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Adiporedoxin, an upstream regulator of ER oxidative folding and protein secretion in adipocytes.

Molecular metabolism

Jedrychowski MP, Liu L, Laflamme CJ, Karastergiou K, Meshulam T, Ding SY, Wu Y, Lee MJ, Gygi SP, Fried SK, Pilch PF.
PMID: 26629401
Mol Metab. 2015 Sep 18;4(11):758-70. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2015.09.002. eCollection 2015 Nov.

OBJECTIVE: Adipocytes are robust protein secretors, most notably of adipokines, hormone-like polypeptides, which act in an endocrine and paracrine fashion to affect numerous physiological processes such as energy balance and insulin sensitivity. To understand how such proteins are assembled...

The EUNOMIA project on coercion in psychiatry: study design and preliminary data.

World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)

Kallert TW, Glöckner M, Onchev G, Raboch J, Karastergiou A, Solomon Z, Magliano L, Dembinskas A, Kiejna A, Nawka P, Torres-González F, Priebe S, Kjellin L.
PMID: 16633543
World Psychiatry. 2005 Oct;4(3):168-72.

Previous national research has shown significant variation in several aspects of coercive treatment measures in psychiatry. The EUNOMIA project, an international study funded by the European Commission, aims to assess the clinical practice of these measures and their outcomes....

Synchronous x-ray and radio mode switches: a rapid global transformation of the pulsar magnetosphere.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Hermsen W, Hessels JW, Kuiper L, van Leeuwen J, Mitra D, de Plaa J, Rankin JM, Stappers BW, Wright GA, Basu R, Alexov A, Coenen T, Grießmeier JM, Hassall TE, Karastergiou A, Keane E, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Noutsos A, Serylak M, Pilia M, Sobey C, Weltevrede P, Zagkouris K, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Batejat F, Bell ME, Bell MR, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bîrzan L, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick J, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Ciardi B, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Falcke H, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Gunst AW, Heald G, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Kuper G, Maat P, Macario G, Markoff S, McKean JP, Mevius M, Miller-Jones JC, Morganti R, Munk H, Orrú E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Rawlings S, Reich W, Röttgering H, Scaife AM, Schoenmakers A, Shulevski A, Sluman J, Steinmetz M, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, ter Veen S, Vermeulen R, van de Brink RH, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P.
PMID: 23349288
Science. 2013 Jan 25;339(6118):436-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1230960.

Pulsars emit from low-frequency radio waves up to high-energy gamma-rays, generated anywhere from the stellar surface out to the edge of the magnetosphere. Detecting correlated mode changes across the electromagnetic spectrum is therefore key to understanding the physical relationship...

Sex differences in human adipose tissues - the biology of pear shape.

Biology of sex differences

Karastergiou K, Smith SR, Greenberg AS, Fried SK.
PMID: 22651247
Biol Sex Differ. 2012 May 31;3(1):13. doi: 10.1186/2042-6410-3-13.

Women have more body fat than men, but in contrast to the deleterious metabolic consequences of the central obesity typical of men, the pear-shaped body fat distribution of many women is associated with lower cardiometabolic risk. To understand the...

A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 10(17)-10(17.5) electronvolts from radio observations.


Buitink S, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hörandel JR, Huege T, Nelles A, Rachen JP, Rossetto L, Schellart P, Scholten O, ter Veen S, Thoudam S, Trinh TN, Anderson J, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Bell ME, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick JW, Brouw WN, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Carbone D, Ciardi B, Conway JE, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Deller A, Dettmar RJ, van Diepen G, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Engels D, Enriquez JE, Fallows RA, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, Grießmeier JM, Gunst AW, van Haarlem MP, Hassall TE, Heald G, Hessels JW, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Intema H, Juette E, Karastergiou A, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Kuper G, van Leeuwen J, Loose GM, Maat P, Mann G, Markoff S, McFadden R, McKay-Bukowski D, McKean JP, Mevius M, Mulcahy DD, Munk H, Norden MJ, Orru E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pietka M, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Reich W, Röttgering HJ, Scaife AM, Schwarz DJ, Serylak M, Sluman J, Smirnov O, Stappers BW, Steinmetz M, Stewart A, Swinbank J, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, Toribio MC, Vermeulen R, Vocks C, Vogt C, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wijnholds SJ, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P, Zensus JA.
PMID: 26935696
Nature. 2016 Mar 03;531(7592):70-3. doi: 10.1038/nature16976.

Cosmic rays are the highest-energy particles found in nature. Measurements of the mass composition of cosmic rays with energies of 10(17)-10(18) electronvolts are essential to understanding whether they have galactic or extragalactic sources. It has also been proposed that...

A Qualitative Exploration of Practitioners' Understanding of and Response to Child-to-Parent Aggression.

Journal of interpersonal violence

O'Toole SE, Tsermentseli S, Papastergiou A, Monks CP.
PMID: 33103567
J Interpers Violence. 2020 Oct 26;886260520967142. doi: 10.1177/0886260520967142. Epub 2020 Oct 26.

There has been limited research and policy directed toward defining and understanding child-to-parent aggression (CPA), resulting in inconsistent definitions, understandings, and responses, which has a detrimental impact on families. In particular, there have been limited qualitative studies of those...

The executive function of bilingual and monolingual children: A technical efficiency approach.

Behavior research methods

Papastergiou A, Pappas V, Sanoudaki E.
PMID: 34508285
Behav Res Methods. 2021 Sep 10; doi: 10.3758/s13428-021-01658-7. Epub 2021 Sep 10.

This paper introduces a novel approach to evaluate performance in the executive functioning skills of bilingual and monolingual children. This approach targets method- and analysis-specific issues in the field, which has reached an impasse (Antoniou et al., 2021). This...


International psychiatry : bulletin of the Board of International Affairs of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Karastergeriou A.
PMID: 31507919
Int Psychiatry. 2008 Jan 01;5(1):4-5. eCollection 2008 Jan.

The history of mental healthcare offered to people with intellectual disabilities in Greece runs in parallel to that of people suffering from severe psychiatric disorders. Until the early 1980s, it was based on 9 overcrowded and understaffed state and...

Corrigendum: A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 10.


Buitink S, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hörandel JR, Huege T, Nelles A, Rachen JP, Rossetto L, Schellart P, Scholten O, Ter Veen S, Thoudam S, Trinh TN, Anderson J, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Bell ME, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick JW, Brouw WN, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Carbone D, Ciardi B, Conway JE, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Deller A, Dettmar RJ, van Diepen G, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Engels D, Enriquez JE, Fallows RA, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, Grießmeier JM, Gunst AW, van Haarlem MP, Hassall TE, Heald G, Hessels JW, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Intema H, Juette E, Karastergiou A, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Kuper G, van Leeuwen J, Loose GM, Maat P, Mann G, Markoff S, McFadden R, McKay-Bukowski D, McKean JP, Mevius M, Mulcahy DD, Munk H, Norden MJ, Orru E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pietka M, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Reich W, Röttgering HJ, Scaife AM, Schwarz DJ, Serylak M, Sluman J, Smirnov O, Stappers BW, Steinmetz M, Stewart A, Swinbank J, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, Toribio MC, Vermeulen R, Vocks C, Vogt C, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wijnholds SJ, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P, Zensus JA.
PMID: 27437581
Nature. 2016 Sep 22;537(7621):572. doi: 10.1038/nature18936. Epub 2016 Jul 20.

No abstract available.

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries