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Elucidating the Kinetics of Expression and Immune Cell Infiltration Resulting from Plasmid Gene Delivery Enhanced by Surface Dermal Electroporation.


Mendoza JM, Amante DH, Kichaev G, Knott CL, Kiosses WB, Smith TR, Sardesai NY, Broderick KE.
PMID: 26344120
Vaccines (Basel). 2013 Aug 28;1(3):384-97. doi: 10.3390/vaccines1030384.

The skin is an attractive tissue for vaccination in a clinical setting due to the accessibility of the target, the ease of monitoring and most importantly the immune competent nature of the dermal tissue. While skin electroporation offers an...

Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information.

Vox sanguinis

Yazer MH, van de Watering L, Lozano M, Sirdesai S, Rushford K, Wood EM, Yokoyama AP, Kutner JM, Lin Y, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Lieberman L, Pendergrast J, Pendry K, Murphy MF, Selleng K, Greinacher A, Marwaha N, Sharma R, Jain A, Orlin Y, Yahalom V, Perseghin P, Incontri A, Masera N, Okazaki H, Ikeda T, Nagura Y, Zwaginga JJ, Pogłod R, Rosiek A, Letowska M, Yuen J, Cid J, Harm SK, Adhikari P.
PMID: 28524359
Vox Sang. 2017 Jul;112(5):e22-e47. doi: 10.1111/vox.12509. Epub 2017 May 19.

No abstract available.

Comparative Pre-Emptive Analgesic Efficacy Study of Novel Antiepileptic Agents Lamotrigine and Topiramate in Patients Undergoing Major Surgeries at a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial.

Annals of neurosciences

Gupta A, Bhosale UA, Shah P, Yegnanarayan R, Sardesai S.
PMID: 27721585
Ann Neurosci. 2016 Sep;23(3):162-170. doi: 10.1159/000449182. Epub 2016 Sep 09.

BACKGROUND: Central nervous sensitization, following surgical injury, leads to postoperative pain hypersensitivity due to lowered pain threshold in peripheral nociceptors and increased excitability of spinal neurons. Pre-emptive analgesia is intended to decrease pain perception and overall analgesic need by...

Leprosy elimination: A myth or reality.

Journal of neurosciences in rural practice

Sardesai VR.
PMID: 25883467
J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2015 Apr-Jun;6(2):137-8. doi: 10.4103/0976-3147.153214.

No abstract available.

The Arabidopsis Myb transcription factor MTF1 is a unidirectional regulator of susceptibility to Agrobacterium.

Plant signaling & behavior

Sardesai N, Laluk K, Mengiste T, Gelvin S.
PMID: 24785741
Plant Signal Behav. 2014 Apr 30;9. Epub 2014 Apr 30.

We recently described the Arabidopsis Myb transcription factor MTF1 that negatively regulates plant susceptibility to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Roots of mtf1 mutant plants show increased susceptibility to several Agrobacterium strains, and complementing the mutants with a MTF1 cDNA decreases transformation...

Armodafinil versus Modafinil in Patients of Excessive Sleepiness Associated with Shift Work Sleep Disorder: A Randomized Double Blind Multicentric Clinical Trial.

Neurology research international

Tembe DV, Dhavale A, Desai H, Mane DN, Raut SK, Dhingra G, Sardesai U, Saoji S, Rohra M, Shinde VG, Padsalge M, Paliwal A, Abbasi K, Devnani P, Papinwar S, Phadke S, Mehta H, Bhailume V.
PMID: 21766023
Neurol Res Int. 2011;2011:514351. doi: 10.1155/2011/514351. Epub 2011 Jun 01.

Aim. To compare the efficacy and safety of armodafinil, the R-enantiomer of modafinil, with modafinil in patients of shift work sleep disorder (SWSD). Material and Methods. This was a 12-week, randomized, comparative, double-blind, multicentric, parallel-group study in 211 patients...

Optimized in vivo transfer of small interfering RNA targeting dermal tissue using in vivo surface electroporation.

Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids

Broderick KE, Chan A, Lin F, Shen X, Kichaev G, Khan AS, Aubin J, Zimmermann TS, Sardesai NY.
PMID: 23344722
Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2012 Feb 14;1:e11. doi: 10.1038/mtna.2012.1.

Electroporation (EP) of mammalian tissue is a technique that has been used successfully in the clinic for the delivery of genetic-based vaccines in the form of DNA plasmids. There is great interest in platforms which efficiently deliver RNA molecules...

Small airway imaging phenotypes in biomass- and tobacco smoke-exposed patients with COPD.

ERJ open research

Fernandes L, Gulati N, Fernandes Y, Mesquita AM, Sardessai M, Lammers JJ, Mohamed Hoesein FA, Ten Hacken NHT, van den Berge M, Galbán CJ, Siddiqui S.
PMID: 28828380
ERJ Open Res. 2017 Apr 12;3(2). doi: 10.1183/23120541.00124-2016. eCollection 2017 Apr.

No abstract available.

Comparative Hessian Fly Larval Transcriptomics Provides Novel Insight into Host and Nonhost Resistance.

International journal of molecular sciences

Subramanyam S, Nemacheck JA, Xie S, Bhide K, Thimmapuram J, Scofield SR, Sardesai N.
PMID: 34768928
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 25;22(21). doi: 10.3390/ijms222111498.

The Hessian fly is a destructive pest of wheat. Employing additional molecular strategies can complement wheat's native insect resistance. However, this requires functional characterization of Hessian-fly-responsive genes, which is challenging because of wheat genome complexity. The diploid

Cavitary lung lesions in a neonate: Potential manifestation of COVID-19 related multisystem inflammatory syndrome.

Pediatric pulmonology

Bakhle A, Sreekumar K, Baracho B, Sardessai S, Silveira MP.
PMID: 34714960
Pediatr Pulmonol. 2022 Jan;57(1):311-314. doi: 10.1002/ppul.25732. Epub 2021 Oct 29.

BACKGROUND: The hyperinflammatory state of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) predisposes to thromboembolic complications. We report a neonate with multiple cavitary lesions in lung, which we suspect could be a manifestation of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in neonate (MIS-N)...

Intramuscular and Intradermal Electroporation of HIV-1 PENNVAX-GP.


Edupuganti S, C De Rosa S, Elizaga M, Lu Y, Han X, Huang Y, Swann E, Polakowski L, A Kalams S, Keefer M, Maenza J, C Wise M, Yan J, Morrow MP, Khan AS, Boyer JD, Humeau L, White S, Sardesai NY, Bagarazzi ML, Gilbert PB, Kublin JG, Corey L, Weiner DB, On Behalf Of The Hvtn Study Team, The Niaid-Funded Hiv Vaccine Trials Network.
PMID: 33297341
Vaccines (Basel). 2020 Dec 07;8(4). doi: 10.3390/vaccines8040741.

METHODS: The HVTN 098 trial assessed the PENNVAXRESULTS: HVTN 098 enrolled 94 participants: 85 received PENNVAXCONCLUSIONS: ID/EP and IM/EP are distinct experiences; however, HIV-1 DNA vaccination by either route was safe, tolerable and acceptable by most study participants.

Intramedullary Nailing of Lower-Extremity Periarticular Fractures.

JBJS essential surgical techniques

Natoli RM, Sardesai NR, Richard RD, Sorkin AT, Gaski GE, Virkus WW.
PMID: 32051781
JBJS Essent Surg Tech. 2019 Nov 01;9(4). doi: 10.2106/JBJS.ST.18.00112. eCollection 2019.

Intramedullary nailing is used to stabilize distal femoral, proximal tibial, and distal tibial periarticular fractures with short proximal or distal segments, as well as some intra-articular fractures in which a stable articular block can be created. Intramedullary nailing may...

Showing 1 to 12 of 104 entries