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Restless legs syndrome in 218 patients: associated disorders.

Sleep medicine

Banno K, Delaive K, Walld R, Kryger MH.
PMID: 10828433
Sleep Med. 2000 Jul 01;1(3):221-229. doi: 10.1016/s1389-9457(00)00023-x.

Background: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disorder characterized by disagreeable sensations in the legs that occur at rest and are relieved by movement. These symptoms, which are worse at night, may result in sleep onset or sleep maintenance...

[Studies on HIV patients].

Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain)

Valls R, López C, Argerich MJ, Lacárcel M, del Pino A.
PMID: 9653327
Rev Enferm. 1998 Apr;21(236):76-8.

This article analyzes the data obtained from a series of planned studies run over a two year period of time by a group of nurses while they carried out a health education program with HIV positive patients. This was...

Longitudinal flow of protons from (2-8)A GeV central Au+Au collisions.

Physical review letters

Klay JL, Ajitanand NN, Alexander JM, Anderson MG, Best D, Brady FP, Case T, Caskey W, Cebra D, Chance JL, Chung P, Cole B, Crowe K, Das AC, Draper JE, Gilkes ML, Gushue S, Heffner M, Hirsch AS, Hjort EL, Huo L, Justice M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Kintner JC, Krofcheck D, Lacey RA, Lauret J, Law C, Lisa MA, Liu H, Liu YM, McGrath R, Milosevich Z, Odyniec G, Olson DL, Panitkin SY, Pinkenburg C, Porile NT, Rai G, Ritter HG, Romero JL, Scharenberg R, Schroeder L, Srivastava B, Stone NT, Symons TJ, Wang S, Wells R, Whitfield J, Wienold T, Witt R, Wood L, Zhang WN.
PMID: 11909348
Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Mar 11;88(10):102301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.102301. Epub 2002 Feb 20.

Rapidity distributions of protons from central 197Au+197Au collisions measured by the E895 Collaboration in the energy range from (2-8)A GeV at the Brookhaven AGS are presented. Longitudinal flow parameters derived using a thermal model including collective longitudinal expansion are...

Model-independent source imaging using two-pion correlations in (2 to 8)a GeV Au+Au collisions.

Physical review letters

Panitkin SY, Ajitanand NN, Alexander J, Anderson M, Best D, Brady FP, Case T, Caskey W, Cebra D, Chance J, Chung P, Cole B, Crowe K, Das A, Draper J, Gilkes M, Gushue S, Heffner M, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Huo L, Justice M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Kintner J, Klay J, Krofcheck D, Lacey R, Lauret J, Lisa MA, Liu H, Liu YM, McGrath R, Milosevich Z, Odyniec G, Olson D, Pinkenburg C, Porile N, Rai G, Ritter HG, Romero J, Scharenberg R, Schroeder LS, Srivastava B, Stone NT, Symons TJ, Wang S, Wells R, Whitfield J, Wienold T, Witt R, Wood L, Yang X, Zhang WN, Zhang Y, Brown DA, Danielewicz P.
PMID: 11531518
Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Sep 10;87(11):112304. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.112304. Epub 2001 Aug 24.

We report a particle source imaging analysis based on two-pion correlations in high multiplicity Au+Au collisions at beam energies between 2A and 8A GeV. We apply the imaging technique introduced by Brown and Danielewicz, which allows a model-independent extraction...

Multiplicity distribution and spectra of negatively charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at square root of (sNN) = 130 GeV.

