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Promoting Undergraduate Minority Persistence in Nuclear Physics at TUNL

HBCU broadening

Barbeau P, Markoff D.
GSID: ldAyoPmExcYJ
D Markoff, M Ahmed, C Jackson, P Barbeau… - Bulletin of the American …, 2022 - APS

… Informally, students from NCCU and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCA&T) both Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) participated in …

Precision Measurement of the Helium Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays of Rigidities 1.9 GV to 3 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.

Physical review letters

Aguilar M, Aisa D, Alpat B, Alvino A, Ambrosi G, Andeen K, Arruda L, Attig N, Azzarello P, Bachlechner A, Barao F, Barrau A, Barrin L, Bartoloni A, Basara L, Battarbee M, Battiston R, Bazo J, Becker U, Behlmann M, Beischer B, Berdugo J, Bertucci B, Bindi V, Bizzaglia S, Bizzarri M, Boella G, de Boer W, Bollweg K, Bonnivard V, Borgia B, Borsini S, Boschini MJ, Bourquin M, Burger J, Cadoux F, Cai XD, Capell M, Caroff S, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cernuda I, Cerreta D, Cervelli F, Chae MJ, Chang YH, Chen AI, Chen GM, Chen H, Chen HS, Cheng L, Chou HY, Choumilov E, Choutko V, Chung CH, Clark C, Clavero R, Coignet G, Consolandi C, Contin A, Corti C, Gil EC, Coste B, Creus W, Crispoltoni M, Cui Z, Dai YM, Delgado C, Della Torre S, Demirköz MB, Derome L, Di Falco S, Di Masso L, Dimiccoli F, Díaz C, von Doetinchem P, Donnini F, Duranti M, D'Urso D, Egorov A, Eline A, Eppling FJ, Eronen T, Fan YY, Farnesini L, Feng J, Fiandrini E, Fiasson A, Finch E, Fisher P, Formato V, Galaktionov Y, Gallucci G, García B, García-López R, Gargiulo C, Gast H, Gebauer I, Gervasi M, Ghelfi A, Giovacchini F, Goglov P, Gong J, Goy C, Grabski V, Grandi D, Graziani M, Guandalini C, Guerri I, Guo KH, Haas D, Habiby M, Haino S, Han KC, He ZH, Heil M, Hoffman J, Hsieh TH, Huang ZC, Huh C, Incagli M, Ionica M, Jang WY, Jinchi H, Kanishev K, Kim GN, Kim KS, Kirn T, Korkmaz MA, Kossakowski R, Kounina O, Kounine A, Koutsenko V, Krafczyk MS, La Vacca G, Laudi E, Laurenti G, Lazzizzera I, Lebedev A, Lee HT, Lee SC, Leluc C, Li HL, Li JQ, Li JQ, Li Q, Li Q, Li TX, Li W, Li Y, Li ZH, Li ZY, Lim S, Lin CH, Lipari P, Lippert T, Liu D, Liu H, Liu H, Lolli M, Lomtadze T, Lu MJ, Lu SQ, Lu YS, Luebelsmeyer K, Luo F, Luo JZ, Lv SS, Majka R, Mañá C, Marín J, Martin T, Martínez G, Masi N, Maurin D, Menchaca-Rocha A, Meng Q, Mo DC, Morescalchi L, Mott P, Müller M, Nelson T, Ni JQ, Nikonov N, Nozzoli F, Nunes P, Obermeier A, Oliva A, Orcinha M, Palmonari F, Palomares C, Paniccia M, Papi A, Pauluzzi M, Pedreschi E, Pensotti S, Pereira R, Picot-Clemente N, Pilo F, Piluso A, Pizzolotto C, Plyaskin V, Pohl M, Poireau V, Putze A, Quadrani L, Qi XM, Qin X, Qu ZY, Räihä T, Rancoita PG, Rapin D, Ricol JS, Rodríguez I, Rosier-Lees S, Rozhkov A, Rozza D, Sagdeev R, Sandweiss J, Saouter P, Schael S, Schmidt SM, von Dratzig AS, Schwering G, Scolieri G, Seo ES, Shan BS, Shan YH, Shi JY, Shi XY, Shi YM, Siedenburg T, Son D, Song JW, Spada F, Spinella F, Sun W, Sun WH, Tacconi M, Tang CP, Tang XW, Tang ZC, Tao L, Tescaro D, Ting SC, Ting SM, Tomassetti N, Torsti J, Türkoğlu C, Urban T, Vagelli V, Valente E, Vannini C, Valtonen E, Vaurynovich S, Vecchi M, Velasco M, Vialle JP, Vitale V, Vitillo S, Wang LQ, Wang NH, Wang QL, Wang RS, Wang X, Wang ZX, Weng ZL, Whitman K, Wienkenhöver J, Willenbrock M, Wu H, Wu X, Xia X, Xie M, Xie S, Xiong RQ, Xu NS, Xu W, Yan Q, Yang J, Yang M, Yang Y, Ye QH, Yi H, Yu YJ, Yu ZQ, Zeissler S, Zhang C, Zhang JH, Zhang MT, Zhang SD, Zhang SW, Zhang XB, Zhang Z, Zheng ZM, Zhuang HL, Zhukov V, Zichichi A, Zimmermann N, Zuccon P.
PMID: 26636836
Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Nov 20;115(21):211101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.211101. Epub 2015 Nov 17.

