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Subsidiarity: Restoring a sacred harmony.

The Linacre quarterly

Kieffer JW.
PMID: 28392594
Linacre Q. 2017 Feb;84(1):1-9. doi: 10.1080/00243639.2016.1264249. Epub 2017 Mar 10.

The principle of subsidiarity is a bastion of Catholic social teaching. It is also a principle in the philosophy of the American Founding Fathers. In the USA, subsidiarity is ignored without a sense of the proper harmony between authority...

Very low prevalence of MCR-1/MCR-2 plasmid-mediated colistin resistance in urinary tract Enterobacteriaceae in Switzerland.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Liassine N, Assouvie L, Descombes MC, Tendon VD, Kieffer N, Poirel L, Nordmann P.
PMID: 27544715
Int J Infect Dis. 2016 Oct;51:4-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2016.08.008. Epub 2016 Aug 17.

No abstract available.

First report of OXA-181 and NDM-1 from a clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate from Nigeria.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Uwaezuoke NS, Kieffer N, Iregbu KC, Nordmann P.
PMID: 28526566
Int J Infect Dis. 2017 Aug;61:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2017.05.004. Epub 2017 May 16.

No abstract available.



Shafafy R, Kieffer W, Afolayan J, Elsayed S.
PMID: 28244971
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Mar;42(5):E317. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002054.

No abstract available.

Constraints on an annihilation signal from a core of constant dark matter density around the milky way center with H.E.S.S.

Physical review letters

Abramowski A, Aharonian F, Ait Benkhali F, Akhperjanian AG, Angüner EO, Backes M, Balenderan S, Balzer A, Barnacka A, Becherini Y, Becker Tjus J, Berge D, Bernhard S, Bernlöhr K, Birsin E, Biteau J, Böttcher M, Boisson C, Bolmont J, Bordas P, Bregeon J, Brun F, Brun P, Bryan M, Bulik T, Carrigan S, Casanova S, Chadwick PM, Chakraborty N, Chalme-Calvet R, Chaves RC, Chrétien M, Colafrancesco S, Cologna G, Conrad J, Couturier C, Cui Y, Davids ID, Degrange B, Deil C, deWilt P, Djannati-Ataï A, Domainko W, Donath A, Drury LO, Dubus G, Dutson K, Dyks J, Dyrda M, Edwards T, Egberts K, Eger P, Espigat P, Farnier C, Fegan S, Feinstein F, Fernandes MV, Fernandez D, Fiasson A, Fontaine G, Förster A, Füßling M, Gabici S, Gajdus M, Gallant YA, Garrigoux T, Giavitto G, Giebels B, Glicenstein JF, Gottschall D, Grondin MH, Grudzińska M, Hadasch D, Häffner S, Hahn J, Harris J, Heinzelmann G, Henri G, Hermann G, Hervet O, Hillert A, Hinton JA, Hofmann W, Hofverberg P, Holler M, Horns D, Ivascenko A, Jacholkowska A, Jahn C, Jamrozy M, Janiak M, Jankowsky F, Jung-Richardt I, Kastendieck MA, Katarzyński K, Katz U, Kaufmann S, Khélifi B, Kieffer M, Klepser S, Klochkov D, Kluźniak W, Kolitzus D, Komin N, Kosack K, Krakau S, Krayzel F, Krüger PP, Laffon H, Lamanna G, Lefaucheur J, Lefranc V, Lemière A, Lemoine-Goumard M, Lenain JP, Lohse T, Lopatin A, Lu CC, Marandon V, Marcowith A, Marx R, Maurin G, Maxted N, Mayer M, McComb TJ, Méhault J, Meintjes PJ, Menzler U, Meyer M, Mitchell AM, Moderski R, Mohamed M, Morå K, Moulin E, Murach T, de Naurois M, Niemiec J, Nolan SJ, Oakes L, Odaka H, Ohm S, Opitz B, Ostrowski M, Oya I, Panter M, Parsons RD, Paz Arribas M, Pekeur NW, Pelletier G, Petrucci PO, Peyaud B, Pita S, Poon H, Pühlhofer G, Punch M, Quirrenbach A, Raab S, Reichardt I, Reimer A, Reimer O, Renaud M, de Los Reyes R, Rieger F, Romoli C, Rosier-Lees S, Rowell G, Rudak B, Rulten CB, Sahakian V, Salek D, Sanchez DA, Santangelo A, Schlickeiser R, Schüssler F, Schulz A, Schwanke U, Schwarzburg S, Schwemmer S, Sol H, Spanier F, Spengler G, Spies F, Stawarz Ł, Steenkamp R, Stegmann C, Stinzing F, Stycz K, Sushch I, Tavernet JP, Tavernier T, Taylor AM, Terrier R, Tluczykont M, Trichard C, Valerius K, van Eldik C, van Soelen B, Vasileiadis G, Veh J, Venter C, Viana A, Vincent P, Vink J, Völk HJ, Volpe F, Vorster M, Vuillaume T, Wagner SJ, Wagner P, Wagner RM, Ward M, Weidinger M, Weitzel Q, White R, Wierzcholska A, Willmann P, Wörnlein A, Wouters D, Yang R, Zabalza V, Zaborov D, Zacharias M, Zdziarski AA, Zech A, Zechlin HS.
PMID: 25768750
Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Feb 27;114(8):081301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.081301. Epub 2015 Feb 24.