Physical review letters

Adler C, Ahammed Z, Allgower C, Amonett J, Anderson BD, Anderson M, Averichev GS, Balewski J, Barannikova O, Barnby LS, Baudot J, Bekele S, Belaga VV, Bellwied R, Berger J, Bichsel H, Bland LC, Blyth CO, Bonner BE, Bossingham R, Boucham A, Brandin A, Caines H, Calderón De La Barca Sánchez M, Cardenas A, Carroll J, Castillo J, Castro M, Cebra D, Chattopadhyay S, Chen ML, Chen Y, Chernenko SP, Cherney M, Chikanian A, Choi B, Christie W, Coffin JP, Conin L, Cormier TM, Cramer JG, Crawford HJ, DeMello M, Deng WS, Derevschikov AA, Didenko L, Draper JE, Dunin VB, Dunlop JC, Eckardt V, Efimov LG, Emelianov V, Engelage J, Eppley G, Erazmus B, Fachini P, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flierl D, Foley KJ, Fu J, Gagunashvili N, Gans J, Gaudichet L, Germain M, Geurts F, Ghazikhanian V, Grabski J, Grachov O, Greiner D, Grigoriev V, Guedon M, Gushin E, Hallman TJ, Hardtke D, Harris JW, Heffner M, Heppelmann S, Herston T, Hippolyte B, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Hoffmann GW, Horsley M, Huang HZ, Humanic TJ, Hümmler H, Igo G, Ishihara A, Ivanshin YI, Jacobs P, Jacobs WW, Janik M, Johnson I, Jones PG, Judd E, Kaneta M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Kisiel A, Klay J, Klein SR, Klyachko A, Konstantinov AS, Kotchenda L, Kovalenko AD, Kramer M, Kravtsov P, Krueger K, Kuhn C, Kulikov AI, Kunde GJ, Kunz CL, Kutuev RK, Kuznetsov AA, Lakehal-Ayat L, Lamas-Valverde J, Lamont MA, Landgraf JM, Lange S, Lansdell CP, Lasiuk B, Laue F, Lebedev A, LeCompte T, Lednický R, Leontiev VM, Leszczynski P, LeVine MJ, Li Q, Li Q, Lindenbaum SJ, Lisa MA, Ljubicic T, Llope WJ, LoCurto G, Long H, Longacre RS, Lopez-Noriega M, Love WA, Lynn D, Majka R, Maliszewski A, Margetis S, Martin L, Marx J, Matis HS, Matulenko YA, McShane TS, Meissner F, Melnick Y, Meschanin A, Messer M, Miller ML, Milosevich Z, Minaev NG, Mitchell J, Moiseenko VA, Moltz D, Moore CF, Morozov V, de Moura MM, Munhoz MG, Mutchler GS, Nelson JM, Nevski P, Nikitin VA, Nogach LV, Norman B, Nurushev SB, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Okorokov V, Oldenburg M, Olson D, Paic G, Pandey SU, Panebratsev Y, Panitkin SY, Pavlinov AI, Pawlak T, Perevoztchikov V, Peryt W, Petrov VA, Pinganaud W, Platner E, Pluta J, Porile N, Porter J, Poskanzer AM, Potrebenikova E, Prindle D, Pruneau C, Radomski S, Rai G, Ravel O, Ray RL, Razin SV, Reichhold D, Reid JG, Retiere F, Ridiger A, Ritter HG, Roberts JB, Rogachevski OV, Romero JL, Roy C, Russ D, Rykov V, Sakrejda I, Sandweiss J, Saulys AC, Savin I, Schambach J, Scharenberg RP, Schweda K, Schmitz N, Schroeder LS, Schüttauf A, Seger J, Seliverstov D, Seyboth P, Shahaliev E, Shestermanov KE, Shimanskii SS, Shvetcov VS, Skoro G, Smirnov N, Snellings R, Sowinski J, Spinka HM, Srivastava B, Stephenson EJ, Stock R, Stolpovsky A, Strikhanov M, Stringfellow B, Stroebele H, Struck C, Suaide AA, Sugarbaker E, Suire C, Sumbera M, Symons TJ, Szanto De Toledo A, Szarwas P, Takahashi J, Tang AH, Thomas JH, Tikhomirov V, Trainor TA, Trentalange S, Tokarev M, Tonjes MB, Trofimov V, Tsai O, Turner K, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Van Buren G, VanderMolen AM, Vanyashin A, Vasilevski IM, Vasiliev AN, Vigdor SE, Voloshin SA, Wang F, Ward H, Watson JW, Wells R, Wenaus T, Westfall GD, Whitten C, Wieman H, Willson R, Wissink SW, Witt R, Xu N, Xu Z, Yakutin AE, Yamamoto E, Yang J, Yepes P, Yokosawa A, Yurevich VI, Zanevski YV, Zborovský I, Zhang WM, Zoulkarneev R, Zubarev AN.
PMID: 11531517
Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Sep 10;87(11):112303. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.112303. Epub 2001 Aug 23.

