivda M, Krizek F, Kryshen E, Krzewicki M, Kubera AM, Kučera V, Kuhn C, Kuijer PG, Kumar A, Kumar J, Kumar L, Kumar S, Kurashvili P, Kurepin A, Kurepin AB, Kuryakin A, Kweon MJ, Kwon Y, La Pointe SL, La Rocca P, Ladron de Guevara P, Lagana Fernandes C, Lakomov I, Langoy R, Lara C, Lardeux A, Lattuca A, Laudi E, Lea R, Leardini L, Lee GR, Lee S, Lehas F, Lemmon RC, Lenti V, Leogrande E, León Monzón I, León Vargas H, Leoncino M, Lévai P, Li S, Li X, Lien J, Lietava R, Lindal S, Lindenstruth V, Lippmann C, Lisa MA, Ljunggren HM, Lodato DF, Loenne PI, Loginov V, Loizides C, Lopez X, López Torres E, Lowe A, Luettig P, Lunardon M, Luparello G, Lutz TH, Maevskaya A, Mager M, Mahajan S, Mahmood SM, Maire A, Majka RD, Malaev M, Maldonado Cervantes I, Malinina L, Mal'Kevich D, Malzacher P, Mamonov A, Manko V, Manso F, Manzari V, Marchisone M, Mareš J, Margagliotti GV, Margotti A, Margutti J, Marín A, Markert C, Marquard M, Martin NA, Martin Blanco J, Martinengo P, Martínez MI, Martínez García G, Martinez Pedreira M, Mas A, Masciocchi S, Masera M, Masoni A, Massacrier L, Mastroserio A, Matyja A, Mayer C, Mazer J, Mazzoni MA, Mcdonald D, Meddi F, Melikyan Y, Menchaca-Rocha A, Meninno E, Mercado Pérez J, Meres M, Miake Y, Mieskolainen MM, Mikhaylov K, Milano L, Milosevic J, Minervini LM, Mischke A, Mishra AN, Miśkowiec D, Mitra J, Mitu CM, Mohammadi N, Mohanty B, Molnar L, Montaño Zetina L, Montes E, Moreira De Godoy DA, Moreno LA, Moretto S, Morreale A, Morsch A, Muccifora V, Mudnic E, Mühlheim D, Muhuri S, Mukherjee M, Mulligan JD, Munhoz MG, Munzer RH, Murakami H, Murray S, Musa L, Musinsky J, Naik B, Nair R, Nandi BK, Nania R, Nappi E, Naru MU, Natal da Luz H, Nattrass C, Navarro SR, Nayak K, Nayak R, Nayak TK, Nazarenko S, Nedosekin A, Nellen L, Ng F, Nicassio M, Niculescu M, Niedziela J, Nielsen BS, Nikolaev S, Nikulin S, Nikulin V, Noferini F, Nomokonov P, Nooren G, Noris JC, Norman J, Nyanin A, Nystrand J, Oeschler H, Oh S, Oh SK, Ohlson A, Okatan A, Okubo T, Olah L, Oleniacz J, Oliveira Da Silva AC, Oliver MH, Onderwaater J, Oppedisano C, Orava R, Ortiz Velasquez A, Oskarsson A, Otwinowski J, Oyama K, Ozdemir M, Pachmayer Y, Pagano P, Paić G, Pal SK, Pan J, Pandey AK, Papikyan V, Pappalardo GS, Pareek P, Park WJ, Parmar S, Passfeld A, Paticchio V, Patra RN, Paul B, Pei H, Peitzmann T, Pereira Da Costa H, Peresunko D, Pérez Lara CE, Perez Lezama E, Peskov V, Pestov Y, Petráček V, Petrov V, Petrovici M, Petta C, Piano S, Pikna M, Pillot P, Pimentel LO, Pinazza O, Pinsky L, Piyarathna DB, Płoskoń M, Planinic M, Pluta J, Pochybova S, Podesta-Lerma PL, Poghosyan MG, Polichtchouk B, Poljak N, Poonsawat W, Pop A, Porteboeuf-Houssais S, Porter J, Pospisil J, Prasad SK, Preghenella R, Prino F, Pruneau CA, Pshenichnov I, Puccio M, Puddu G, Pujahari P, Punin V, Putschke J, Qvigstad H, Rachevski A, Raha S, Rajput S, Rak J, Rakotozafindrabe A, Ramello L, Rami F, Raniwala R, Raniwala S, Räsänen SS, Rascanu BT, Rathee D, Read KF, Redlich K, Reed RJ, Rehman A, Reichelt P, Reidt F, Ren X, Renfordt R, Reolon AR, Reshetin A, Revol JP, Reygers K, Riabov V, Ricci RA, Richert T, Richter M, Riedler P, Riegler W, Riggi F, Ristea C, Rocco E, Rodríguez Cahuantzi M, Rodriguez Manso A, Røed K, Rogochaya E, Rohr D, Röhrich D, Romita R, Ronchetti F, Ronflette L, Rosnet P, Rossi A, Roukoutakis F, Roy A, Roy C, Roy P, Rubio Montero AJ, Rui R, Russo R, Ryabinkin E, Ryabov Y, Rybicki A, Sadovsky S, Šafařík K, Sahlmuller B, Sahoo P, Sahoo R, Sahoo S, Sahu PK, Saini J, Sakai S, Saleh