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Where and with whom does a brief social-belonging intervention promote progress in college?

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Goyer JP, Logel C, Murphy MC, Walton GM, Yeager DS.
GM Walton, MC Murphy, C Logel, DS Yeager, JP Goyer… - Science, 2023 -

… Past research found that growth-mindset interventions … school environments that afford a growth mindset (opportunity), such … classrooms where teachers endorse a growth mindset (36). …

Optimizing stress responses with reappraisal and mindset interventions: An integrated model

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Crum AJ, Goyer JP, Jamieson JP.
GSID: l2aDe8R4dRYJ
JP Jamieson, AJ Crum, JP Goyer… - Anxiety, Stress, & …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis

… As noted previously, challenge and threat physiological responses stem from cognitive … theories (often referred to as fixed and growth mindsets, respectively) show that the implicit …

Targeted identity-safety interventions cause lasting reductions in discipline citations among negatively stereotyped boys

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Cohen GL, Cook JE, Goyer JP, Master A.
JP Goyer, GL Cohen, JE Cook, A Master… - Journal of Personality …, 2019 -

… growth—for students help? Experiment 1 combined social-belonging, values-affirmation, and growth-mindset interventions … Although growth mindset interventions have not focused on …

Evolution and diversification within the intertidal brown macroalgae Fucus spiralis/F. vesiculosus species complex in the North Atlantic

STEM and diversification

Costa JF, Coyer JA, Hoarau G.
GSID: O-fsobFsdogJ
JA Coyer, G Hoarau, JF Costa, B Hogerdijk… - Molecular phylogenetics …, 2011 - Elsevier

… spiralis throughout the North Atlantic stem from a glacial refugium around Brittany involving F. spiralis High; F. spiralis South was probably unaffected by glacial episodes. …

Poster 128 Efficacy of Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Crticial Review.

PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation

Jayaram P, Rothenberg JB, Gober JF, Naqvi U, Malanga GA.
PMID: 27672894
PM R. 2016 Sep;8(9):S203. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.07.170. Epub 2016 Sep 24.

No abstract available.

Renal Transplantation in the Setting of Prior Urinary Diversion: A Case of Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma in an Ileal Conduit.

Urology case reports

Matulewicz RS, Fryer JP, Yang XJ, Goyal R, Hairston JC.
PMID: 26793500
Urol Case Rep. 2015 Feb 07;3(3):53-5. doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2015.01.001. eCollection 2015 May.

Though rare, renal transplantation into a bowel containing urinary diversion is necessary in select clinical situations. Compared to renal transplant patients with functional native bladders, patients with urinary diversion have comparable long-term graft and patient survival rates. However, compounding...

Variation in thermal stress response in two populations of the brown seaweed, Fucus distichus, from the Arctic and subarctic intertidal.

Royal Society open science

Smolina I, Kollias S, Jueterbock A, Coyer JA, Hoarau G.
PMID: 26909170
R Soc Open Sci. 2016 Jan 13;3(1):150429. doi: 10.1098/rsos.150429. eCollection 2016 Jan.

It is unclear whether intertidal organisms are 'preadapted' to cope with the increase of temperature and temperature variability or if they are currently at their thermal tolerance limits. To address the dichotomy, we focused on an important ecosystem engineer...

Synthetic utility and mechanistic implications of the Fries rearrangement of hydroquinone diesters in boron trifluoride complexes.

The Journal of organic chemistry

Boyer JL, Krum JE, Myers MC, Fazal AN, Wigal CT.
PMID: 10959879
J Org Chem. 2000 Jul 28;65(15):4712-4. doi: 10.1021/jo000412q.

Reactions of boron trifluoride methyl and ethyl etherate complexes with hydroquinone diesters yield monomethyl and monoethyl derivatives of acetylhydroquinones. The use of sterically hindered boron trifluoride etherate complexes results in acetylhydroquinone derivatives. This procedure represents a one-step synthesis of...

Reactions of Benzotriazolo[2,1-a]benzotriazole Derivatives. 2. An Unusual Hydrolysis-Oxidation Reaction.

The Journal of organic chemistry

Subramanian G, Boyer JH, Trudell ML, Koppes WM, Sitzmann ME, Nock LA, Gilardi R, Russell TP.
PMID: 11667075
J Org Chem. 1996 Mar 08;61(5):1898-1900. doi: 10.1021/jo951889i.

No abstract available.

Direct Demonstration of a Growth-Induced Water Potential Gradient.

Plant physiology

Nonami H, Boyer JS.
PMID: 12231794
Plant Physiol. 1993 May;102(1):13-19. doi: 10.1104/pp.102.1.13.

When transpiration is negligible, water potentials in growing tissues are less than those in mature tissues and have been predicted to form gradients that move water into the enlarging cells. To determine directly whether the gradients exist, we measured...

CO2 and Water Vapor Exchange across Leaf Cuticle (Epidermis) at Various Water Potentials.

Plant physiology

Boyer JS, Wong SC, Farquhar GD.
PMID: 12223698
Plant Physiol. 1997 May;114(1):185-191. doi: 10.1104/pp.114.1.185.

Cuticular properties affect the gas exchange of leaves, but little is known about how much CO2 and water vapor cross the cuticular barrier or whether low water potentials affect the process. Therefore, we measured the cuticular conductances for CO2...

Seasonal changes in intensity of bud dormancy in loblolly pine seedlings.

Tree physiology

Boyer JN, South DB.
PMID: 14972981
Tree Physiol. 1989 Sep;5(3):379-85. doi: 10.1093/treephys/5.3.379.

The terminal buds of six-month-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings remained closed for approximately six months, although bud dormancy, as measured by rate of bud break in a standard greenhouse environment, was only exhibited for about one month....

Showing 1 to 12 of 300 entries