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Parental unemployment and children's happiness: A longitudinal study of young people's well-being in unemployed households.

Labour economics

Powdthavee N, Vernoit J.
PMID: 24932068
Labour Econ. 2013 Oct 01;24:253-263. doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2013.09.008.

Using a unique longitudinal data of British youths we estimate how adolescents' overall happiness is related to parents' exposure to unemployment. Our within-child estimates suggest that parental job loss when the child was relatively young has a positive influence...

What childhood characteristics predict psychological resilience to economic shocks in adulthood?.

Journal Of Economic Psychology

Powdthavee N.
PMID: 26997688
J Econ Psychol. 2014 Dec;45:84-101. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2014.08.003.

This paper investigates whether people's psychological resilience to one of the most important economic shocks - job loss - can be predicted using early childhood characteristics. Using a longitudinal data that tracked almost 3000 children into adulthood, we showed...

The Effects of Retirement on Sense of Purpose in Life: Crisis or Opportunity?.

Psychological science

Yemiscigil A, Powdthavee N, Whillans AV.
PMID: 34714705
Psychol Sci. 2021 Nov;32(11):1856-1864. doi: 10.1177/09567976211024248. Epub 2021 Oct 29.

Does retirement lead to an existential crisis or present an opportunity to experience a renewed sense of purpose in life? Prior research has documented a negative association between retirement and sense of purpose in life, suggesting that retirement could...


Economic journal (London, England)

Layard R, Clark AE, Cornaglia F, Powdthavee N, Vernoit J.
PMID: 25422527
Econ J (London). 2014 Nov;124(580):F720-F738. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12170.

Policy-makers who care about well-being need a recursive model of how adult life-satisfaction is predicted by childhood influences, acting both directly and (indirectly) through adult circumstances. We estimate such a model using the British Cohort Study (1970). We show...


Economic journal (London, England)

Cheng TC, Powdthavee N, Oswald AJ.
PMID: 28694549
Econ J (London). 2017 Feb;127(599):126-142. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12256. Epub 2015 Oct 15.

There is a large amount of cross-sectional evidence for a midlife low in the life cycle of human happiness and well-being (a 'U shape'). Yet no genuinely longitudinal inquiry has uncovered evidence for a U-shaped pattern. Thus, some researchers...


Economic journal (London, England)

Lekfuangfu WN, Powdthavee N, Warrinnier N, Cornaglia F.
PMID: 29651168
Econ J (London). 2018 Feb;128(608):298-329. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12414. Epub 2017 Apr 27.

This article builds upon Cunha's (2015) subjective rationality model in which parents have a subjective belief about the impact of their investment on their children's early skill formation. We propose that this subjective belief is determined partly by locus...

DO YOU HAVE TO WIN IT TO FIX IT? A Longitudinal Study of Lottery Winners and Their Health-Care Demand.

American journal of health economics

Cheng TC, Costa-I-Font J, Powdthavee N.
PMID: 29430486
Am J Health Econ. 2018;4(1):26-50. doi: 10.1162/ajhe_a_00092. Epub 2018 Jan 23.

We exploit lottery wins to investigate the effects of exogenous changes to individuals' income on the utilization of health care services, and the choice between private and public health care in the United Kingdom. Our empirical strategy focuses on...

Life satisfaction and sexual minorities: Evidence from Australia and the United Kingdom.

Journal of economic behavior & organization

Powdthavee N, Wooden M.
PMID: 29238117
J Econ Behav Organ. 2015 Aug;116:107-126. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.04.012. Epub 2015 Apr 29.

Very little is known about how the differential treatment of sexual minorities could influence subjective reports of overall well-being. This paper seeks to fill this gap. Data from two large surveys that provide nationally representative samples for two different...

What's the good of education on our overall quality of life? A simultaneous equation model of education and life satisfaction for Australia.

Journal of behavioral and experimental economics

Powdthavee N, Lekfuangfu WN, Wooden M.
PMID: 28713668
J Behav Exp Econ. 2015 Feb;54:10-21. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2014.11.002. Epub 2014 Nov 15.

Many economists and educators favour public support for education on the premise that education improves the overall quality of life of citizens. However, little is known about the different pathways through which education shapes people's satisfaction with life overall....

Are happier people less judgmental of other people's selfish behaviors? Experimental survey evidence from trust and gift exchange games.

Journal of behavioral and experimental economics

Drouvelis M, Powdthavee N.
PMID: 28729964
J Behav Exp Econ. 2015 Oct;58:111-123. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Aug 17.

What determines people's moral judgments of selfish behaviors? Here we study whether people's normative views in trust and gift exchange games, which underlie many situations of economic and social significance, are themselves functions of positive emotions. We use experimental...

COVID-19, lockdowns and well-being: Evidence from Google Trends.

Journal of public economics

Brodeur A, Clark AE, Fleche S, Powdthavee N.
PMID: 33281237
J Public Econ. 2021 Jan;193:104346. doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2020.104346. Epub 2020 Nov 30.

The COVID-19 pandemic and government intervention such as lockdowns may severely affect people's mental health. While lockdowns can help to contain the spread of the virus, they may result in substantial damage to population well-being. We use Google Trends...

Can having internal locus of control insure against negative shocks? Psychological evidence from panel data.

Journal of economic behavior & organization

Buddelmeyer H, Powdthavee N.
PMID: 28713185
J Econ Behav Organ. 2016 Feb;122:88-109. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.11.014. Epub 2015 Dec 24.

We investigate whether the intensity of emotional pain following a negative shock is different across the distribution of a person's locus of control - the extent to which individuals believe that their actions can influence future outcomes. Using panel...

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries