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Showing 61 to 68 of 68 entries
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The third millennium--a renaissance for nursing?.

Axone (Dartmouth, N.S.)

Duff D.
PMID: 11901494
Axone. 2000 Sep;22(1):6.

No abstract available.

[Which direction, please, to the future?].

Pflege Zeitschrift

Heinemeyer C.
PMID: 21845889
Pflege Z. 2011 Jul;64(7):385.

No abstract available.

Our Role as Advocate for the Nursing Professional Development Specialty.

Journal for nurses in professional development

Harper MG, Maloney P.
PMID: 28252493
J Nurses Prof Dev. 2017 Mar/Apr;33(2):99-101. doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000332.

No abstract available.

"Recognise the value of all roles in nursing".

Nursing times

Middleton J.
PMID: 23488327
Nurs Times. 2012 Nov 27-Dec 3;108(48):1.

No abstract available.

The past decade--the future decade: three viewpoints. Nursing: the fight for greater freedom.

Emergency medical services

Prado M.
PMID: 10245124
Emerg Med Serv. 1980 Jan-Feb;9(1):11, 14-5.

No abstract available.

New technology forces hospitals to recognize need for radiology nurse.

Modern healthcare

Woods ML.
PMID: 10248114
Mod Healthc. 1980 Sep;10(9):120.

No abstract available.

Presidential perspectives: building our preferred future.

ORL-head and neck nursing : official journal of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses

Luther AP.
PMID: 11153354
ORL Head Neck Nurs. 2000;18(3):4-6.

No abstract available.

Lead and Influence.

Journal for nurses in professional development

Lang NM.
PMID: 29570116
J Nurses Prof Dev. 2018 May/Jun;34(3):171-172. doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000443.

No abstract available.

Showing 61 to 68 of 68 entries