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A data management and publication workflow for a large-scale, heterogeneous sensor network

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Horsburgh JS.
AS Jones, JS Horsburgh, SL Reeder… - … and assessment, 2015 - Springer

It is common for hydrology researchers to collect data using in situ sensors at high frequencies, for extended durations, and with spatial distributions that produce data volumes requiring infrastructure for data storage, management, and sharing. The availability and utility...

Advancing the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) for integrated water resources modeling

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Buahin CA, Horsburgh JS.
GSID: oySlgSQsZgsJ
CA Buahin, JS Horsburgh - Environmental modelling & software, 2018 - Elsevier

The use of existing component-based modeling frameworks for integrated water resources modeling is currently hampered for some important use cases because they lack support for commonly used, topology-aware, spatiotemporal data structures. Additionally, existing frameworks are often accompanied by large...

Evaluating the simulation times and mass balance errors of component-based models: An application of OpenMI 2.0 to an urban stormwater system

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Buahin CA, Horsburgh JS.
GSID: hIsM8Q1uzC4J
CA Buahin, JS Horsburgh - Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015 - Elsevier

In making the decision whether to use component-based modeling, its benefits must be balanced against computational costs. Studies evaluating these costs using the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) have largely used models with simplified formulations, small spatial and temporal domains,...

High-frequency measurements reveal spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter in an urban water conveyance

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Horsburgh JS, Melcher AA, Mihalevich BA.
BA Mihalevich, JS Horsburgh, AA Melcher - … monitoring and assessment, 2017 - Springer

Stormwater runoff in urban areas can contribute high concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to receiving waters, potentially causing impairment to the aquatic ecosystem of urban streams and downstream water bodies. Compositional changes in DOM due to storm events...

A web-based, interactive visualization tool for social environmental survey data

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Horsburgh JS, Jackson-Smith D.
AS Jones, JS Horsburgh, D Jackson-Smith… - … modelling & software, 2016 - Elsevier

Understanding human motivations and actions related to environmental problems is central to modeling complex, human-natural systems. However, social science survey data on environmental issues are often presented in relatively static reports and figures and are not easily accessible for...

Assessing subjectivity in environmental sensor data post processing via a controlled experiment

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Horsburgh JS.
GSID: wlMzpde3lwAJ
AS Jones, JS Horsburgh, DP Eiriksson - Ecological Informatics, 2018 - Elsevier

Collection of high resolution, in situ data using environmental sensors is common in hydrology and other environmental science domains. Sensors are subject to drift, fouling, and other factors that can affect the quality of the measurements and their subsequent...

Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Buahin CA, Horsburgh JS, Neilson BT.
GSID: 0ocCvIivVZ4J
CA Buahin, JS Horsburgh, BT Neilson - Environmental Modelling & …, 2019 - Elsevier

Many recent modeling efforts have employed component-based modeling frameworks to take advantage of the flexibility they provide in representing systems more holistically. Despite the benefits that are driving this adoption, conducting model parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis, sensitivity assessment, and...

Open source software for visualization and quality control of continuous hydrologic and water quality sensor data

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Horsburgh JS.
JS Horsburgh, SL Reeder, AS Jones… - Environmental Modelling & …, 2015 - Elsevier

It is common for in situ hydrologic and water quality data to be collected at high frequencies and for extended durations. These data streams, which may also be collected across many monitoring sites require infrastructure for data storage and...

Designing and implementing a network for sensing water quality and hydrology across mountain to urban transitions

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

Aanderud ZT, Horsburgh JS.
GSID: i_rA9M1X4tQJ
AS Jones, ZT Aanderud, JS Horsburgh… - JAWRA Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library

Water resources are increasingly impacted by growing human populations, land use, and climate changes, and complex interactions among biophysical processes. In an effort to better understand these factors in semiarid northern Utah, United States, we created a real‐time observatory...

Developing a predictive risk model for first-line antiretroviral therapy failure in South Africa.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Rohr JK, Ive P, Horsburgh CR, Berhanu R, Shearer K, Maskew M, Long L, Sanne I, Bassett J, Ebrahim O, Fox MP.
PMID: 27677395
J Int AIDS Soc. 2016 Sep 26;19(1):20987. doi: 10.7448/IAS.19.1.20987. eCollection 2016.

INTRODUCTION: A substantial number of patients with HIV in South Africa have failed first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART). Although individual predictors of first-line ART failure have been identified, few studies in resource-limited settings have been large enough for predictive modelling....

Cost Effectiveness and Cost Containment in the Era of Interferon-Free Therapies to Treat Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1.

Open forum infectious diseases

Linas BP, Morgan JR, Pho MT, Leff JA, Schackman BR, Horsburgh CR, Assoumou SA, Salomon JA, Weinstein MC, Freedberg KA, Kim AY.
PMID: 28480259
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2016 Dec 27;4(1):ofw266. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofw266. eCollection 2017.

BACKGROUND: Interferon-free regimens to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 are effective but costly. At this time, payers in the United States use strategies to control costs including (1) limiting treatment to those with advanced disease and (2)...

The epidemiology, pathogenesis, transmission, diagnosis, and management of multidrug-resistant, extensively drug-resistant, and incurable tuberculosis.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Dheda K, Gumbo T, Maartens G, Dooley KE, McNerney R, Murray M, Furin J, Nardell EA, London L, Lessem E, Theron G, van Helden P, Niemann S, Merker M, Dowdy D, Van Rie A, Siu GK, Pasipanodya JG, Rodrigues C, Clark TG, Sirgel FA, Esmail A, Lin HH, Atre SR, Schaaf HS, Chang KC, Lange C, Nahid P, Udwadia ZF, Horsburgh CR, Churchyard GJ, Menzies D, Hesseling AC, Nuermberger E, McIlleron H, Fennelly KP, Goemaere E, Jaramillo E, Low M, Jara CM, Padayatchi N, Warren RM.
PMID: 28344011
Lancet Respir Med. 2017 Mar 15; doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(17)30079-6. Epub 2017 Mar 15.

Global tuberculosis incidence has declined marginally over the past decade, and tuberculosis remains out of control in several parts of the world including Africa and Asia. Although tuberculosis control has been effective in some regions of the world, these...

Showing 1 to 12 of 133 entries