The minimum-bias multiplicity distribution and the transverse momentum and pseudorapidity distributions for central collisions have been measured for negative hadrons ( h(-)) in Au+Au interactions at square root of ([s(NN)]) = 130 GeV. The multiplicity density at midrapidity for...

Midrapidity antiproton-to-proton ratio from Au+Au collisions at sqrt [s(NN)]=130 GeV.

Physical review letters

Adler C, Ahammed Z, Allgower C, Anderson M, Averichev GS, Balewski J, Barannikova O, Barnby LS, Baudot J, Bekele S, Belaga VV, Bellwied R, Berger J, Bichsel H, Bland LC, Blyth CO, Bonner BE, Bossingham R, Boucham A, Brandin A, Caines H, de la Barca Sánchez MC, Cardenas A, Carroll J, Castillo J, Castro M, Cebra D, Chattopadhyay S, Chen ML, Chen Y, Chernenko SP, Cherney M, Chikanian A, Choi B, Christie W, Coffin JP, Conin L, Cormier TM, Cramer JG, Crawford HJ, DeMello M, Deng WS, Derevschikov AA, Didenko L, Draper JE, Dunin VB, Dunlop JC, Eckardt V, Efimov LG, Emelianov V, Engelage J, Eppley G, Erazmus B, Fachini P, Ferguson MI, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flierl D, Foley KJ, Gagunashvili N, Gans J, Germain M, Geurts F, Ghazikhanian V, Grabski J, Grachov O, Greiner D, Grigoriev V, Gushin E, Hallman TJ, Hardtke D, Harris JW, Heffner M, Heppelmann S, Herston T, Hippolyte B, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Hoffmann GW, Horsley M, Huang HZ, Humanic TJ, Hümmler H, Igo GJ, Ishihara A, Ivanshin YI, Jacobs P, Jacobs WW, Janik M, Johnson I, Jones PG, Judd E, Kaneta M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Khodinov A, Kisiel A, Klay J, Klein SR, Klyachko A, Konstantinov AS, Kotchenda L, Kovalenko AD, Kramer M, Kravtsov P, Krueger K, Kuhn C, Kulikov AI, Kunde GJ, Kunz CL, Kutuev RK, Kuznetsov AA, Lamas-Valverde J, Lamont MA, Landgraf JM, Lange S, Lansdell CP, Lasiuk B, Laue F, Lebedev A, LeCompte T, Leontiev VM, Leszczynski P, LeVine MJ, Li Q, Li Q, Lindenbaum SJ, Lisa MA, Ljubicic T, Llope WJ, LoCurto G, Long H, Longacre RS, Lopez-Noriega M, Love WA, Lynn D, Madansky L, Majka R, Maliszewski A, Margetis S, Martin L, Marx J, Matis HS, Matulenko YA, McShane TS, Melnick Y, Meschanin A, Milosevich Z, Minaev NG, Mitchell J, Moiseenko VA, Moltz D, Moore CF, Morozov V, de Moura MM, Munhoz MG, Mutchler GS, Nelson JM, Nevski P, Nikitin VA, Nogach LV, Norman B, Nurushev SB, Nystrand J, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Ogilvie CA, Oldenburg M, Olson D, Paic G, Pandey SU, Panebratsev Y, Panitkin SY, Pavlinov AI, Pawlak T, Perevoztchikov V, Peryt W, Petrov VA, Pinganaud W, Platner E, Pluta J, Porile N, Porter J, Poskanzer AM, Potrebenikova E, Prindle D, Pruneau C, Radomski S, Rai G, Ravel O, Ray RL, Razin SV, Reichhold D, Reid J, Retiere F, Ridiger A, Ritter HG, Roberts JB, Rogachevski OV, Roy C, Russ D, Rykov V, Sakrejda I, Sandweiss J, Saulys AC, Savin I, Schambach J, Scharenberg RP, Schmitz N, Schroeder LS, Schüttauf A, Seger J, Seliverstov D, Seyboth P, Shestermanov KE, Shimanskii SS, Shvetcov VS, Skoro G, Smirnov N, Snellings R, Sowinski J, Spinka HM, Srivastava B, Stephenson EJ, Stock R, Stolpovsky A, Strikhanov M, Stringfellow B, Stroebele H, Struck C, Suaide AA, Sugarbaker E, Suire C, Symons TJ, Szanto de Toledo A, Szarwas P, Takahashi J, Tang AH, Thomas JH, Tikhomirov V, Trainor T, Trentalange S, Tokarev M, Tonjes MB, Trofimov V, Tsai O, Turner K, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Van Buren G, VanderMolen AM, Vanyashin A, Vasilevski IM, Vasiliev AN, Vigdor SE, Voloshin SA, Wang F, Ward H, Wells R, Wenaus T, Westfall GD, Whitten C, Wieman H, Willson R, Wissink SW, Witt R, Xu N, Xu Z, Yakutin AE, Yamamoto E, Yang J, Yepes P, Yokosawa A, Yurevich VI, Zanevski YV, Zhang J, Zhang WM, Zoulkarneev R, Zubarev AN.
PMID: 11384346
Phys Rev Lett. 2001 May 21;86(21):4778-82. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.4778.

We report results on the ratio of midrapidity antiproton-to-proton yields in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 130 GeV per nucleon pair as measured by the STAR experiment at RHIC. Within the rapidity and transverse momentum range of /y/

Identified particle distributions in pp and Au+Au collisions at square root of (sNN)=200 GeV.

Physical review letters

Adams J, Adler C, Aggarwal MM, Ahammed Z, Amonett J, Anderson BD, Anderson M, Arkhipkin D, Averichev GS, Badyal SK, Balewski J, Barannikova O, Barnby LS, Baudot J, Bekele S, Belaga VV, Bellwied R, Berger J, Bezverkhny BI, Bhardwaj S, Bhaskar P, Bhati AK, Bichsel H, Billmeier A, Bland LC, Blyth CO, Bonner BE, Botje M, Boucham A, Brandin A, Bravar A, Cadman RV, Cai XZ, Caines H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez M, Carroll J, Castillo J, Castro M, Cebra D, Chaloupka P, Chattopadhyay S, Chen HF, Chen Y, Chernenko SP, Cherney M, Chikanian A, Choi B, Christie W, Coffin JP, Cormier TM, Cramer JG, Crawford HJ, Das D, Das S, Derevschikov AA, Didenko L, Dietel T, Dong X, Draper JE, Du F, Dubey AK, Dunin VB, Dunlop JC, Dutta Majumdar MR, Eckardt V, Efimov LG, Emelianov V, Engelage J, Eppley G, Erazmus B, Estienne M, Fachini P, Faine V, Faivre J, Fatemi R, Filimonov K, Filip P, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flierl D, Foley KJ, Fu J, Gagliardi CA, Ganti MS, Gutierrez TD, Gagunashvili N, Gans J, Gaudichet L, Germain M, Geurts F, Ghazikhanian V, Ghosh P, Gonzalez JE, Grachov O, Grigoriev V, Gronstal S, Grosnick D, Guedon M, Guertin SM, Gupta A, Gushin E, Hallman TJ, Hardtke D, Harris JW, Heinz M, Henry TW, Heppelmann S, Herston T, Hippolyte B, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Hoffmann GW, Horsley M, Huang HZ, Huang SL, Humanic TJ, Igo G, Ishihara A, Jacobs P, Jacobs WW, Janik M, Johnson I, Jones PG, Judd EG, Kabana S, Kaneta M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Kiryluk J, Kisiel A, Klay J, Klein SR, Klyachko A, Koetke DD, Kollegger T, Konstantinov AS, Kopytine M, Kotchenda L, Kovalenko AD, Kramer M, Kravtsov P, Krueger K, Kuhn C, Kulikov AI, Kumar A, Kunde GJ, Kunz CL, Kutuev RKh, Kuznetsov AA, Lamont MA, Landgraf JM, Lange S, Lansdell CP, Lasiuk B, Laue F, Lauret J, Lebedev A, Lednický R, Leontiev VM, LeVine MJ, Li C, Li Q, Lindenbaum SJ, Lisa MA, Liu F, Liu L, Liu Z, Liu QJ, Ljubicic T, Llope WJ, Long H, Longacre RS, Lopez-Noriega M, Love WA, Ludlam T, Lynn D, Ma J, Ma YG, Magestro D, Mahajan S, Mangotra LK, Mahapatra DP, Majka R, Manweiler R, Margetis S, Markert C, Martin L, Marx J, Matis HS, Matulenko YA, McShane TS, Meissner F, Melnick Y, Meschanin A, Messer M, Miller ML, Milosevich Z, Minaev NG, Mironov C, Mishra D, Mitchell J, Mohanty B, Molnar L, Moore CF, Mora-Corral MJ, Morozov V, de Moura MM, Munhoz MG, Nandi BK, Nayak SK, Nayak TK, Nelson JM, Nevski P, Nikitin VA, Nogach LV, Norman B, Nurushev SB, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Okorokov V, Oldenburg M, Olson D, Paic G, Pandey SU, Pal SK, Panebratsev Y, Panitkin SY, Pavlinov AI, Pawlak T, Perevoztchikov V, Peryt W, Petrov VA, Phatak SC, Picha R, Planinic M, Pluta J, Porile N, Porter J, Poskanzer AM, Potekhin M, Potrebenikova E, Potukuchi BV, Prindle D, Pruneau C, Putschke J, Rai G, Rakness G, Raniwala R, Raniwala S, Ravel O, Ray RL, Razin SV, Reichhold D, Reid JG, Renault G, Retiere F, Ridiger A, Ritter HG, Roberts JB, Rogachevski OV, Romero JL, Rose A, Roy C, Ruan LJ, Sahoo R, Sakrejda I, Salur S, Sandweiss J, Savin I, Schambach J, Scharenberg RP, Schmitz N, Schroeder LS, Schweda K, Seger J, Seliverstov D, Seyboth P, Shahaliev E, Shao M, Sharma M, Shestermanov KE, Shimanskii SS, Singaraju RN, Simon F, Skoro G, Smirnov N, Snellings R, Sood G, Sorensen P, Sowinski J, Spinka HM, Srivastava B, Stanislaus S, Stock R, Stolpovsky A, Strikhanov M, Stringfellow B, Struck C, Suaide AA, Sugarbaker E, Suire C, Sumbera M, Surrow B, Symons TJ, de Toledo AS, Szarwas P, Tai A, Takahashi J, Tang AH, Thein D, Thomas JH, Tikhomirov V, Tokarev M, Tonjes MB, Trainor TA, Trentalange S, Tribble RE, Trivedi MD, Trofimov V, Tsai O, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Van Buren G, VanderMolen AM, Vasiliev AN, Vasiliev M, Vigdor SE, Viyogi YP, Voloshin SA, Waggoner W, Wang F, Wang G, Wang XL, Wang ZM, Ward H, Watson JW, Wells R, Westfall GD, Whitten C, Wieman H, Willson R, Wissink SW, Witt R, Wood J, Wu J, Xu N, Xu Z, Xu ZZ, Yakutin AE, Yamamoto E, Yang J, Yepes P, Yurevich VI, Zanevski YV, Zborovský I, Zhang H, Zhang HY, Zhang WM, Zhang ZP, Zołnierczuk PA, Zoulkarneev R, Zoulkarneeva J, Zubarev AN.
PMID: 15089125
Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Mar 19;92(11):112301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.112301. Epub 2004 Mar 18.

Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons, and antiprotons are reported for square root of [sNN]=200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at Relativistic Heary Ion Collider (RHIC). Chemical and kinetic equilibrium model fits to our...

Assessing outcomes of health and medical research: do we measure what counts or count what we can measure?.

Australia and New Zealand health policy

Wells R, Whitworth JA.
PMID: 17597545
Aust New Zealand Health Policy. 2007 Jun 28;4:14. doi: 10.1186/1743-8462-4-14.

Governments world wide are increasingly demanding outcome measures to evaluate research investment. Health and medical research outputs can be considered as gains in knowledge, wealth and health. Measurement of the impacts of research on health are difficult, particularly within...

Response of soybean photosynthesis and chloroplast membrane function to canopy development and mutual shading.

Plant physiology

Burkey KO, Wells R.
PMID: 16668377
Plant Physiol. 1991 Sep;97(1):245-52. doi: 10.1104/pp.97.1.245.

The effect of natural shading on photosynthetic capacity and chloroplast thylakoid membrane function was examined in soybean (Glycine max. cv Young) under field conditions using a randomized complete block design. Seedlings were thinned to 15 plants per square meter...

Risk, trust, and safety culture in U.K. train operating companies.

Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis

Jeffcott S, Pidgeon N, Weyman A, Walls J.
PMID: 17054519
Risk Anal. 2006 Oct;26(5):1105-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2006.00819.x.

Organizational safety culture reflects the attitudes and behaviors that individuals share in considering and reacting to hazards and risks. We first argue that trust is an underdeveloped and important concept in relation to theories of safety culture and high-reliability...

Canopy photosynthesis and its relationship to plant productivity in near-isogenic cotton lines differing in leaf morphology.

Plant physiology

Wells R, Meredith WR, Williford JR.
PMID: 16665085
Plant Physiol. 1986 Nov;82(3):635-40. doi: 10.1104/pp.82.3.635.

A 2-year study was conducted to determine the relationships between plant canopy photosynthesis, canopy light interception, and plant productivity of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) exhibiting differing leaf morphologies. The near-isogenic lines were from a single background (MD 65-11) and...

Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations at large transverse momenta in p + p and Au + Au collisions at square root sNN=200 GeV.