Knowledge of the precise rigidity dependence of the helium flux is important in understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays. A precise measurement of the helium flux in primary cosmic rays with rigidity (momentum/charge) from 1.9 GV...

Transient Marangoni transport of colloidal particles at the liquid/liquid interface caused by surfactant convective-diffusion under radial flow.

Journal of colloid and interface science

Dunér G, Garoff S, Przybycien TM, Tilton RD.
PMID: 26433480
J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Jan 15;462:75-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.09.042. Epub 2015 Sep 21.

HYPOTHESIS: Interfacial tension gradients at a liquid/liquid interface drive Marangoni flows. When colloidal particles are adsorbed to an interface in systems with spatial and temporal gradients of surfactant concentration, these interfacial flows can be potentially significant contributors to the...

Stability of a compound sessile drop at the axisymmetric configuration.

Journal of colloid and interface science

Zhang Y, Chatain D, Anna SL, Garoff S.
PMID: 26433481
J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Jan 15;462:88-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.09.043. Epub 2015 Sep 21.

The equilibrium configuration of compound sessile drops has been calculated previously in the absence of gravity. Using the Laplace equations, we establish seven dimensionless parameters describing the axisymmetric configuration in the presence of gravity. The equilibrium axisymmetric configuration can...

Phylogeographic analysis of the true lemurs (genus Eulemur) underlines the role of river catchments for the evolution of micro-endemism in Madagascar.

Frontiers in zoology

Markolf M, Kappeler PM.
PMID: 24228694
Front Zool. 2013 Nov 14;10(1):70. doi: 10.1186/1742-9994-10-70.

INTRODUCTION: Due to its remarkable species diversity and micro-endemism, Madagascar has recently been suggested to serve as a biogeographic model region. However, hypothesis-based tests of various diversification mechanisms that have been proposed for the evolution of the island's micro-endemic...

Two-particle dynamics on an electrode in ac electric fields.

Advances in colloid and interface science

Kim J, Guelcher SA, Garoff S, Anderson JL.
PMID: 11908784
Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 2002 Feb 25;96(1):131-42. doi: 10.1016/s0001-8686(01)00078-1.

The relative motion between pairs of negatively charged latex particles 9.7 microm in diameter and deposited on an electrode was measured by optical microscopy and image analysis. At an rms field of approximately 30 V cm(-1), the two particles...

High resolution spectroscopy of the 12Lambda B hypernucleus produced by the (e,e'K+) reaction.

Physical review letters

Miyoshi T, Sarsour M, Yuan L, Zhu X, Ahmidouch A, Ambrozewicz P, Androic D, Angelescu T, Asaturyan R, Avery S, Baker OK, Bertovic I, Breuer H, Carlini R, Cha J, Chrien R, Christy M, Cole L, Danagoulian S, Dehnhard D, Elaasar M, Empl A, Ent R, Fenker H, Fujii Y, Furic M, Gan L, Garrow K, Gasparian A, Gueye P, Harvey M, Hashimoto O, Hinton W, Hu B, Hungerford E, Jackson C, Johnston K, Juengst H, Keppel C, Lan K, Liang Y, Likhachev VP, Liu JH, Mack D, Margaryan A, Markowitz P, Martoff J, Mkrtchyan H, Nakamura SN, Petkovic T, Reinhold J, Roche J, Sato Y, Sawafta R, Simicevic N, Smith G, Stepanyan S, Tadevosyan V, Takahashi T, Tanida K, Tang L, Ukai M, Uzzle A, Vulcan W, Wells S, Wood S, Xu G, Yamaguchi H, Yan C.
PMID: 12857252
Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Jun 13;90(23):232502. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.232502. Epub 2003 Jun 10.