An annihilation signal of dark matter is searched for from the central region of the Milky Way. Data acquired in dedicated on-off observations of the Galactic center region with H.E.S.S. are analyzed for this purpose. No significant signal is...

Opioid receptors: from genes to mice.

The journal of pain

Kieffer BL.
PMID: 14622842
J Pain. 2000 Sep;1(3):45-50. doi: 10.1054/jpai.2000.9823.

Opiates produce their strong analgesic and addictive actions by activating mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptors, which otherwise interact with endogenous opioid peptides to regulate nociception, mood, and responses to stress. The recent cloning of an opioid receptor gene family...

Albedo of the south pole on Mars determined by topographic forcing of atmosphere dynamics.


Colaprete A, Barnes JR, Haberle RM, Hollingsworth JL, Kieffer HH, Titus TN.
PMID: 15889086
Nature. 2005 May 12;435(7039):184-8. doi: 10.1038/nature03561.

The nature of the martian south polar cap has remained enigmatic since the first spacecraft observations. In particular, the presence of a perennial carbon dioxide ice cap, the formation of a vast area of black 'slab ice' known as...

Comparison of SeaWiFS measurements of the Moon with the U.S. Geological Survey lunar model.

Applied optics

Barnes RA, Eplee RE, Patt FS, Kieffer HH, Stone TC, Meister G, Butler JJ, McClain CR.
PMID: 15540442
Appl Opt. 2004 Nov 01;43(31):5838-54. doi: 10.1364/ao.43.005838.

The Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) has made monthly observations of the Moon since 1997. Using 66 monthly measurements, the SeaWiFS calibration team has developed a correction for the instrument's on-orbit response changes. Concurrently, a lunar irradiance model has been...

Transformation pathways of silica under high pressure.

Nature materials

Huang L, Durandurdu M, Kieffer J.
PMID: 17086171
Nat Mater. 2006 Dec;5(12):977-81. doi: 10.1038/nmat1760. Epub 2006 Nov 05.

Network-forming oxides with rigid polyhedral building blocks often possess significant capacity for densification under pressure owing to their open structures. The high-pressure behaviour of these oxides is key to the mechanical properties of engineering materials and geological processes in...

Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals.


Itatani J, Levesque J, Zeidler D, Niikura H, Pépin H, Kieffer JC, Corkum PB, Villeneuve DM.
PMID: 15602553
Nature. 2004 Dec 16;432(7019):867-71. doi: 10.1038/nature03183.

Single-electron wavefunctions, or orbitals, are the mathematical constructs used to describe the multi-electron wavefunction of molecules. Because the highest-lying orbitals are responsible for chemical properties, they are of particular interest. To observe these orbitals change as bonds are formed...

Soil and surface temperatures at the viking landing sites.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Kieffer HH.
PMID: 17797098
Science. 1976 Dec 11;194(4271):1344-6. doi: 10.1126/science.194.4271.1344.

The annual temperature range for the martian surface at the Viking lander sites is computed on the basis of thermal parameters derived from observations made with the infrared thermal mappers. The Viking lander 1 (VL1) site has small annual...

Laser-induced electron tunneling and diffraction.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Meckel M, Comtois D, Zeidler D, Staudte A, Pavicic D, Bandulet HC, Pépin H, Kieffer JC, Dörner R, Villeneuve DM, Corkum PB.
PMID: 18556555
Science. 2008 Jun 13;320(5882):1478-82. doi: 10.1126/science.1157980.

Molecular structure is usually determined by measuring the diffraction pattern the molecule impresses on x-rays or electrons. We used a laser field to extract electrons from the molecule itself, accelerate them, and in some cases force them to recollide...

Showing 1 to 12 of 274 entries