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Enhancing minority student leadership skills using case studies

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Minority-Serving Institutions Research Expansion Program AND Program Evaluation

Sankar CS.
JL Bond, CS Sankar, Q Le - … of Computer Information Systems, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

This study reports on a controlled experiment using undergraduate African American students at one of the United States' Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Information technology rich multimedia instructional materials were implemented in an attempt to increase the level...

Incidence of Foramen of Huschke in South Andhra Population of India.

Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR

Bhanu PS, Sankar KD.
PMID: 27504269
J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Jun;10(6):AC01-3. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/18735.8031. Epub 2016 Jun 01.

INTRODUCTION: Foramen of Huschke (FH) is an opening present in anteroinferior wall of External Acoustic Meatus (EAM) on the tympanic plate of temporal bone. The developing tympanic ring normally gets closed by the age of 5 years, if not,...

Noncontiguous finished genome sequence and description of Weeksella massiliensis sp. nov.

New microbes and new infections

Sankar SA, Lo CI, Fall B, Sambe-Ba B, Mediannikov O, Diallo I, Labas N, Faye N, Wade B, Raoult D, Fournier PE, Fenollar F.
PMID: 26649182
New Microbes New Infect. 2015 Oct 02;8:89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2015.09.013. eCollection 2015 Nov.

Strain FF8(T) (= CSUR P860 = DSM 28259) was isolated in Dakar, Senegal, from the urine of a 65-year-old man with acute cystitis. This strain shows a similarity of sequence of 16S rRNA of 98.38% with Weeksella virosa, and...

Development of a chronic kidney disease patient navigator program.

BMC nephrology

Jolly SE, Navaneethan SD, Schold JD, Arrigain S, Konig V, Burrucker YK, Hyland J, Dann P, Tucky BH, Sharp JW, Nally JV.
PMID: 26024966
BMC Nephrol. 2015 May 03;16:69. doi: 10.1186/s12882-015-0060-2.

BACKGROUND: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a public health problem and there is a scarcity of type 2 CKD translational research that incorporates educational tools. Patient navigators have been shown to be effective at reducing disparities and improving outcomes...

Antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of imminent preterm birth in low-resource countries: the case for equipoise and the need for efficacy trials.

BMJ global health

Vogel JP, Oladapo OT, Pileggi-Castro C, Adejuyigbe EA, Althabe F, Ariff S, Ayede AI, Baqui AH, Costello A, Chikamata DM, Crowther C, Fawole B, Gibbons L, Jobe AH, Kapasa ML, Kinuthia J, Kriplani A, Kuti O, Neilson J, Patterson J, Piaggio G, Qureshi R, Qureshi Z, Sankar MJ, Stringer JSA, Temmerman M, Yunis K, Bahl R, Metin Gülmezoglu A.
PMID: 29082019
BMJ Glob Health. 2017 Aug 30;2(3):e000398. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000398. eCollection 2017.

The scientific basis for antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) for women at risk of preterm birth has rapidly changed in recent years. Two landmark trials-the Antenatal Corticosteroid Trial and the Antenatal Late Preterm Steroids Trial-have challenged the long-held assumptions on the...

Assessing Atmospheric CO2 Entrapped in Clay Nanotubes using Residual Gas Analyzer.

Analytical chemistry

Das S, Maity A, Pradhan M, Jana S.
PMID: 26790755
Anal Chem. 2016 Feb 16;88(4):2205-11. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03838. Epub 2016 Feb 02.

A residual gas analyzer (RGA) coupled with a high-vacuum chamber has been explored to measure atmospheric CO2 entrapped in aminosilane-modified clay nanotubes. Ambient CO2 uptake efficacy together with stability of these novel adsorbents composed of both primary and/or secondary...

Laparoscopic excision of rare case of recurrent presacral teratoma.

Journal of minimal access surgery

Rajapandian S, Jankar SV, Chittawadgi B, Bhattacharya S, Sabnis SC, Sathyamoorthy R, Parthasarathi R, Senthilnathan P, Raj PP, Palanivelu C.
PMID: 28872101
J Minim Access Surg. 2017 Oct-Dec;13(4):315-317. doi: 10.4103/0972-9941.199213.

Tumours of the presacral space are rare to present. Most of them are benign masses, very rarely malignant. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment as it establishes the diagnosis and prevents the adverse consequences associated with malignant degeneration and...

Chromosome Damage Not Found in Leukocytes of Children Treated with LSD-25.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Bender L, Sankar DV, Irwin S, Egozcue J.
PMID: 17795078
Science. 1968 Feb 16;159(3816):749. doi: 10.1126/science.159.3816.749.

No abstract available.

Butterfly structure: signature of vibrational flopping in dissociative acetylene.

The Journal of chemical physics

De S, Rajput J, Roy A, Ghosh PN, Safvan CP.
PMID: 17688326
J Chem Phys. 2007 Aug 07;127(5):051101. doi: 10.1063/1.2769633.

We report experimental evidence for molecular deformation due to a vibrationally active transition state of multiply charged acetylene molecules under the impact of low energy Ar8+ projectiles. "Butterflylike" structures are observed in the experimental coincidence spectra between hydrogen and...

Synthesis of thymol glycosides under SCCO2 conditions using amyloglucosidase from Rhizopus mold.

Journal of food science and technology

Kumar TV, Sankar KU, Divakar S.
PMID: 24425985
J Food Sci Technol. 2013 Aug;50(4):803-8. doi: 10.1007/s13197-011-0385-1. Epub 2011 May 07.

Enzymatic synthesis of water soluble thymol glycosides were carried out using amyloglucosidase from Rhizopus mold under supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) conditions of 120 bar pressure at 50 °C. Thymol 1 formed glycosides with D-galactose 2, D-mannose 3, D-fructose 4,...

Baroreflex stimulation: A novel treatment option for resistant hypertension.

Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH

Navaneethan SD, Lohmeier TE, Bisognano JD.
PMID: 20409946
J Am Soc Hypertens. 2009 Jan-Feb;3(1):69-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2008.09.001. Epub 2008 Dec 02.

Hypertension is a major public health problem in both developing and developed countries. Despite the increasing awareness of hypertension and its implications among patients and the treating physicians, the prevalence of resistant hypertension remains high and is expected to...

The new method developed for evaluation of anthelmintic activity by housefly worms and compared with conventional earthworm method.

ISRN pharmacology

Murugamani V, Raju L, Anand Raj VB, Sarma Kataki M, Sankar GG.
PMID: 22530145
ISRN Pharmacol. 2012;2012:709860. doi: 10.5402/2012/709860. Epub 2012 Mar 18.

Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of any drug when carried out in laboratory conditions by using the isolated worms from nature cannot be adaptable with artificial laboratory conditions. Therefore, the present study aims at developing a new adaptable method for...

Showing 1 to 12 of 215 entries