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Sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor (S1p1), a critical receptor controlling human lymphocyte trafficking, is expressed in hen and human ovaries and ovarian tumors.

Journal of ovarian research

Bradaric MJ, Barua A, Penumatsa K, Yi Y, Edassery SL, Sharma S, Abramowicz JS, Bahr JM, Luborsky JL.
PMID: 21356044
J Ovarian Res. 2011 Feb 28;4(1):4. doi: 10.1186/1757-2215-4-4.

BACKGROUND: Sphingosine-1 receptor 1 (S1P1) plays a major role in regulating lymphocyte egress from peripheral lymph tissue. Lymphocyte trafficking is potentially a critical response to tumors and to tumor vaccines. Also, the receptor has been shown to influence metastasis....

[Endovascular Revascularization for Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Experience from a Dedicated Clinic].

Revista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-toracica e vascular : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Toracica e Vascular

da Silva S, Vasconcelos J, Maia M, Vidoedo JC, Dantas MJ, Cruz A, Almeida Pinto J.
PMID: 28889706
Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc. 2016 Jan-Jun;23(1):55-62.

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the outcome of endovascular revascularization in Diabetic patients with Fontaine stage IV chronic ischaemia, at our Diabetic Foot Clinic. Primary outcomes were ulcer healing, major amputation and limb salvage.METHODS: Retrospective single center analysis of...

Topic: Incisional Hernia - "Easy case" as daily case: open vs lap, where the mesh, which fixation…in center midline cases.

Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery

García-Ureña M, López-Monclús J, Blázquez LA, Robín A, Castellón C, López P, Palencia N, Melero D, Cruz A, Jiménez C, Becerra R, González E, Aguilera A, Moreno A, Esther Q, Luis PJ, Josefa CM, Teresa AM, Sol V, Beatriz R, Alberto M, Oscar B, Carlos SC, Crespi M, Colombo F, Troci A, Foschi D.
PMID: 26518845
Hernia. 2015 Apr;19:S354. doi: 10.1007/BF03355390.

No abstract available.

Marination of deep-water pink shrimp with rosemary extract and the determination of its shelf-life.

Food chemistry

Cadun A, Kışla D, Çaklı Ş.
PMID: 26054267
Food Chem. 2008 Jul 01;109(1):81-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.12.021. Epub 2007 Dec 23.

The effect of the antioxidant activity of rosemary extract on marinated deep-water pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris Lucas, 1846) stored at 1°C was investigated. Chemical, physical, instrumental, microbiological and sensory analyses were performed to investigate the quality changes and to...

Contextual Modulation of Vocal Behavior in Mouse: Newly Identified 12 kHz "Mid-Frequency" Vocalization Emitted during Restraint.

Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience

Grimsley JM, Sheth S, Vallabh N, Grimsley CA, Bhattal J, Latsko M, Jasnow A, Wenstrup JJ.
PMID: 27014000
Front Behav Neurosci. 2016 Mar 09;10:38. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00038. eCollection 2016.

While several studies have investigated mouse ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) emitted by isolated pups or by males in mating contexts, studies of behavioral contexts other than mating and vocalization categories other than USVs have been limited. By improving our understanding...

Removing transurethral catheter on postoperative day 2 after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: towards a new standard?.

Minerva urologica e nefrologica = The Italian journal of urology and nephrology

Brassetti A, Emiliozzi P, Cardi A, DE Vico A, Iannello A, Scapellato A, Riga T, Pansadoro A, D'Elia G.
PMID: 28651426
Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2018 Feb;70(1):102-103. doi: 10.23736/S0393-2249.17.02917-4. Epub 2017 Jun 23.

No abstract available.

Amphibians and Reptiles of the state of Nuevo León, Mexico.


Lemos-Espinal JA, Smith GR, Cruz A.
PMID: 27408562
Zookeys. 2016 May 30;(594):123-41. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.594.8289. eCollection 2016.

We compiled a check list of the herpetofauna of Nuevo León. We documented 132 species (23 amphibians, 109 reptiles), representing 30 families (11 amphibians, 19 reptiles) and 73 genera (17 amphibians, 56 reptiles). Only two species are endemic to...

[Discriminant analysis to predict the clinical diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies: a preliminary report].

Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico : 1993)

Murata C, Ramírez AB, Ramírez G, Cruz A, Morales JL, Lugo-Reyes SO.
PMID: 25958376
Rev Alerg Mex. 2015 Apr-Jun;62(2):125-33.

BACKGROUND: The features in a clinical history from a patient with suspected primary immunodeficiency (PID) direct the differential diagnosis through pattern recognition. PIDs are a heterogeneous group of more than 250 congenital diseases with increased susceptibility to infection, inflammation,...

