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Is it a different world? Providing a holistic understanding of the experiences and perceptions of non-Black students at historically Black colleges and universities

HBCU broadening

Arroyo AT, Palmer RT.
AT Arroyo, RT Palmer… - Journal of College …, 2016 -

… the historical and present role of HBCUs, many chose to attend an HBCU because of a number of … Some of these individuals’ broadened perspectives were more or less cerebral, citing …

The uniqueness of an HBCU environment: How a supportive campus climate promotes student success

HBCU broadening

Palmer RT.
GSID: 8_nOmaCJsY8J
RT Palmer, E Young - The Evolving Challenges of Black College …, 2010 -

In this chapter, the authors discuss a qualitative study of Black males who entered an HBCU as academically underprepared and persisted to graduation. More specifically, this chapter …

Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs): critical facilitators of non-cognitive

HBCU broadening

Palmer RT.
GSID: x3bkiIYexKQJ
CR Shorette, RT Palmer - The Western. Journal of Black Studies, 2015 -

Using naturalistic inquiry, this study sought to better understand ways historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) helped to facilitate the development of non-cognitive skills for …

Understanding the Work of Student Affairs Professionals at Minority Serving Institutions

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Minority-Serving Institutions Research Expansion Program AND Program Evaluation

Arroyo AT, Maramba DC, Palmer RT.
RT Palmer, DC Maramba, TO Allen, AT Arroyo -

Understanding the Work of Student Affairs Professionals at Minority Serving Institutions; Effective Practice, Policy, and Traini … Introduction: Understanding the Work of Student Affairs Professionals at Minority Serving Institutions: Exploring the Unknown … In this introductory chapter, “Understanding the...

The impact of family support on the success of Black men at an historically Black university: Affirming the revision of Tinto's theory

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Davis RJ, Maramba DC, Palmer RT.
GSID: 175NQvuWZnsJ
RT Palmer, RJ Davis, DC Maramba - Journal of College Student …, 2011 -

This qualitative study of 11 Black male students who entered a public historically Black college and university (HBCU) as academically underprepared and persisted to graduation, provides insight into the ways in which family promotes academic success for Black male...

Desegregation policy and disparities in faculty salary and workload: Maryland's historically Black and predominantly White institutions

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Griffin KA, Palmer RT.
GSID: B1n7CP8uMhoJ
RT Palmer, KA Griffin - Negro Educational Review, 2009 - Citeseer

Although ambiguity exists regarding how states must respond to the mandates of Fordice to dismantle dual systems of education in previously segregated states, several scholars note Fordice should manifest itself in the enhancement of public Black colleges. Responding to...

The African American Student's Guide to STEM Careers

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation AND Program Evaluation

Arroyo AT, Flowers A, Palmer RT.
RT Palmer, AT Arroyo, A Flowers - 2016 -

This book comprehensively reviews the factors that facilitate access and success of Black students in STEM majors in higher education, and it shares compelling testimonies from Black STEM professionals that will help inspire the next generation of Black scientists...

Theory meets practice: HBCU initiatives that promote academic success among African Americans in STEM

STEM and underrepresented

Davis RJ, Palmer RT.
GSID: -irouXPGpdcJ
RT Palmer, RJ Davis, T Thompson - Journal of college student …, 2010 -

… of underrepresented racial/ ethnic minorities in STEM. To this end, we interviewed STEM … uniqueness of their STEM initiatives and the impact they are having on student success in …

A qualitative investigation of factors promoting the retention and persistence of students of color in STEM

STEM education

Palmer RT, Maramba DC, Dancy TE.
GSID: virbWk03BaIJ
RT Palmer, DC Maramba, TE Dancy II - Journal of Negro Education, 2011 -

… persistence among college students of color enrolled in STEM education at a predominantly … the retention and persistence of students of color in STEM education is participating in … and its impact on their success in STEM education....

Black graduate education at historically black colleges and universities

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Palmer RT.
GSID: H4ysMf-zdCoJ
RT Palmer, AA Hilton, TP Fountaine - 2012 -

This book provides context about the experiences of Black graduate and professional students attending HBCUs. Indeed, such research is important, particularly since HBCUs play a significant role in the number of Blacks who receive doctorates and professional degrees (ie...

A matter of diversity, equity, and necessity: The tension between Maryland's higher education system and its historically Black colleges and universities over the office …

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Davis RJ, Gasman M, Palmer RT.
GSID: kKVp1H_B8d4J
RT Palmer, RJ Davis, M Gasman - Journal of Negro Education, 2011 -

Eighteen years after the Supreme Court rendered its decision in Fordice, many states have complied somewhat or not at all to its mandates. This has been particularly evident in Maryland, where the presidents of historically Black colleges and universities...

Graduate Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program AND Program Evaluation

Goings RB, Palmer RT, Walker LJ.
RT Palmer, RB Goings, LJ Walker - 2017 -

In chapter 4, Antonio L. Ellis, Christopher N. Smith, and Janatus A. Barnett reflect on their experiences as graduate students at HBCUs. One of the most compelling narratives of this chapter is Ellis's story of being encouraged by professors...

Showing 1 to 12 of 633 entries