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Quality of Academic Experience: Science Students perceptions in an offshore campus

science campus

Nair S.
S Nair, J Chan - … in an Offshore Campus, 2006 -

… In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: Sustainable Communities and Sustainable Environments: Envisioning a Role for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (Vol. 1, pp. 423-431) …

Re-engineering graduate skills–a case study

engineering education

Nair CS, Patil A.
CS Nair, A Patil, P Mertova - … journal of engineering education, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

… One of the criteria clearly stated that engineering graduates must have ‘the broad education necessary to … engineering as social practice: humanities and social sciences in engineering curricula. Proceedings of the ninth Baltic region seminar on engineering education....

Some operational factors influencing the utility of culture examination in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Rao KP, Nair SS, Cobbold N, Naganathan N.
PMID: 5296383
Bull World Health Organ. 1966;34(4):589-604.
Free PMC Article

Culture examination is technically superior to direct microscopy in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, but its practicability and relative importance in various phases of national tuberculosis control programmes in developing countries must be studied before culture facilities are provided...

Cell Death in the Developing Brain after Hypoxia-Ischemia.

Frontiers in cellular neuroscience

Thornton C, Leaw B, Mallard C, Nair S, Jinnai M, Hagberg H.
PMID: 28878624
Front Cell Neurosci. 2017 Aug 23;11:248. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00248. eCollection 2017.

Perinatal insults such as hypoxia-ischemia induces secondary brain injury. In order to develop the next generation of neuroprotective therapies, we urgently need to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms leading to cell death. The cell death mechanisms have been shown...

Base Layer Influence on Protonated Aminosilane Gradient Wettability.

Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids

Ashraf KM, Wang C, Nair SS, Wynne KJ, Higgins DA, Collinson MM.
PMID: 28421767
Langmuir. 2017 May 02;33(17):4207-4215. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00614. Epub 2017 Apr 19.

Protonated amine gradients have been prepared on silicon wafers via programmed controlled rate infusion (CRI) with varying degrees of hydrophobicity and characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and static and Wilhelmy plate dynamic contact angle measurements. Initially, base layers...

Recovery of Acid-Gas-Degraded Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks by Solvent-Assisted Crystal Redemption (SACRed).

ACS applied materials & interfaces

Jayachandrababu KC, Bhattacharyya S, Chiang Y, Sholl DS, Nair S.
PMID: 28949125
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Oct 11;9(40):34597-34602. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b11686. Epub 2017 Oct 02.

The acid stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) is an important issue hindering their application. Acid-gas damage of ZIFs has been considered irreversible. However, we demonstrate a methodology called solvent-assisted crystal redemption (SACRed) to reverse acid-gas damage to ZIFs...

Efficacy and safety of bimatoprost in glaucoma and ocular hypertension in non-responder patients.

International journal of ophthalmology

Brennan N, Dehabadi MH, Nair S, Quartilho A, Bunce C, Reekie I, Obikpo R.
PMID: 28861351
Int J Ophthalmol. 2017 Aug 18;10(8):1251-1254. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2017.08.11. eCollection 2017.

AIM: To establish the efficacy and safety of bimatoprost 0.03% monotherapy in glaucoma and ocular hypertension (OHT) patients with inadequate intraocular pressure (IOP)on current therapy.METHODS: Pre- and post-switch IOPs were analyzed for 59 consecutive patients who were switched from...

A cross-sectional study of problem gambling and its correlates among college students in South India.

BJPsych open

George S, Ts J, Nair S, Rani A, Menon P, Madhavan R, Rajan JC, Radhakrishnan KS, Jose V, Benegal V, Thennarasu K, Petry NM.
PMID: 27703776
BJPsych Open. 2016 May 03;2(3):199-203. doi: 10.1192/bjpo.bp.115.002519. eCollection 2016 May.

BACKGROUND: In the Western world, a significant portion of college students have gambled. College gamblers have one of the highest rates of problem gambling. To date, there have been no studies on gambling participation or the rates of problem...

Meningiomas decoded: Looking beyond microsurgery.

Neurology India

Nair S, Sudhir BJ.
PMID: 26238881
Neurol India. 2015 Jul-Aug;63(4):491-2. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.161985.

No abstract available.

In situ spectroscopic studies on vapor phase catalytic decomposition of dimethyl oxalate.

Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

Hegde S, Tharpa K, Akuri SR, K R, Kumar A, Deshpande R, Nair SA.
PMID: 28263335
Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2017 Mar 15;19(11):8034-8045. doi: 10.1039/c6cp07769b.

Dimethyl Oxalate (DMO) has recently gained prominence as a valuable intermediate for the production of compounds of commercial importance. The stability of DMO is poor and hence this can result in the decomposition of DMO under reaction conditions. The...

Molecular Basis for Resistance Against Phosphonate Antibiotics and Herbicides.


Chekan JR, Cogan DP, Nair SK.
PMID: 26811741
Medchemcomm. 2016 Jan 01;7(1):28-36. doi: 10.1039/C5MD00351B. Epub 2015 Oct 12.

Research in recent years have illuminated data on the mechanisms and targets of phosphonic acid antibiotics and herbicides, including fosfomycin, glyphosate, fosmidomycin and FR900098. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the structural and biochemical characterization of...

Benign fibrous histiocytoma of the ethmoids in an infant.

Medical journal, Armed Forces India

Nair S, Ramalingam WV, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
PMID: 26265837
Med J Armed Forces India. 2015 Jul;71:S217-20. doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2014.03.007. Epub 2014 Jun 07.

No abstract available.

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