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Identification and characterization of a new gene of Escherichia coli K-12 involved in outer membrane permeability


Misra R, Benson SA.
BA Sampson, R Misra, SA Benson - Genetics, 1989 -

… DESHPANDE, 1985 New cysE-pyrElinked rfa mutation in Escherichia coli K-12 that result in a heptoseless lipopolysaccharide. J. Bacteriol… REEVES, 1975 Genetics of resistance to colcins in Escherichia coli K-12: cross-resistance among colicins of group AJ Bacteriol. 123: 102-…

What factors contribute to postabortion contraceptive uptake by young women? A program evaluation in 10 countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

program evaluation

Benson J.
GSID: f-W9BoAlhQwJ
J Benson, K Andersen, J Healy… - Global Health: Science …, 2017 -

Background: Unintended pregnancy disproportionately affects young women and adolescents in developing countries. The abortion care setting offers a unique opportunity for adolescents and young women to access a full range of contraceptive services. This evaluation …

Most of the people . . . most of the time.


Benson RA.
PMID: 986531
MH. 1976;60(1):10-3.

No abstract available.

Rapid Multiplexed Immunoassay for Detection of Antibodies to Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus.

PloS one

Logan C, Todorof K, Fiorillo SP, Campbell TB, Elder JH, Borok M, Gudza I, Gwanzura L, Ndemera B, Lochhead MJ, Benson CA, Schooley RT.
PMID: 27669509
PLoS One. 2016 Sep 26;11(9):e0163616. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163616. eCollection 2016.

Diagnosis of KSHV-infected individuals remains a challenge. KSHV prevalence is high in several populations with high prevalence of HIV, leading to increased risk of development of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). While current assays are reliable for detecting antibodies to KSHV,...

A Historical View of Motion Sickness-A Plague at Sea and on Land, Also with Military Impact.

Frontiers in neurology

Huppert D, Benson J, Brandt T.
PMID: 28421029
Front Neurol. 2017 Apr 04;8:114. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00114. eCollection 2017.

Seasickness and its triggers, symptoms, and preventive measures were well known in antiquity. This chapter is based on an analysis of descriptions of motion sickness, in particular seasickness, in ancient Greek, Roman, and Chinese literature. A systematic search was...

Poster 20 Impact of a Structured Rehabilitation Protocol on Hernia Recurrence after Operative Repair.

PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation

Pezeshk RA, Yap LA, Pulikkottil BJ, Mapula S, Schaffer NE, Scott KM, Gordon P, Hoxworth RE.
PMID: 27672789
PM R. 2016 Sep;8(9):S167. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.07.063. Epub 2016 Sep 24.

No abstract available.

Production of monodisperse silica gel microspheres for bioencapsulation by extrusion into an oil cross-flow.

Journal of microencapsulation

Benson JJ, Wackett LP, Aksan A.
PMID: 27358010
J Microencapsul. 2016 Aug;33(5):412-420. doi: 10.1080/02652048.2016.1202346. Epub 2016 Jun 29.

Silica gel microspheres are ideal materials for bioencapsulation due to their mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and stability. Encapsulated cells are isolated from the environment and protected from predators, changes in pH, and osmotic stress. However methods for the production of...

Erratum: "A novel perfused Bloch-McConnell simulator for analyzing the accuracy of dynamic hyperpolarized MRS" [Med. Phys. V43, 854-864(2016)].

Medical physics

Walker CM, Chen Y, Lai SY, Bankson JA.
PMID: 29027239
Med Phys. 2017 Oct;44(10):5539. doi: 10.1002/mp.12395. Epub 2017 Jul 18.

No abstract available.

Evaluation of a metal artifact reduction technique in tonsillar cancer delineation.

Practical radiation oncology

Abelson JA, Murphy JD, Wiegner EA, Abelson D, Sandman DN, Boas FE, Hristov D, Fleischmann D, Daly ME, Chang DT, Loo BW, Hara W, Le QT.
PMID: 24674033
Pract Radiat Oncol. 2012 Jan-Mar;2(1):27-34. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2011.06.004. Epub 2011 Jul 20.

PURPOSE: Metal artifacts can degrade computed tomographic (CT) simulation imaging and impair accurate delineation of tumors for radiation treatment planning purposes. We investigated a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine-based metal artifact reduction technique in tonsillar cancer delineation.METHODS AND...

Lateral Abdominal Wall Defects: The Importance of Anatomy and Technique for a Successful Repair.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Pulikkottil BJ, Pezeshk RA, Daniali LN, Bailey SH, Mapula S, Hoxworth RE.
PMID: 26495194
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 Aug 18;3(8):e481. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000439. eCollection 2015 Aug.

Flank and lateral abdominal wall defects can be an extremely challenging phenomenon for surgeons to undertake. Their rarity and specific idiosyncrasies in regard to embryologic and anatomical characteristics must be taken into consideration when formulating an operative plan. We...

Assessment of toxicity and biodistribution of recombinant AAV8 vector-mediated immunomodulatory gene therapy in mice with Pompe disease.

Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development

Wang G, Young SP, Bali D, Hutt J, Li S, Benson J, Koeberl DD.
PMID: 26015962
Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2014 Jun 11;1:14018. doi: 10.1038/mtm.2014.18. eCollection 2014.

A preclinical safety study was conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term toxicity of a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 8 (AAV2/8) vector that has been developed as an immune-modulatory adjunctive therapy to recombinant human acid α-glucosidase (rhGAA, Myozyme) enzyme...

An Epidemiologic Approach to the Study of Aerosolized Florida Red Tides.

Harmful algae 2002 : proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, October 21-25, 2002. International Conference on Harmful Algae (10th : 2002 : St. Pete Beach, Florida)

Fleming LE, Backer LC, Kirkpatrick B, Clark R, Dalpra D, Johnson DR, Bean JA, Cheng YS, Benson J, Squicciarrini D, Abraham WM, Pierce R, Zaias J, Naar J, Weisman R, Bossart G, Campbell S, Wanner A, Harrington M, Van De Bogart G, Baden DG.
PMID: 26436145
Harmful Algae 2002 (2002). 2004;10:508-510.

Very little has been published in the scientific literature on the human health effects of Florida red tide, either as human clinical case reports or formal epidemiologic studies. In addition to the health effects associated with the ingestion of...

Showing 1 to 12 of 423 entries