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A False Positive I-131 Metastatic Survey Caused by Radioactive Iodine Uptake by a Benign Thymic Cyst.

Case reports in endocrinology

Singh AK, Bodolan AA, Gilbert MP.
PMID: 29423324
Case Rep Endocrinol. 2017;2017:6469015. doi: 10.1155/2017/6469015. Epub 2017 Dec 20.

Thyroid carcinoma is the most common endocrine malignancy in the United States with increasing incidence and diagnosis but stable mortality. Differentiated thyroid cancer rarely presents with distant metastases and is associated with a low risk of morbidity and mortality....

Correlation between changes in intraocular pressure and refractive error indices post Cataract Surgery.

Pakistan journal of medical sciences

Bodla MA, Bodla AA, Moazzam A, Tariq N.
PMID: 32292474
Pak J Med Sci. 2020 Mar-Apr;36(3):574-577. doi: 10.12669/pjms.36.3.1597.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between refractive errors and change in intraocular pressure in patients undergoing cataract surgery.METHODS: This interventional retrospective case study was carried out from September 2018 to April 2019 at Bodla Eye Care and Multan Medical...

Identity Leadership, Employee Burnout and the Mediating Role of Team Identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project.

International journal of environmental research and public health

van Dick R, Cordes BL, Lemoine JE, Steffens NK, Haslam SA, Akfirat SA, Ballada CJA, Bazarov T, Aruta JJBR, Avanzi L, Bodla AA, Bunjak A, Černe M, Dumont KB, Edelmann CM, Epitropaki O, Fransen K, García-Ael C, Giessner S, Gleibs IH, Godlewska-Werner D, González R, Kark R, Laguia Gonzalez A, Lam H, Lipponen J, Lupina-Wegener A, Markovits Y, Maskor M, Molero F, Monzani L, Moriano Leon JA, Neves P, Orosz G, Pandey D, Retowski S, Roland-Lévy C, Samekin A, Schuh S, Sekiguchi T, Song LJ, Story J, Stouten J, Sultanova L, Tatachari S, Valdenegro D, van Bunderen L, Van Dijk D, Wong SI, Youssef F, Zhang XA, Kerschreiter R.
PMID: 34831833
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Nov 17;18(22). doi: 10.3390/ijerph182212081.

Do leaders who build a sense of shared social identity in their teams thereby protect them from the adverse effects of workplace stress? This is a question that the present paper explores by testing the hypothesis that identity leadership...

Liquid-core, liquid-cladding photonic crystal fibers.

Optics express

De Matos CJ, Cordeiro CM, Dos Santos EM, Ong JS, Bozolan A, Brito Cruz CH.
PMID: 19547475
Opt Express. 2007 Sep 03;15(18):11207-12. doi: 10.1364/oe.15.011207.

We experimentally demonstrate a simple and novel technique to simultaneously insert a liquid into the core of a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and a different liquid into its cladding. The result is a liquid-core, liquid-cladding waveguide in which...

An Exploratory Study of Police Officers' Perceptions of Health Risk, Work Stress, and Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Outbreak in China.

Frontiers in psychology

Huang Q, Bodla AA, Chen C.
PMID: 33868096
Front Psychol. 2021 Mar 19;12:632970. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.632970. eCollection 2021.

BACKGROUND: How do the police officers perceive health risk, psychological distress, and work stress during the COVID-19 outbreak in China? This study explores the health risk perception, work stress, and psychological distress of police officers who worked at the...

Identity Leadership, Employee Burnout and the Mediating Role of Team Identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project.

International journal of environmental research and public health

van Dick R, Cordes BL, Lemoine JE, Steffens NK, Haslam SA, Akfirat SA, Ballada CJA, Bazarov T, Aruta JJBR, Avanzi L, Bodla AA, Bunjak A, Černe M, Dumont KB, Edelmann CM, Epitropaki O, Fransen K, García-Ael C, Giessner S, Gleibs IH, Godlewska-Werner D, González R, Kark R, Laguia Gonzalez A, Lam H, Lipponen J, Lupina-Wegener A, Markovits Y, Maskor M, Molero F, Monzani L, Moriano Leon JA, Neves P, Orosz G, Pandey D, Retowski S, Roland-Lévy C, Samekin A, Schuh S, Sekiguchi T, Song LJ, Story J, Stouten J, Sultanova L, Tatachari S, Valdenegro D, van Bunderen L, Van Dijk D, Wong SI, Youssef F, Zhang XA, Kerschreiter R.
PMID: 34831833
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Nov 17;18(22). doi: 10.3390/ijerph182212081.

Do leaders who build a sense of shared social identity in their teams thereby protect them from the adverse effects of workplace stress? This is a question that the present paper explores by testing the hypothesis that identity leadership...

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries