Jorapur V, Lamas GA, Sadowski ZP, et al. Renal impairment and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction early post-myocardial infarction. World J Cardiol. 2010;2(1):13-8doi: 10.4330/wjc.v2.i1.13.
Jorapur, V., Lamas, G. A., Sadowski, Z. P., Reynolds, H. R., Carvalho, A. C., Buller, C. E., Rankin, J. M., Renkin, J., Steg, P. G., White, H. D., Vozzi, C., Balcells, E., Ragosta, M., Martin, C. E., Srinivas, V. S., Wharton Iii, W. W., Abramsky, S., Mon, A. C., Kronsberg, S. S., & Hochman, J. S. (2010). Renal impairment and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction early post-myocardial infarction. World journal of cardiology, 2(1), 13-8.
Jorapur, Vinod, et al. "Renal impairment and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction early post-myocardial infarction." World journal of cardiology vol. 2,1 (2010): 13-8. doi:
Jorapur V, Lamas GA, Sadowski ZP, Reynolds HR, Carvalho AC, Buller CE, Rankin JM, Renkin J, Steg PG, White HD, Vozzi C, Balcells E, Ragosta M, Martin CE, Srinivas VS, Wharton Iii WW, Abramsky S, Mon AC, Kronsberg SS, Hochman JS. Renal impairment and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction early post-myocardial infarction. World J Cardiol. 2010 Jan 26;2(1):13-8. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v2.i1.13. PMID: 20885993; PMCID: PMC2946261.
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