Physical review letters

Adams J, Aggarwal MM, Ahammed Z, Amonett J, Anderson BD, Arkhipkin D, Averichev GS, Badyal SK, Bai Y, Balewski J, Barannikova O, Barnby LS, Baudot J, Bekele S, Belaga VV, Bellwied R, Berger J, Bezverkhny BI, Bharadwaj S, Bhasin A, Bhati AK, Bhatia VS, Bichsel H, Billmeier A, Bland LC, Blyth CO, Bonner BE, Botje M, Boucham A, Brandin AV, Bravar A, Bystersky M, Cadman RV, Cai XZ, Caines H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez M, Carroll J, Castillo J, Cebra D, Chajecki Z, Chaloupka P, Chattopdhyay S, Chen HF, Chen Y, Cheng J, Cherney M, Chikanian A, Christie W, Coffin JP, Cormier TM, Cramer JG, Crawford HJ, Das D, Das S, de Moura MM, Derevschikov AA, Didenko L, Dietel T, Dogra SM, Dong WJ, Dong X, Draper JE, Du F, Dubey AK, Dunin VB, Dunlop JC, Dutta Mazumdar MR, Eckardt V, Edwards WR, Efimov LG, Emelianov V, Engelage J, Eppley G, Erazmus B, Estienne M, Fachini P, Faivre J, Fatemi R, Fedorisin J, Filimonov K, Filip P, Finch E, Fine V, Fisyak Y, Foley KJ, Fomenko K, Fu J, Gagliardi CA, Gans J, Ganti MS, Gaudichet L, Geurts F, Ghazikhanian V, Ghosh P, Gonzalez JE, Grachov O, Grebenyuk O, Grosnick D, Guertin SM, Guo Y, Gupta A, Gutierrez TD, Hallman TJ, Hamed A, Hardtke D, Harris JW, Heinz M, Henry TW, Hepplemann S, Hippolyte B, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Hoffmann GW, Huang HZ, Huang SL, Hughes EW, Humanic TJ, Igo G, Ishihara A, Jacobs P, Jacobs WW, Janik M, Jiang H, Jones PG, Judd EG, Kabana S, Kang K, Kaplan M, Keane D, Khodyrev VY, Kiryluk J, Kisiel A, Kislov EM, Klay J, Klein SR, Klyachko A, Koetke DD, Kollegger T, Kopytine M, Kotchenda L, Kramer M, Kravtsov P, Kravtsov VI, Krueger K, Kuhn C, Kulikov AI, Kumar A, Kunz CL, Kutuev RKh, Kuznetsov AA, Lamont MA, Landgraf JM, Lange S, Laue F, Lauret J, Lebedev A, Lednicky R, Lehocka S, LeVine MJ, Li C, Li Q, Li Y, Lindenbaum SJ, Lisa MA, Liu F, Liu L, Liu QJ, Liu Z, Ljubicic T, Llope WJ, Long H, Longacre RS, Lopez-Noriega M, Love WA, Lu Y, Ludlam T, Lynn D, Ma GL, Ma JG, Ma YG, Magestro D, Mahajan S, Mahapatra DP, Majka R, Mangotra LK, Manweiler R, Margetis S, Markert C, Martin L, Marx JN, Matis HS, Matulenko YA, McClain CJ, McShane TS, Meissner F, Melnick Y, Meschanin A, Miller ML, Milosevich Z, Minaev NG, Mironov C, Mischke A, Mishra DK, Mitchell J, Mohanty B, Molnar L, Moore CF, Morozov DA, Munhoz MG, Nandi BK, Nayak SK, Nayak TK, Nelson JM, Netrakanti PK, Nikitin VA, Nogach LV, Nurushev SB, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Okorokov V, Oldenburg M, Olson D, Pal SK, Panebratsev Y, Panitkin SY, Pavlinov AI, Pawlak T, Peitzmann T, Perevoztchikov V, Perkins C, Peryt W, Petrov VA, Phatak SC, Picha R, Planinic M, Pluta J, Porile N, Porter J, Poskanzer AM, Potekhin M, Potrebenikova E, Potukuchi BV, Prindle D, Pruneau C, Putschke J, Rai G, Rakness G, Raniwala R, Raniwala S, Ravel O, Ray RL, Razin SV, Reichhold D, Reid JG, Renault G, Retiere F, Ridiger A, Ritter HG, Roberts JB, Rogachevskiy OV, Romero JL, Rose A, Roy C, Ruan L, Sahoo R, Sakrejda I, Salur S, Sandweiss J, Savin I, Sazhin PS, Schambach J, Scharenberg RP, Schmitz N, Schroeder LS, Schweda K, Seger J, Seyboth P, Shahaliev E, Shao M, Shao W, Sharma M, Shen WQ, Shestermanov KE, Shimanskiy SS, Sichtermann E, Simon F, Singaraju RN, Skoro G, Smirnov N, Snellings R, Sood G, Sorensen P, Sowinski J, Speltz J, Spinka HM, Srivastava B, Stadnik A, Stanislaus TD, Stock R, Stolpovsky A, Strikhanov M, Stringfellow B, Suaide AA, Sugarbaker E, Suire C, Sumbera M, Surrow B, Symons TJ, Szanto de Toledo A, Szarwas P, Tai A, Takahashi J, Tang AH, Tarnowsky T, Thein D, Thomas JH, Timoshenko S, Tokarev M, Trentalange S, Tribble RE, Tsai OD, Ulery J, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Urkinbaev A, Van Buren G, van Leeuwen M, Vander Molen AM, Varma R, Vasilevski IM, Vasiliev AN, Vernet R, Vigdor SE, Viyogi YP, Vokal S, Voloshin SA, Vznuzdaev M, Waggoner WT, Wang F, Wang G, Wang G, Wang XL, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang ZM, Ward H, Watson JW, Webb JC, Wells R, Westfall GD, Wetzler A, Whitten C, Wieman H, Wissink SW, Witt R, Wood J, Wu J, Xu N, Xu Z, Xu ZZ, Yamamoto E, Yepes P, Yurevich VI, Zanevsky YV, Zhang H, Zhang WM, Zhang ZP, Zolnierczuk PA, Zoulkarneev R, Zoulkarneeva Y, Zubarev AN.
PMID: 15697893
Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Dec 17;93(25):252301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.252301. Epub 2004 Dec 15.

Results on high transverse momentum charged particle emission with respect to the reaction plane are presented for Au + Au collisions at square root s(NN)=200 GeV. Two- and four-particle correlations results are presented as well as a comparison of...

Showing 25 to 36 of 509 entries