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Curriculum influences on growth in early reading fluency for students with academic and behavioral risks: A descriptive study

instructional interventions

Greenwood CR, Kamps DM, Wills HP.
GSID: 77ghVvuujnUJ
DM Kamps, HP Wills, CR Greenwood… - … of Emotional and …, 2003 -

This study applied an early screening approach to determine the risk status of children in five urban schools and monitor their patterns of reading growth over 3 years. A majority of …

The case for performance-based instructional models

instructional interventions

Greenwood CR.
CR Greenwood - School Psychology Quarterly, 1996 -

… Performance-based instructional models posit change in students' classroom behavior and academic achievement to be a function of … implications for instructional practice. A conceptual model for understanding the alterable elements and outcomes of the classroom instructional …

Classwide Peer Tutoring Programs

classroom interventions

Greenwood CR.
GSID: 9nnu-FiarpMJ
CR Greenwood, L Maheady, J Delquadri - 2002 -

… and training that make them accessible and usable by school psychologists and classroom teachers. As well, we discuss recent and future … been trained and are supervised by the classroom teacher. We have restricted our review to just...

Classwide peer tutoring and the prevention of school failure


Greenwood CR.
CR Greenwood, J Delquadri - Preventing School Failure …, 1995 - Taylor & Francis

CHARLES R. GREENWOOD and JOSEPH DELQUADRI evels of academic achievement below L expectation are the defining characteristics of many mild forms of disability: learning …

Engaging in Engineering Initiative with Centennial Place Academy

Minority STEM

Greenwood A, Grossman A, Shaw A, Xu Y.
Y Xu, A Grossman, A Shaw, P Pratyaksa, A Greenwood - 2015 -

… falling into lower income brackets and minority populations. Georgia Tech researchers … , Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education with elementary and middle …

Managers' political beliefs and gender inequality among subordinates: Does his ideology matter more than hers?

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions AND Program Evaluation

Carnahan S, Greenwood BN.
S Carnahan, BN Greenwood - Administrative Science …, 2018 -

To explore whether managers' beliefs and attitudes influence gender inequality among their subordinates, we theorize about the relationship between managers' political ideology, situated on a liberal–conservative continuum, and differences in the hiring, work team selection, and promotion of male...

A critical pedagogy of place: From gridlock to parallax


Greenwood DA.
DA Greenwood - Environmental education research, 2008 - Taylor & Francis

Differences of perspective, standpoint and subjectivity can help to enlarge the conceptual landscape of environmental education theory. Rejections of difference, on the other hand …

Selecting a cost-effective screening measure for the assessment of preschool social withdrawal.

Journal of applied behavior analysis

Greenwood CR, Walker HM, Todd NM, Hops H.
PMID: 120363
J Appl Behav Anal. 1979;12(4):639-52. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1979.12-639.
Free PMC Article

The utility of teacher judgment (rankings, ratings) and peer judgment (sociometric ratings) were studied as screening variables for preschool social withdrawal/responsiveness. Observational measures of preschoolers' interaction were used as the validation criterion based upon theoretical, empirical, and practical considerations...

Multi-disciplinary management course.

Nursing mirror and midwives journal

Greenwood GA.
PMID: 5187742
Nurs Mirror Midwives J. 1968 Aug 23;127(8):32-3.

No abstract available.

Surrogate hosts: Hunting dogs and recolonizing grey wolves share their endoparasites.

International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife

Lesniak I, Franz M, Heckmann I, Greenwood AD, Hofer H, Krone O.
PMID: 28951833
Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2017 Sep 07;6(3):278-286. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2017.09.001. eCollection 2017 Dec.

Understanding how closely related wildlife species and their domesticated counterparts exchange or share parasites, or replace each other in parasite life cycles, is of great interest to veterinary and human public health, and wildlife ecology. Grey wolves (

Repeated exposure to conditioned fear stress increases anxiety and delays sleep recovery following exposure to an acute traumatic stressor.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Greenwood BN, Thompson RS, Opp MR, Fleshner M.
PMID: 25368585
Front Psychiatry. 2014 Oct 20;5:146. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00146. eCollection 2014.

Repeated stressor exposure can sensitize physiological responses to novel stressors and facilitate the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders including anxiety. Disruptions in diurnal rhythms of sleep-wake behavior accompany stress-related psychiatric disorders and could contribute to their development. Complex stressors...

Gene genealogies for genetic association mapping, with application to Crohn's disease.

Frontiers in genetics

Burkett KM, Greenwood CM, McNeney B, Graham J.
PMID: 24348515
Front Genet. 2013 Dec 02;4:260. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00260. eCollection 2013.

A gene genealogy describes relationships among haplotypes sampled from a population. Knowledge of the gene genealogy for a set of haplotypes is useful for estimation of population genetic parameters and it also has potential application in finding disease-predisposing genetic...

Showing 1 to 12 of 275 entries