Human iPSC for Therapeutic Approaches to the Nervous System: Present and Future Applications.

Stem cells international

Cefalo MG, Carai A, Miele E, Po A, Ferretti E, Mastronuzzi A, Germano IM.
PMID: 26697076
Stem Cells Int. 2016;2016:4869071. doi: 10.1155/2016/4869071. Epub 2015 Nov 30.

Many central nervous system (CNS) diseases including stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), and brain tumors are a significant cause of worldwide morbidity/mortality and yet do not have satisfying treatments. Cell-based therapy to restore lost function or to carry new...

The plague.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Camus A.
PMID: 10995620
Acad Med. 2000 Sep;75(9):945. doi: 10.1097/00001888-200009000-00020.

No abstract available.

Reactivity of some novel multifunctional benzoyl esters towards nucleophiles investigated by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.

Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM

Augusti DV, Carazza F, Okuma AA, Augusti R.
PMID: 12720290
Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2003;17(10):1084-8. doi: 10.1002/rcm.996.

No abstract available.

Search for [corrected] B0(s) --> mu+ mu- and B0(d) [corrected] --> mu + mu- decays in pp collisions with CDF II.

Physical review letters

Abulencia A, Acosta D, Adelman J, Affolder T, Akimoto T, Albrow MG, Ambrose D, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Anikeev K, Annovi A, Antos J, Aoki M, Apollinari G, Arguin JF, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Ashmanskas W, Attal A, Azfar F, Azzi-Bacchetta P, Azzurri P, Bacchetta N, Bachacou H, Badgett W, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Baroiant S, Bartsch V, Bauer G, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Belforte S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Belloni A, Ben-Haim E, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Beringer J, Berry T, Bhatti A, Binkley M, Bisello D, Bishai M, Blair RE, Blocker C, Bloom K, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Boisvert V, Bolla G, Bolshov A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Bourov S, Boveia A, Brau B, Bromberg C, Brubaker E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Budd S, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Byrum KL, Cabrera S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Canepa A, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carron S, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chang SH, Chapman J, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho I, Cho K, Chokheli D, Chou JP, Chu PH, Chuang SH, Chung K, Chung WH, Chung YS, Ciljak M, Ciobanu CI, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clark D, Coca M, Connolly A, Convery ME, Conway J, Cooper B, Copic K, Cordelli M, Cortiana G, Cruz A, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Cyr D, DaRonco S, D'Auria S, D'onofrio M, Dagenhart D, de Barbaro P, De Cecco S, Deisher A, De Lentdecker G, Dell'Orso M, Demers S, Demortier L, Deng J, Deninno M, De Pedis D, Derwent PF, Dionisi C, Dittmann J, DiTuro P, Dörr C, Dominguez A, Donati S, Donega M, Dong P, Donini J, Dorigo T, Dube S, Ebina K, Efron J, Ehlers J, Erbacher R, Errede D, Errede S, Eusebi R, Fang HC, Farrington S, Fedorko I, Fedorko WT, Feild RG, Feindt M, Fernandez JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Flores-Castillo LR, Foland A, Forrester S, Foster GW, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Fujii Y, Furic I, Gajjar A, Gallinaro M, Galyardt J, Garcia JE, Garcia Sciverez M, Garfinkel AF, Gay C, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Gerdes D, Giagu S, Giannetti P, Gibson A, Gibson K, Ginsburg C, Giolo K, Giordani M, Giunta M, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldschmidt N, Goldstein J, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Gotra Y, Goulianos K, Gresele A, Griffiths M, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Grundler U, Guimaraes da Costa J, Haber C, Hahn SR, Hahn K, Halkiadakis E, Hamilton A, Han BY, Handler R, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harper S, Harr RF, Harris RM, Hatakeyama K, Hauser J, Hays C, Hayward H, Heijboer A, Heinemann B, Heinrich J, Hennecke M, Herndon M, Heuser J, Hidas D, Hill CS, Hirschbuehl D, Hocker A, Holloway A, Hou S, Houlden M, Hsu SC, Huffman BT, Hughes RE, Huston J, Ikado K, Incandela J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ishizawa Y, Ivanov A, Iyutin B, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeans D, Jensen H, Jeon EJ, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kamon T, Kang J, Karagoz-Unel M, Karchin PE, Kato Y, Kemp Y, Kephart R, Kerzel U, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim MS, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kirby M, Kirsch L, Klimenko S, Klute M, Knuteson B, Ko BR, Kobayashi H, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kordas K, Korytov A, Kotwal AV, Kovalev A, Kraus J, Kravchenko I, Kreps M, Kreymer A, Kroll J, Krumnack N, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhlmann SE, Kusakabe Y, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lai S, Lami S, Lami S, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, Lazzizzera I, Lecci C, LeCompte T, Lee J, Lee J, Lee SW, Lefèvre R, Leonardo N, Leone S, Levy S, Lewis JD, Li K, Lin C, Lin CS, Lindgren M, Lipeles E, Liss TM, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu T, Liu Y, Lockyer NS, Loginov A, Loreti M, Loverre P, Lu RS, Lucchesi D, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lyons L, Lys J, Lysak R, Lytken E, Mack P, MacQueen D, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maksimovic P, Manca G, Margaroli F, Marginean R, Marino C, Martin A, Martin M, Martin V, Martínez M, Maruyama T, Matsunaga H, Mattson ME, Mazini R, Mazzanti P, McFarland KS, McGivern D, McIntyre P, McNamara P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Menzemer S, Menzione A, Merkel P, Mesropian C, Messina A, von der Mey M, Miao T, Miladinovic N, Miles J, Miller R, Miller JS, Mills C, Milnik M, Miquel R, Miscetti S, Mitselmakher G, Miyamoto A, Moggi N, Mohr B, Moore R, Morello M, Movilla Fernandez P, Mülmenstädt J, Mukherjee A, Mulhearn M, Muller T, Mumford R, Murat P, Nachtman J, Nahn S, Nakano I, Napier A, Naumov D, Necula V, Neu C, Neubauer MS, Nielsen J, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Norniella O, Ogawa T, Oh SH, Oh YD, Okusawa T, Oldeman R, Orava R, Osterberg K, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Paoletti R, Papadimitriou V, Papikonomou A, Paramonov AA, Parks B, Pashapour S, Patrick J, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penzo A, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Piedra J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Pope G, Portell X, Poukhov O, Pounder N, Prakoshyn F, Pronko A, Proudfoot J, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Pursley J, Rademacker J, Rahaman A, Rakitin A, Rappoccio S, Ratnikov F, Reisert B, Rekovic V, van Remortal N, Renton P, Rescigno M, Richter S, Rimondi F, Rinnert K, Ristori L, Robertson WJ, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Roser R, Rossi M, Rossin R, Rott C, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Ryan D, Saarikko H, Sabik S, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Salamanna G, Salto O, Saltzberg D, Sanchez C, Santi L, Sarkar S, Sato K, Savard P, Savoy-Navarro A, Scheidle T, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schmidt MP, Schmitt M, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scott AL, Scribano A, Scuri F, Sedov A, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Semeria F, Sexton-Kennedy L, Sfiligoi I, Shapiro MD, Shears T, Shepard PF, Sherman D, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shon Y, Shreyber I, Sidoti A, Sill A, Sinervo P, Sisakyan A, Sjolin J, Skiba A, Slaughter AJ, Sliwa K, Smirnov D, Smith JR, Snider FD, Snihur R, Soderberg M, Soha A, Somalwar S, Sorin V, Spalding J, Spinella F, Squillacioti P, Stanitzki M, Staveris-Polykalas A, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Stuart D, Suh JS, Sukhanov A, Sumorok K, Sun H, Suzuki T, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Takashima R, Takeuchi Y, Takikawa K, Tanaka M, Tanaka R, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Terashi K, Tether S, Thom J, Thompson AS, Thomson E, Tipton P, Tiwari V, Tkaczyk S, Toback D, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Tönnesmann M, Torre S, Torretta D, Tourneur S, Trischuk W, Tsuchiya R, Tsuno S, Turini N, Ukegawa F, Unverhau T, Uozumi S, Usynin D, Vacavant L, Vaiciulis A, Vallecorsa S, Varganov A, Vataga E, Velev G, Veramendi G, Veszpremi V, Vickey T, Vidal R, Vila I, Vilar R, Vollrath I, Volobouev I, Würthwein F, Wagner P, Wagner RG, Wagner RL, Wagner W, Wallny R, Walter T, Wan Z, Wang MJ, Wang SM, Warburton A, Ward B, Waschke S, Waters D, Watts T, Weber M, Wester WC, Whitehouse B, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Williams HH, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe C, Worm S, Wright T, Wu X, Wynne SM, Yagil A, Yamamoto K, Yamaoka J, Yamashita Y, Yang C, Yang UK, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu I, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanello L, Zanetti A, Zaw I, Zetti F, Zhang X, Zhou J, Zucchelli S.
PMID: 16384210
Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Nov 25;95(22):221805. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.221805. Epub 2005 Nov 23.

We report on a search for B0(s) --> mu+ mu- and B0(d) --> mu + mu- decays in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV using 364 pb(-1) of data collected by the CDF II detector at the...

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