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The Utility of Lower Extremity Screening Duplex for the Detection of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Trauma.

The Journal of surgical research

Teichman AL, Walls D, Choron RL, Butts CA, Krumrei N, Amro C, Swaminathan S, Arcomano N, Parekh A, Romeo P.
PMID: 34563841
J Surg Res. 2022 Jan;269:151-157. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2021.08.010. Epub 2021 Sep 23.

BACKGROUND: Trauma patients are high-risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). Lower extremity screening duplex ultrasonography (LESDUS) is controversial and not standardized for early VTE diagnosis. By implementing risk stratification and selective screening, we aim to optimize resource utilization.MATERIALS AND METHODS:...

Erratum: Azimuthal Anisotropy at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider: The First and Fourth Harmonics [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 062301 (2004)].

Physical review letters

Adams J, Adler C, Aggarwal MM, Ahammed Z, Amonett J, Anderson BD, Anderson M, Arkhipkin D, Averichev GS, Badyal SK, Balewski J, Barannikova O, Barnby LS, Baudot J, Bekele S, Belaga VV, Bellwied R, Berger J, Bezverkhny BI, Bhardwaj S, Bhaskar P, Bhati AK, Bichsel H, Billmeier A, Bland LC, Blyth CO, Bonner BE, Botje M, Boucham A, Brandin A, Bravar A, Cadman RV, Cai XZ, Caines H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez M, Carroll J, Castillo J, Castro M, Cebra D, Chaloupka P, Chattopadhyay S, Chen HF, Chen Y, Chernenko SP, Cherney M, Chikanian A, Choi B, Christie W, Coffin JP, Cormier TM, Cramer JG, Crawford HJ, Csanád M, Das D, Das S, Derevschikov AA, Didenko L, Dietel T, Dong WJ, Dong X, Draper JE, Du F, Dubey AK, Dunin VB, Dunlop JC, Dutta Majumdar MR, Eckardt V, Efimov LG, Emelianov V, Engelage J, Eppley G, Erazmus B, Estienne M, Fachini P, Faine V, Faivre J, Fatemi R, Filimonov K, Filip P, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flierl D, Foley KJ, Fu J, Gagliardi CA, Gagunashvili N, Gans J, Ganti MS, Gaudichet L, Germain M, Geurts F, Ghazikhanian V, Ghosh P, Gonzalez JE, Grachov O, Grigoriev V, Gronstal S, Grosnick D, Guedon M, Guertin SM, Gupta A, Gushin E, Gutierrez TD, Hallman TJ, Hardtke D, Harris JW, Heinz M, Henry TW, Heppelmann S, Herston T, Hippolyte B, Hirsch A, Hjort E, Hoffmann GW, Horsley M, Huang HZ, Huang SL, Humanic TJ, Igo G, Ishihara A, Jacobs P, Jacobs WW, Janik M, Jiang H, Johnson I, Jones PG, Judd EG, Kabana S, Kaneta M, Kaplan M, Keane D, Khodyrev VY, Kiryluk J, Kisiel A, Klay J, Klein SR, Klyachko A, Koetke DD, Kollegger T, Kopytine M, Kotchenda L, Kovalenko AD, Kramer M, Kravtsov P, Kravtsov VI, Krueger K, Kuhn C, Kulikov AI, Kumar A, Kunde GJ, Kunz CL, Kutuev RK, Kuznetsov AA, Lamont MAC, Landgraf JM, Lange S, Lansdell CP, Lasiuk B, Laue F, Lauret J, Lebedev A, Lednický R, LeVine MJ, Li C, Li Q, Lindenbaum SJ, Lisa MA, Liu F, Liu L, Liu Z, Liu QJ, Ljubicic T, Llope WJ, Long H, Longacre RS, Lopez-Noriega M, Love WA, Ludlam T, Lynn D, Ma J, Ma R, Ma YG, Magestro D, Mahajan S, Mangotra LK, Mahapatra DP, Majka R, Manweiler R, Margetis S, Markert C, Martin L, Marx J, Matis HS, Matulenko YA, McShane TS, Meissner F, Melnick Y, Meschanin A, Messer M, Miller ML, Milosevich Z, Minaev NG, Mironov C, Mishra D, Mitchell J, Mohanty B, Molnar L, Moore CF, Mora-Corral MJ, Morozov DA, Morozov V, de Moura MM, Munhoz MG, Nandi BK, Nayak SK, Nayak TK, Nelson JM, Nevski P, Niida T, Nikitin VA, Nogach LV, Norman B, Nurushev SB, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Okorokov V, Oldenburg M, Olson D, Paic G, Pandey SU, Pal SK, Panebratsev Y, Panitkin SY, Pavlinov AI, Pawlak T, Perevoztchikov V, Perkins C, Peryt W, Petrov VA, Phatak SC, Picha R, Planinic M, Pluta J, Porile N, Porter J, Poskanzer AM, Potekhin M, Potrebenikova E, Potukuchi BVKS, Prindle D, Pruneau C, Putschke J, Rai G, Rakness G, Raniwala R, Raniwala S, Ravel O, Ray RL, Razin SV, Reichhold D, Reid JG, Renault G, Retiere F, Ridiger A, Ritter HG, Roberts JB, Rogachevski OV, Romero JL, Rose A, Roy C, Ruan LJ, Sahoo R, Sakrejda I, Salur S, Sandweiss J, Savin I, Schambach J, Scharenberg RP, Schmitz N, Schroeder LS, Schweda K, Seger J, Seliverstov D, Seyboth P, Shahaliev E, Shao M, Sharma M, Shestermanov KE, Shimanskii SS, Singaraju RN, Simon F, Skoro G, Smirnov N, Snellings R, Sood G, Sorensen P, Sowinski J, Spinka HM, Srivastava B, Stanislaus S, Stock R, Stolpovsky A, Strikhanov M, Stringfellow B, Struck C, Suaide AAP, Sugarbaker E, Suire C, Šumbera M, Surrow B, Symons TJM, Szanto de Toledo A, Szarwas P, Tai A, Takahashi J, Tang AH, Thein D, Thomas JH, Tikhomirov V, Todoroki T, Tokarev M, Tonjes MB, Trainor TA, Trentalange S, Tribble RE, Trivedi MD, Trofimov V, Tsai O, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Van Buren G, VanderMolen AM, Vasiliev AN, Vasiliev M, Vigdor SE, Viyogi YP, Voloshin SA, Waggoner W, Wang F, Wang G, Wang XL, Wang ZM, Ward H, Watson JW, Wells R, Westfall GD, Whitten C, Wieman H, Willson R, Wissink SW, Witt R, Wood J, Wu J, Xu N, Xu Z, Xu ZZ, Yamamoto E, Yepes P, Yurevich VI, Zanevski YV, Zborovský I, Zhang H, Zhang WM, Zhang ZP, Żołnierczuk PA, Zoulkarneev R, Zoulkarneeva J, Zubarev AN.
PMID: 34420354
Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Aug 06;127(6):069901. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.069901.

This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.062301.

Are citizen juries and assemblies on climate change driving democratic climate policymaking? An exploration of two case studies in the UK.

Climatic change

Wells R, Howarth C, Brand-Correa LI.
PMID: 34548720
Clim Change. 2021;168(1):5. doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03218-6. Epub 2021 Sep 16.

In light of increasing pressure to deliver climate action targets and the growing role of citizens in raising the importance of the issue, deliberative democratic processes (e.g. citizen juries and citizen assemblies) on climate change are increasingly being used...

Efforts at broadening participation in the sciences: An examination of the mentoring experiences of students from underrepresented groups.

Wilson J, Walls M, Clarke B, Prunuske A, Marrin H.
UIID-AD: 3738
2016; doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-01-0024.

With the primary objective of attracting and retaining students from underrepresented backgrounds in the sciences, evaluation of one institution’s program has been ongoing over the past three years. Interviews with mentors in the program followed by focus groups conducted...

Experiences of Mentors Training Underrepresented Undergraduates in the Research Laboratory.

Prunuske AJ, Wilson J, Walls M, Clarke B.
UIID-AD: 1143
2013;12:403-409. doi: 10.1187/cbe.13-02-0043.

Successfully recruiting students from underrepresented groups to pursue biomedical science research careers continues to be a challenge. Early exposure to scientific research is often cited as a powerful means to attract research scholars with the research mentor being critical...

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