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Optimizing stress responses with reappraisal and mindset interventions: An integrated model

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Crum AJ, Goyer JP, Jamieson JP.
GSID: l2aDe8R4dRYJ
JP Jamieson, AJ Crum, JP Goyer… - Anxiety, Stress, & …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis

… As noted previously, challenge and threat physiological responses stem from cognitive … theories (often referred to as fixed and growth mindsets, respectively) show that the implicit …

The social-belonging intervention

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Brady ST, Crum AJ, Walton GM.
GSID: Wb_J7i6H2A4J
GM Walton, ST Brady, AJ Crum - Handbook of wise interventions …, 2020 -

… Changing social contexts to foster equity in college STEM classrooms: An ecological belonging intervention. Psychological Science.[Epub ahead of print] Borman, GD, Rozek, CS, Pyne, …

Patient-Reported Outcomes and Total Health Care Expenditure in Prediction of Patient Satisfaction: Results From a National Study.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Hung M, Zhang W, Chen W, Bounsanga J, Cheng C, Franklin JD, Crum AB, Voss MW, Hon SD.
PMID: 27227131
JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2015 Sep 23;1(2):e13. doi: 10.2196/publichealth.4360. eCollection 2015.

BACKGROUND: Health care quality is often linked to patient satisfaction. Yet, there is a lack of national studies examining the relationship between patient satisfaction, patient-reported outcomes, and medical expenditure.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to examine the contribution...

Early Repolarisation Syndrome - New Concepts.

Arrhythmia & electrophysiology review

Katritsis DG, Gersh BJ, Camm AJ.
PMID: 26835120
Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 2015 Dec;4(3):169-71. doi: 10.15420/aer.2015.4.3.169. Epub 2015 Dec 01.

New concepts regarding early repolarisation syndrome are presented. Genetics and epidemiology data, as well as new evidence on the potential clinical significance of early repolarisation patterns, are discussed.

Sorption of Nine Pesticides to Three Aquatic Macrophytes.

Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

Crum SJ, van Kammen-Polman AM, Leistra M.
PMID: 10473786
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1999 Oct;37(3):310-316. doi: 10.1007/s002449900519.

The sorption of nine pesticides to the aquatic macrophytes Chara globularis, Elodea nuttallii, and Lemna gibba was studied. A batch equilibrium method was used to study the sorption at five concentration levels to fresh shoots of the macrophytes. The...

Host-Guest Chemistry: Complexes between organic compounds simulate the substrate selectivity of enzymes.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Cram DJ, Cram JM.
PMID: 17780761
Science. 1974 Mar 01;183(4127):803-9. doi: 10.1126/science.183.4127.803.

No abstract available.


American journal of public health (New York, N.Y. : 1912)

Cramp AJ.
PMID: 18009965
Am J Public Health (N Y). 1918 Oct;8(10):756-8. doi: 10.2105/ajph.8.10.756.

No abstract available.

Viewing the Kenyan health system through an equity lens: implications for universal coverage.

International journal for equity in health

Chuma J, Okungu V.
PMID: 21612669
Int J Equity Health. 2011 May 26;10:22. doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-10-22.

INTRODUCTION: Equity and universal coverage currently dominate policy debates worldwide. Health financing approaches are central to universal coverage. The way funds are collected, pooled, and used to purchase or provide services should be carefully considered to ensure that population...

Additions and corrections: host-guest complexation. 38. Cryptahemispherands and their complexes.

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Cram DJ, Ho SP, Knobler CB, Maverick EF, Trueblood KN.
PMID: 22175411
J Am Chem Soc. 1986 Sep 01;108(19):6100. doi: 10.1021/ja00279a607.

No abstract available.

Magnetic anisotropy of a one-dimensional electron system.

Physical review letters

Arnot H, Brum JA, Esaki L, Hong JM, Knoedler CM, Smith TP.
PMID: 10039374
Phys Rev Lett. 1988 Aug 01;61(5):585-588. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.61.585.

No abstract available.

Change in dimensionality of superlattice excitons induced by an electric field.

Physical review. B, Condensed matter

Agulló-Rueda F, Brum JA, Hong JM, Mendez EE.
PMID: 9993887
Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 1990 Jan 15;41(3):1676-1679. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.41.1676.

No abstract available.

HOMO-LUMO energy gap control in platinum(II) biphenyl complexes containing 2,2'-bipyridine ligands.

Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)

Rillema DP, Stoyanov SR, Cruz AJ, Nguyen H, Moore C, Huang W, Siam K, Jehan A, KomReddy V.
PMID: 26369314
Dalton Trans. 2015 Oct 21;44(39):17075-90. doi: 10.1039/c5dt01891a. Epub 2015 Sep 15.

A series of platinum(ii) biphenyl 2,2'-bipyridine complexes containing electron-donating and electron-withdrawing moieties on the 4 and 4' positions of the bipyridine ligand exhibit emission from excited states in the 600 nm region of the spectrum upon excitation in the...

Showing 1 to 12 of 208 entries