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Predominately White institutions: Transition programs to address academic underpreparedness and experiences of discrimination

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Lee JA.
JA Lee, AR Barnes - Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2015 -

Although Black student enrollment and retention in Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) is steadily rising, Black students continue to have higher attrition rates than their White student counterparts. Predominately White Institutions (PWIs) have responded to Black student (among other underrepresented...

Government interventions and productivity growth


Lee JW.
GSID: D1aAoPvG11kJ
JW Lee - Journal of economic Growth, 1996 - Springer

This article investigates the impact of government industrial policy and trade protection of the manufacturing sector in Korea. Empirical results are provided, using four-period panel data for the years 1963 through 1983, for thirty-eight Korean industries in which trade...

Interracial Encounters: Reciprocal Representations in African American and Asian American Literatures, 1896-1937

Asian American

Lee JH.
GSID: 6ua2jTqx0fwJ
JH Lee - 2011 -

… various ways that Asian American and African American textual … from which African American and Asian American interracial … American and Asian American cultural production can …

Redefining nontraditional students: Exploring the self-perceptions of community college students

community college

Sax LJ, Lee JJ.
KA Kim, LJ Sax, JJ Lee… - Community College …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

… way to study a unique population within community colleges, this approach may not be the … of community college students. This study focused on community college students' self-…

The global sorting machine: An examination of neoracism among international students and postdoctoral researchers


Lee JJ, Cantwell B.
JJ Lee, B Cantwell - Universities and the Public Sphere, 2012 -

Introduction Universities nd themselves at the nexus of seemingly competing, if not contradictory, demands in the global knowledge society. ey are asked both to serve society through …

Change in five-factor model personality traits during the acute phase of the coronavirus pandemic

Latinx/Hispanic ethnicity

Sutin AR, Luchetti M, Aschwanden D, Lee JH.
GSID: 7CmgI1oaHR4J
AR Sutin, M Luchetti, D Aschwanden, JH Lee… - PloS one, 2020 -

… Race was coded as African American/black (= 1) compared to all others (= 0). Ethnicity was coded as Latinx/Hispanic (= 1) compared to all others (= 0). Participants of other races (eg, …

Exploring relationships between second language learners' attitudes towards classroom language and variables that motivate their learning

teaching innovation

Lee JH.
JH Lee - Language Awareness, 2018 - Taylor & Francis

Despite the increasing volume of studies on classroom language use research, scant attention has been paid to the relationship between learners' attitudes towards classroom …

An integral part of facilitating mathematical discussions: Follow-up questioning

classroom interventions

Kim J, Kim HJ, Lee JE, Tyson K.
W Lim, JE Lee, K Tyson, HJ Kim, J Kim - International Journal of Science …, 2020 - Springer

This study explores the relationship between students' perceptions and teachers' discourse practices in mathematics classrooms. It reframes the sequence of Initiate-Response-Follow …

Arts for health in community settings: Promising practices for using the arts to enhance wellness, access to healthcare, and health literacy

community settings

Lee JB.
J Sonke, JB Lee - Oxford textbook of creative arts, health, and …, 2015 -

… 79) In this chapter we will consider models for arts and health programmes in community settings in different areas of the world, highlighting … arts and health in community settings in urban, rural, and developing communities around the...

“It's not my job”: K–12 teacher attitudes toward students' heritage language maintenance


Lee JS.
JS Lee, E Oxelson - Bilingual Research Journal, 2006 - Taylor & Francis

This paper examines teachers' attitudes towards their students' heritage language maintenance and their engagement in classroom practices that may or may not affirm the value of maintaining and developing heritage languages among students. Through surveys and …

Education for technology readiness: Prospects for developing countries

technology education

Lee JW.
JW Lee - Journal of human development, 2001 - Taylor & Francis

… , and thereby contributes to technology growth in developing countries. We also find that the stock of human capital, at the secondary and tertiary levels of education in particular, plays a key role in determining the development of...

Educators' and Applicants' views of the postdoctoral pediatric dentistry admission process: a qualitative study


Lee JY.
GSID: 8uzB0a1IWD0J
K Ricker, P Mihas, JY Lee, JM Guthmiller… - Journal of dental …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library

The postdoctoral application and matching process in dental education is a high‐stakes and resource‐intensive process for all involved. While programs seek the most qualified …

Showing 1 to 12 of 24791 entries