High-energy, cw electron beams at new accelerator facilities allow electromagnetic production and precision study of hypernuclear structure, and we report here on the first experiment demonstrating the potential of the (e,e'K+) reaction for hypernuclear spectroscopy. This experiment is also...

Characterizing the microscopic physics near moving contact lines using dynamic contact angle data.

Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics

Ramé E, Garoff S, Willson KR.
PMID: 15524535
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2004 Sep;70(3):031608. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.031608. Epub 2004 Sep 29.

Directly probing the fluid flow and liquid-vapor interface shape in the microscopic immediate vicinity of the moving contact line can only be accomplished in very specific and isolated cases. Yet this physics is critical to macroscopic dynamic wetting. Here...

Dynamic wetting of Boger fluids.

Journal of colloid and interface science

Wei Y, Seevaratnam GK, Garoff S, Ramé E, Walker LM.
PMID: 17499759
J Colloid Interface Sci. 2007 Sep 01;313(1):274-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2007.04.020. Epub 2007 Apr 13.

The impact of fluid elasticity on the dynamic wetting of polymer solutions is important because many polymer solutions in technological use exhibit non-Newtonian behaviors in the high shear environment of the wedge-like flow near a moving contact line. Our...

Experimental investigation of geologically produced antineutrinos with KamLAND.


Araki T, Enomoto S, Furuno K, Gando Y, Ichimura K, Ikeda H, Inoue K, Kishimoto Y, Koga M, Koseki Y, Maeda T, Mitsui T, Motoki M, Nakajima K, Ogawa H, Ogawa M, Owada K, Ricol JS, Shimizu I, Shirai J, Suekane F, Suzuki A, Tada K, Takeuchi S, Tamae K, Tsuda Y, Watanabe H, Busenitz J, Classen T, Djurcic Z, Keefer G, Leonard D, Piepke A, Yakushev E, Berger BE, Chan YD, Decowski MP, Dwyer DA, Freedman SJ, Fujikawa BK, Goldman J, Gray F, Heeger KM, Hsu L, Lesko KT, Luk KB, Murayama H, O'Donnell T, Poon AW, Steiner HM, Winslow LA, Mauger C, McKeown RD, Vogel P, Lane CE, Miletic T, Guillian G, Learned JG, Maricic J, Matsuno S, Pakvasa S, Horton-Smith GA, Dazeley S, Hatakeyama S, Rojas A, Svoboda R, Dieterle BD, Detwiler J, Gratta G, Ishii K, Tolich N, Uchida Y, Batygov M, Bugg W, Efremenko Y, Kamyshkov Y, Kozlov A, Nakamura Y, Karwowski HJ, Markoff DM, Nakamura K, Rohm RM, Tornow W, Wendell R, Chen MJ, Wang YF, Piquemal F.
PMID: 16049478
Nature. 2005 Jul 28;436(7050):499-503. doi: 10.1038/nature03980.

The detection of electron antineutrinos produced by natural radioactivity in the Earth could yield important geophysical information. The Kamioka liquid scintillator antineutrino detector (KamLAND) has the sensitivity to detect electron antineutrinos produced by the decay of 238U and 232Th...

Fluorescent lifetimes of molecules on silver-island films.

Optics letters

Weitz DA, Garoff S, Hanson CD, Gramila TJ, Gersten JI.
PMID: 19710833
Opt Lett. 1982 Feb 01;7(2):89-91. doi: 10.1364/ol.7.000089.

The fluorescence of molecules on silver-island films exhibits nonexponential decay and is several orders of magnitude more rapid than on a silica surface, while the total emission intensity is slightly increased. This behavior results from the electromagnetic coupling between...

Optical characterization of powders: the use of Mie theory and composite media models.

Applied optics

Garoff S, Hanson CD.
PMID: 20309199
Appl Opt. 1981 Mar 01;20(5):758-64. doi: 10.1364/AO.20.000758.

The measurement of the optical response of materials occurring as finely divided powders is difficult due to the complex interaction of the optical wave with the material. Guided by methods used to study the optical properties of composite media,...

Showing 1 to 12 of 117 entries