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Nanostructured TiO.

Beilstein journal of nanotechnology

Maziarz W, Kusior A, Trenczek-Zajac A.
PMID: 28144521
Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2016 Nov 15;7:1718-1726. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.7.164. eCollection 2016.

2D TiO

Bioactive Plant Metabolites in the Management of Non-Communicable Metabolic Diseases: Looking at Opportunities beyond the Horizon.


Prasad C, Imrhan V, Juma S, Maziarz M, Prasad A, Tiernan C, Vijayagopal P.
PMID: 26703752
Metabolites. 2015 Dec 12;5(4):733-65. doi: 10.3390/metabo5040733.

There has been an unprecedented worldwide rise in non-communicable metabolic diseases (NCDs), particularly cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes. While modern pharmacotherapy has decreased the mortality in the existing population, it has failed to stem the rise. Furthermore, a large...

Sensory characteristics of high-amylose maize-resistant starch in three food products.

Food science & nutrition

Maziarz M, Sherrard M, Juma S, Prasad C, Imrhan V, Vijayagopal P.
PMID: 24804020
Food Sci Nutr. 2013 Mar;1(2):117-24. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.15. Epub 2012 Dec 20.

Type 2 resistant starch from high-amylose maize (HAM-RS2) is considered a functional ingredient due to its positive organoleptic and physiochemical modifications associated with food and physiological benefits related to human health. The sensory characteristics of three types of food...

Detailed analysis of alpha,omega-bis(4-hydroxybutyl) poly(dimethylsiloxane) using GPC-MALDI TOF mass spectrometry.

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Maziarz EP, Liu XM, Quinn ET, Lai YC, Ammon DM, Grobe GL.
PMID: 11838020
J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2002 Feb;13(2):170-6. doi: 10.1016/s1044-0305(01)00347-6.

In this study the prepolymer alpha,omega-bis(4-hydroxybutyl) poly(dimethylsiloxane), used in the formulation of oxygen permeable films, is evaluated by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) combined with matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS). Two unexpected...

Microstructure and properties of hot compacted powders of aluminium alloys.

Journal of microscopy

Lityńska-Dobrzyńska L, Dutkiewicz J, Maziarz W, Kanciruk A.
PMID: 19903236
J Microsc. 2009 Nov;236(2):119-22. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2009.03246.x.

Atomized 6061 aluminium alloy powders with and without the addition of 2 wt% Zr were milled for 80 h in a planetary ball mill and hot pressed in vacuum. The milled powders showed microhardness of about 170 HV, which...

Predator recognition and differential behavioural responses of adult wood warblers .

Acta ethologica

Maziarz M, Piggott C, Burgess M.
PMID: 29375193
Acta Ethol. 2018;21(1):13-20. doi: 10.1007/s10211-017-0275-2. Epub 2017 Sep 05.

Birds often engage in nest defence against predators to improve breeding success, but defence efficiency requires the capability to assess the threat level posed by potential predators. For species with low breeding-site tenacity, which may encounter varying occurrence and...

Investigation of the surface of Ga⁻Sn⁻Zn eutectic alloy by the characterisation of oxide nanofilms obtained by the touch-printing method.

Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)

Dobosz A, Daeneke T, Zavabeti A, Zhang BY, Orrell-Trigg R, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Wójcik A, Maziarz W, Gancarz T.
PMID: 30744133
Nanomaterials (Basel). 2019 Feb 09;9(2). doi: 10.3390/nano9020235.

Ga⁻Sn⁻Zn eutectic alloy is a non-toxic liquid metal alloy which could be used in a multitude of applications, including as a heat transfer agent, in gas sensing, and in medicine. Alloys containing gallium readily oxidise in air, forming a...

The Struggling Infectious Diseases Fellow: Remediation Challenges and Opportunities.

Open forum infectious diseases

Melia MT, Paez A, Reid G, Chirch LM, Luther VP, Blackburn BG, Perez F, Abdoler E, Kaul DR, Rehm S, Harik N, Barsoumian A, Person AK, Yun H, Beckham JD, Boruchoff S, Cariello PF, Cutrell JB, Graber CJ, Lee DH, Maziarz E, Paras ML, Razonable RR, Ressner R, Chen A, Chow B, Escota G, Herc E, Johnson A, Maves RC, Nnedu O, Clauss H, Kulkarni P, Pottinger PS, Serpa JA, Bhowmick T, Bittner M, Wooten D, Casanas B, Shnekendorf R, Blumberg EA.
PMID: 32166097
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 18;7(3):ofaa058. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa058. eCollection 2020 Mar.

Remediation of struggling learners is a challenge faced by all educators. In recognition of this reality, and in light of contemporary challenges facing infectious diseases (ID) fellowship program directors, the Infectious Diseases Society of America Training Program Directors' Committee...

Cholera Toxin Subunit B for Sensitive and Rapid Determination of Exosomes by Gel Filtration.


Sapoń K, Maziarz D, Janas T, Sikorski AF, Janas T.
PMID: 32751790
Membranes (Basel). 2020 Jul 31;10(8). doi: 10.3390/membranes10080172.

We developed a sensitive fluorescence-based assay for determination of exosome concentration. In our assay, Cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) conjugated to a fluorescence probe and a gel filtration technique (size-exclusion chromatography) are used. Exosomal membranes are particularly enriched in...

Well-being tradeoffs: Effect of loosening overnight restrictions on antimicrobial starts.

Infection control and hospital epidemiology

Yarrington ME, Wrenn RH, Spivey J, Shoff CJ, Maziarz EK, Spires SS, Turner NA, Diez A, Anderson DJ, Moehring RW.
PMID: 34396944
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 Aug 16;1-3. doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.340. Epub 2021 Aug 16.

No abstract available.

Is meta-analysis of RCTs assessing the efficacy of interventions a reliable source of evidence for therapeutic decisions?.

Studies in history and philosophy of science

Maziarz M.
PMID: 34922183
Stud Hist Philos Sci. 2021 Dec 15;91:159-167. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2021.11.007. Epub 2021 Dec 15.

Literature-based meta-analysis is a standard technique applied to pool results of individual studies used in medicine and social sciences. It has been criticized for being too malleable to constrain results, averaging incomparable values, lacking a measure of evidence's strength,...

Re-interpreting mesenteric vascular anatomy on 3D virtual and/or physical models: positioning the middle colic artery bifurcation and its relevance to surgeons operating colon cancer.

Surgical endoscopy

Andersen BT, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Kazaryan AM, Maziarz PJ, Ignjatovic D.
PMID: 33492511
Surg Endosc. 2022 Jan;36(1):100-108. doi: 10.1007/s00464-020-08242-8. Epub 2021 Jan 25.

BACKGROUND: The impact of the position of the middle colic artery (MCA) bifurcation and the trajectory of the accessory MCA (aMCA) on adequate lymphadenectomy when operating colon cancer have as of yet not been described and/or analysed in the...

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