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Effects of a contextualized instructional package on the mathematics performance of secondary students with EBD

instructional interventions

Mulcahy CA, Krezmien MP.
CA Mulcahy, MP Krezmien - Behavioral Disorders, 2009 -

… The instructional package included area and perimeter problem-solving activities embedded in contextualized, or real-life, scenarios; use … management component to instructional interventions for students with fBD. Results indicated that the instructional package was effective …

Redirecting Innovation in U.S. Health Care: Options to Decrease Spending and Increase Value.

Rand health quarterly

Garber S, Gates SM, Keeler EB, Vaiana ME, Mulcahy AW, Lau C, Kellermann AL.
PMID: 28083317
Rand Health Q. 2014 Mar 01;4(1):3. eCollection 2014.

New medical technologies are a leading driver of U.S. health care spending. This article identifies promising policy options to change which medical technologies are created, with two related policy goals: (1) Reduce total health care spending with the smallest...

Specialty Payment Model Opportunities and Assessment: Oncology Model Design Report.

Rand health quarterly

Huckfeldt PJ, Chan C, Hirshman S, Kofner A, Liu JL, Mulcahy AW, Popescu I, Stevens C, Timbie JW, Hussey PS.
PMID: 28083364
Rand Health Q. 2015 Jul 15;5(1):11. eCollection 2015 Jul 15.

This article describes research related to the design of a payment model for specialty oncology services for possible testing by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Cancer is a...

Specialty Payment Model Opportunities and Assessment: Oncology Simulation Report.

Rand health quarterly

White C, Chan C, Huckfeldt PJ, Kofner A, Mulcahy AW, Pollak J, Popescu I, Timbie JW, Hussey PS.
PMID: 28083365
Rand Health Q. 2015 Jul 15;5(1):12. eCollection 2015 Jul 15.

This article describes the results of a simulation analysis of a payment model for specialty oncology services that is being developed for possible testing by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...

Correlations between gametophytic (pollen) and sporophytic (seed) generations for polyunsaturated fatty acids in oilseed rape Brassica napus L.

TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik

Evans DE, Rothnie NE, Sang JP, Palmer MV, Mulcahy DL, Singh MB, Knox RB.
PMID: 24232206
Theor Appl Genet. 1988 Sep;76(3):411-9. doi: 10.1007/BF00265342.

Lipids were extracted from the diploid seed and haploid pollen of Brassica napus L. Two fractions of pollen lipids, namely the diploid-specified pollen-coat and the haploid-specified internal cytoplasmic lipids were obtained. Significant correlations exist between pollen and seed generations...

Routes and mechanisms of extracellular vesicle uptake.

Journal of extracellular vesicles

Mulcahy LA, Pink RC, Carter DR, Scholte JA.
PMID: 25143819
J Extracell Vesicles. 2014 Aug 04;3. doi: 10.3402/jev.v3.24641. eCollection 2014.

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small vesicles released by donor cells that can be taken up by recipient cells. Despite their discovery decades ago, it has only recently become apparent that EVs play an important role in cell-to-cell communication. EVs...

Lower segment caesarean section.

Journal of the Irish Medical Association

PMID: 14938688
J Ir Med Assoc. 1952 Apr;30(178):91-4.

No abstract available.

An unusual cause of shock after cardiac catheterization.


Geoghegan T, Khosa F, Persaud T, Mulcahy D, Torreggiani WC.
PMID: 17355664
CJEM. 2005 Mar;7(2):127, 133-4. doi: 10.1017/s1481803500013105.

No abstract available.

Pollen Tube Growth Rates in Zea mays: Implications for Genetic Improvement of Crops.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Ottaviano E, Sari-Gorla M, Mulcahy DL.
PMID: 17837425
Science. 1980 Oct 24;210(4468):437-8. doi: 10.1126/science.210.4468.437.

Speed of pollen tube growth is positively correlated with the quality of the resultant sporophytic generation. Therefore, gametophytic competition may be an important adaptive mechanism. Furthermore, pollen tube growth rates may be used to predict the quality of F(1)...

Potentiometric flow-injection determination of iodide and iodine.


Davey DE, Mulcahy DE, O'Connell GR.
PMID: 18964943
Talanta. 1990 Mar;37(3):313-6. doi: 10.1016/0039-9140(90)80059-o.

A potentiometric flow-injection system is described, in which iodide in the concentration range 10(-6)-10(-1)M may be determined at rates of up to 360 samples/hr at a flow-rate of 17.8 ml/min. Iodine, after on-line reduction to iodide with 0.1M sodium...

A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 10(17)-10(17.5) electronvolts from radio observations.


Buitink S, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hörandel JR, Huege T, Nelles A, Rachen JP, Rossetto L, Schellart P, Scholten O, ter Veen S, Thoudam S, Trinh TN, Anderson J, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Bell ME, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick JW, Brouw WN, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Carbone D, Ciardi B, Conway JE, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Deller A, Dettmar RJ, van Diepen G, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Engels D, Enriquez JE, Fallows RA, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, Grießmeier JM, Gunst AW, van Haarlem MP, Hassall TE, Heald G, Hessels JW, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Intema H, Juette E, Karastergiou A, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Kuper G, van Leeuwen J, Loose GM, Maat P, Mann G, Markoff S, McFadden R, McKay-Bukowski D, McKean JP, Mevius M, Mulcahy DD, Munk H, Norden MJ, Orru E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pietka M, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Reich W, Röttgering HJ, Scaife AM, Schwarz DJ, Serylak M, Sluman J, Smirnov O, Stappers BW, Steinmetz M, Stewart A, Swinbank J, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, Toribio MC, Vermeulen R, Vocks C, Vogt C, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wijnholds SJ, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P, Zensus JA.
PMID: 26935696
Nature. 2016 Mar 03;531(7592):70-3. doi: 10.1038/nature16976.

Cosmic rays are the highest-energy particles found in nature. Measurements of the mass composition of cosmic rays with energies of 10(17)-10(18) electronvolts are essential to understanding whether they have galactic or extragalactic sources. It has also been proposed that...

Implementing a Drug Formulary for California's Workers' Compensation Program.

Rand health quarterly

Wynn BO, Buttorff C, Meza E, Taylor EA, Mulcahy AW.
PMID: 28845356
Rand Health Q. 2017 Jun 19;6(3):4. eCollection 2017 Jun.

California Assembly Bill 1124 required the state's Division of Workers' Compensation in the Department of Industrial Relations to establish a drug formulary for all injured workers covered by the state's workers' compensation program. Such formularies serve to reinforce safe...

Showing 1 to 12 of 186 entries