Yazer MH, van de Watering L, Lozano M, et al. Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information. Vox Sang. 2017;112(5):e22-e47doi: 10.1111/vox.12509.
Yazer, M. H., van de Watering, L., Lozano, M., Sirdesai, S., Rushford, K., Wood, E. M., Yokoyama, A. P., Kutner, J. M., Lin, Y., Callum, J., Cserti-Gazdewich, C., Lieberman, L., Pendergrast, J., Pendry, K., Murphy, M. F., Selleng, K., Greinacher, A., Marwaha, N., Sharma, R., Jain, A., Orlin, Y., Yahalom, V., Perseghin, P., Incontri, A., Masera, N., Okazaki, H., Ikeda, T., Nagura, Y., Zwaginga, J. J., Pogłod, R., Rosiek, A., Letowska, M., Yuen, J., Cid, J., Harm, S. K., & Adhikari, P. (2017). Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information. Vox sanguinis, 112(5), e22-e47.
Yazer, M H, et al. "Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information." Vox sanguinis vol. 112,5 (2017): e22-e47. doi:
Yazer MH, van de Watering L, Lozano M, Sirdesai S, Rushford K, Wood EM, Yokoyama AP, Kutner JM, Lin Y, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Lieberman L, Pendergrast J, Pendry K, Murphy MF, Selleng K, Greinacher A, Marwaha N, Sharma R, Jain A, Orlin Y, Yahalom V, Perseghin P, Incontri A, Masera N, Okazaki H, Ikeda T, Nagura Y, Zwaginga JJ, Pogłod R, Rosiek A, Letowska M, Yuen J, Cid J, Harm SK, Adhikari P. Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information. Vox Sang. 2017 Jul;112(5):e22-e47. doi: 10.1111/vox.12509. Epub 2017 May 19. PMID: 28524359.
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