MA, Salzwedel J, Sambyal S, Samsonov V, Šándor L, Sandoval A, Sano M, Sarkar D, Sarma P, Scapparone E, Scarlassara F, Schiaua C, Schicker R, Schmidt C, Schmidt HR, Schuchmann S, Schukraft J, Schulc M, Schuster T, Schutz Y, Schwarz K, Schweda K, Scioli G, Scomparin E, Scott R, Šefčík M, Seger JE, Sekiguchi Y, Sekihata D, Selyuzhenkov I, Senosi K, Senyukov S, Serradilla E, Sevcenco A, Shabanov A, Shabetai A, Shadura O, Shahoyan R, Shangaraev A, Sharma A, Sharma M, Sharma M, Sharma N, Shigaki K, Shtejer K, Sibiriak Y, Siddhanta S, Sielewicz KM, Siemiarczuk T, Silvermyr D, Silvestre C, Simatovic G, Simonetti G, Singaraju R, Singh R, Singha S, Singhal V, Sinha BC, Sinha T, Sitar B, Sitta M, Skaali TB, Slupecki M, Smirnov N, Snellings RJ, Snellman TW, Søgaard C, Song J, Song M, Song Z, Soramel F, Sorensen S, Souza RD, Sozzi F, Spacek M, Spiriti E, Sputowska I, Spyropoulou-Stassinaki M, Stachel J, Stan I, Stankus P, Stefanek G, Stenlund E, Steyn G, Stiller JH, Stocco D, Strmen P, Suaide AA, Sugitate T, Suire C, Suleymanov M, Suljic M, Sultanov R, Šumbera M, Szabo A, Szanto de Toledo A, Szarka I, Szczepankiewicz A, Szymanski M, Tabassam U, Takahashi J, Tambave GJ, Tanaka N, Tangaro MA, Tarhini M, Tariq M, Tarzila MG, Tauro A, Tejeda Muñoz G, Telesca A, Terasaki K, Terrevoli C, Teyssier B, Thäder J, Thomas D, Tieulent R, Timmins AR, Toia A, Trogolo S, Trombetta G, Trubnikov V, Trzaska WH, Tsuji T, Tumkin A, Turrisi R, Tveter TS, Ullaland K, Uras A, Usai GL, Utrobicic A, Vajzer M, Vala M, Valencia Palomo L, Vallero S, Van Der Maarel J, Van Hoorne JW, van Leeuwen M, Vanat T, Vande Vyvre P, Varga D, Vargas A, Vargyas M, Varma R, Vasileiou M, Vasiliev A, Vauthier A, Vechernin V, Veen AM, Veldhoen M, Velure A, Venaruzzo M, Vercellin E, Vergara Limón S, Vernet R, Verweij M, Vickovic L, Viesti G, Viinikainen J, Vilakazi Z, Villalobos Baillie O, Villatoro Tello A, Vinogradov A, Vinogradov L, Vinogradov Y, Virgili T, Vislavicius V, Viyogi YP, Vodopyanov A, Völkl MA, Voloshin K, Voloshin SA, Volpe G, von Haller B, Vorobyev I, Vranic D, Vrláková J, Vulpescu B, Wagner B, Wagner J, Wang H, Wang M, Watanabe D, Watanabe Y, Weber M, Weber SG, Weiser DF, Wessels JP, Westerhoff U, Whitehead AM, Wiechula J, Wikne J, Wilk G, Wilkinson J, Williams MC, Windelband B, Winn M, Yang H, Yang P, Yano S, Yasar C, Yin Z, Yokoyama H, Yoo IK, Yoon JH, Yurchenko V, Yushmanov I, Zaborowska A, Zaccolo V, Zaman A, Zampolli C, Zanoli HJ, Zaporozhets S, Zardoshti N, Zarochentsev A, Závada P, Zaviyalov N, Zbroszczyk H, Zgura IS, Zhalov M, Zhang H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Zhang Z, Zhao C, Zhigareva N, Zhou D, Zhou Y, Zhou Z, Zhu H, Zhu J, Zichichi A, Zimmermann A, Zimmermann MB, Zinovjev G, Zyzak M.
PMID: 27217821
Eur Phys J C Part Fields. 2016;76:245. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4088-7. Epub 2016 Apr 30.

The production of K[Formula: see text](892)[Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text](1020) mesons has been measured in p-Pb collisions at [Formula: see text][Formula: see text] 5.02 TeV. K[Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are reconstructed via their decay...

Fomitellic acids, triterpenoid inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA polymerases from a basidiomycete, fomitella fraxinea .

Journal of natural products

Tanaka N, Kitamura A, Mizushina Y, Sugawara F, Sakaguchi K.
PMID: 9748703
J Nat Prod. 1998 Sep;61(9):1180. doi: 10.1021/np9802926.

No abstract available.

Showing 13 to 24 of 1097 entries