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Distinguishing between the effects of stereotype priming and stereotype threat on math performance

stereotype threat

Jamieson JP.
JP Jamieson, SG Harkins - Group Processes & Intergroup …, 2012 -

… studies have also found that, overall, females subject to stereotype threat perform more poorly than no threat controls on math tests, an effect that we replicated in the present research. …

The role of motivation in blatant stereotype threat, subtle stereotype threat, and stereotype priming

stereotype threat

Jamieson JP.
GSID: VfhePT56sagJ
JP Jamieson - 2009 -

… describing threat effects to examining how stereotype threat produces its debilitating effects on performance. Although uncovering the mechanism(s) of stereotype threat performance …

Mere effort and stereotype threat performance effects

stereotype threat

Jamieson JP.
GSID: 6oQ3QyRe-okJ
JP Jamieson, SG Harkins - Journal of personality and social …, 2007 -

… stereotype threat and no-stereotype threat participants suggests that they were attending to the tasks throughout all experiments. Of course, our own data show that stereotype threat …

More missing the Boat—Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and small prototyping boards and engineering education needs them

engineering education

Jamieson P.
P Jamieson, J Herdtner - 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education …, 2015 -

… The majority of literature that, partially, address these issues is from the OSS and computer science and software engineering education. In particular, many of the early documented attempts are in teaching software engineering use OSS [13], [14]. This...

Optimizing stress responses with reappraisal and mindset interventions: An integrated model

Growth Mindset STEM Intervention

Crum AJ, Goyer JP, Jamieson JP.
GSID: l2aDe8R4dRYJ
JP Jamieson, AJ Crum, JP Goyer… - Anxiety, Stress, & …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis

… As noted previously, challenge and threat physiological responses stem from cognitive … theories (often referred to as fixed and growth mindsets, respectively) show that the implicit …

Evaluation is necessary to produce stereotype threat performance effects

stereotype threat

Jamieson JP.
GSID: p9X2OmRc6LkJ
JP Jamieson, SG Harkins - Social Infulence, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

… to produce stereotype threat effects, we combined a traditional stereotype threat manipulation with … Even though the gender stereotype was equally salient in the pooled and segregated …

Reading between the lines: Subtle stereotype threat cues can motivate performance

stereotype threat

Jamieson J, Seitchik AE.
AE Seitchik, J Jamieson, SG Harkins - Social Influence, 2014 - Taylor & Francis

… stereotype threat cues (ie, no mention of group differences) on motivation. Recent research suggests that blatant manipulations of threat … We tested the possibility that subtle threat could …

The effect of stereotype threat on the solving of quantitative GRE problems: A mere effort interpretation

stereotype threat

Jamieson JP.
GSID: pdQTGt-7Bh8J
JP Jamieson, SG Harkins - Personality and Social …, 2009 -

… , but females subject to stereotype threat will be more motivated than no threat females to perform the computations. In addition, the females in the stereotype threat and control groups …

Embodied stereotype threat: Exploring brain and body mechanisms underlying performance impairments

stereotype threat

Jamieson J, Mendes WB.
WB Mendes, J Jamieson - Stereotype threat: Theory, process, and …, 2012 -

… stereotype processes: stress arousal and vigilance. To explore stress arousal as an explanation for stereotype threat … , and review existing stereotype threat research that explores these …

Stimulated chemiluminescence in several models of oxidative stress.

Redox report : communications in free radical research

Wong HY, Antoon JS, Perry MA, Jamieson DD.
PMID: 27405948
Redox Rep. 1996 Apr;2(2):105-11. doi: 10.1080/13510002.1996.11747036.

It had been suggested that increased chemiluminescence, stimulated by tertiary-butylhydroperoxide (t-BuOOH) resulted from tissues which had undergone previous oxidative stress. Therefore, we tested animals subjected to various conditions generally regarded to cause oxidative stress, then removed relevant target organs...

Quantifying the quantum gate fidelity of single-atom spin qubits in silicon by randomized benchmarking.

Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal

Muhonen JT, Laucht A, Simmons S, Dehollain JP, Kalra R, Hudson FE, Freer S, Itoh KM, Jamieson DN, McCallum JC, Dzurak AS, Morello A.
PMID: 25783435
J Phys Condens Matter. 2015 Apr 22;27(15):154205. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/15/154205. Epub 2015 Mar 18.

Building upon the demonstration of coherent control and single-shot readout of the electron and nuclear spins of individual (31)P atoms in silicon, we present here a systematic experimental estimate of quantum gate fidelities using randomized benchmarking of 1-qubit gates...

Electrically controlling single-spin qubits in a continuous microwave field.

Science advances

Laucht A, Muhonen JT, Mohiyaddin FA, Kalra R, Dehollain JP, Freer S, Hudson FE, Veldhorst M, Rahman R, Klimeck G, Itoh KM, Jamieson DN, McCallum JC, Dzurak AS, Morello A.
PMID: 26601166
Sci Adv. 2015 Apr 10;1(3):e1500022. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1500022. eCollection 2015 Apr.

Large-scale quantum computers must be built upon quantum bits that are both highly coherent and locally controllable. We demonstrate the quantum control of the electron and the nuclear spin of a single (31)P atom in silicon, using a continuous...

Showing 1 to 12 of 196 entries