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AT1R A1166C variants in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy.

Journal of nephropathology

Moradi M, Rahimi Z, Amiri S, Rahimi Z, Vessal M, Nasri H.
PMID: 26310144
J Nephropathol. 2015 Jul;4(3):69-76. doi: 10.12860/jnp.2015.14. Epub 2015 Jul 01.

BACKGROUND: There are inconsistent reports related to the role of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) on the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its renal complications.OBJECTIVES: To identify the association between AT1R A1166C variants with the...

Evaluation of fetal cell transplantation safety in treatment of diabetes: a three-year follow-up.

Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders

Nasli-Esfahani E, Ghodsi M, Amini P, Keshtkar AA, Amiri S, Mojahed-Yazdi N, Tootee A, Larijani B.
PMID: 26207222
J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2015 Apr 22;14:33. doi: 10.1186/s40200-014-0126-x. eCollection 2015.

BACKGROUND: Rapidly increasing prevalence of diabetes throughout the world highlights the importance of looking for new treatment options for the disease such as stem cell therapy. With regard to the increasing attention towards stem-cell therapy as a curative treatment...

Fabrication of petal-shaped masks for suppression of the on-axis Poisson spot in telescope systems.

The Review of scientific instruments

Shiri R, Stein R, Murphy K, Hagopian K, Salari S, Sankar S, Hagopian J, Showalter M, Stevenson T, Quijada M, Threat F, Friedlander J, Dillon T, Livas J.
PMID: 27131659
Rev Sci Instrum. 2016 Apr;87(4):043112. doi: 10.1063/1.4945793.

The presence of a bright (Poisson) spot in the geometrical shadow of circular/spherical shapes has been known for the past two centuries. A broad class of telescopes that involve simultaneous transmit and receive require suppression of the reflected light...

Unusual cause of esophageal obstruction in a neonate presenting as esophageal atresia.

Journal of neonatal surgery

Pujar VC, Joshi SS, Dhaded SM.
PMID: 26023467
J Neonatal Surg. 2013 Oct 01;2(4):47. eCollection 2013.

Esophageal atresia is the commonest cause of obstruction to esophageal lumen in neonates. Foreign bodies in newborns are extremely rare. We report a rare case of esophageal obstruction closely mimicking atresia due to foreign bodies inserted in a female...

Rapid Acute Physiology Score versus Rapid Emergency Medicine Score in Trauma Outcome Prediction; a Comparative Study.

Emergency (Tehran, Iran)

Nakhjavan-Shahraki B, Baikpour M, Yousefifard M, Nikseresht ZS, Abiri S, Mirzay Razaz J, Faridaalaee G, Pouraghae M, Shirzadegan S, Hosseini M.
PMID: 28286837
Emerg (Tehran). 2017;5(1):e30. Epub 2017 Jan 10.

INTRODUCTION: Rapid acute physiology score (RAPS) and rapid emergency medicine score (REMS) are two physiologic models for measuring injury severity in emergency settings. The present study was designed to compare the two models in outcome prediction of trauma patients...

Amantadine as Augmentation in Managing Opioid Withdrawal with Clonidine: a randomized controlled trial.

Iranian journal of psychiatry

Amiri S, Malek A, Tofighnia F, Habibi Asl B, Seidy A.
PMID: 25561954
Iran J Psychiatry. 2014 Jul;9(3):142-6.

OBJECTIVE: Withdrawal symptoms are a main reason of continuous use of opioid. This study compares the efficacy of augmentation of amantadine with clonidine in decreasing opioid withdrawal symptoms.METHODS: This double-blind randomized clinical trial was carried out in the detoxification...

Theoretical Insights into the Impact of Ru Catalyst Anchors on the Efficiency of Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction on Ta2O5.

The journal of physical chemistry. B

Akimov AV, Jinnouchi R, Shirai S, Asahi R, Prezhdo OV.
PMID: 25495843
J Phys Chem B. 2015 Jun 18;119(24):7186-97. doi: 10.1021/jp5080658. Epub 2014 Dec 23.

We present a computational study of the dynamical and electronic structure origins of the impact of anchoring groups, PO3H2, COOH, and OH, on the efficiency of photochemical CO2 reduction in Ru(di-X-bpy)(CO)2Cl2/Ta2O5 systems. Recent experimental studies indicate that the efficiency...

Role of laparoscopy in the management of neonatal ovarian cysts.

Journal of neonatal surgery

Pujar VC, Joshi SS, Pujar YV, Dhumale HA, Ay Y.
PMID: 26023487
J Neonatal Surg. 2014 Apr 01;3(2):16. eCollection 2014.

AIM: Ovarian cysts in the newborn period are simple cysts which resolve on their own. Complications like torsion leading to loss of ovarian units are well documented. Surgical treatment should always be performed in a way to protect the...

Selective synthesis of novel cyclic phenylazomethine trimers.

The Journal of organic chemistry

Higuchi M, Kimoto A, Shiki S, Yamamoto K.
PMID: 10970311
J Org Chem. 2000 Sep 08;65(18):5680-4. doi: 10.1021/jo000509c.

Novel cyclic phenylazomethine trimers (CPAs) were synthesized in a one-step dehydration of the 4-aminobenzophenone derivatives in the presence of TiCl(4) or p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTS). The CPAs were isolated in over 90% yield under nondilute conditions. When using TiCl(4) as...

Novel phenylazomethine dendrimers: synthesis and structural properties.

Organic letters

Higuchi M, Shiki S, Yamamoto K.
PMID: 11009350
Org Lett. 2000 Oct 05;2(20):3079-82. doi: 10.1021/ol006241t.

The novel dendrimers consisting of a pi-conjugated backbone, the dendritic polyphenylazomethines (DPAs), were synthesized by the convergent method via the dehydration of aromatic ketones with aromatic amines in the presence of titanium(IV) tetrachloride. The obtained DPAs have a high...

Renal impairment and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction early post-myocardial infarction.

World journal of cardiology

Jorapur V, Lamas GA, Sadowski ZP, Reynolds HR, Carvalho AC, Buller CE, Rankin JM, Renkin J, Steg PG, White HD, Vozzi C, Balcells E, Ragosta M, Martin CE, Srinivas VS, Wharton Iii WW, Abramsky S, Mon AC, Kronsberg SS, Hochman JS.
PMID: 20885993
World J Cardiol. 2010 Jan 26;2(1):13-8. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v2.i1.13.

AIM: To study if impaired renal function is associated with increased risk of peri-infarct heart failure (HF) in patients with preserved ejection fraction (EF).METHODS: Patients with occluded infarct-related arteries (IRAs) between 1 to 28 d after myocardial infarction (MI)...

An Alkalophilic Bacillus sp. Produces 2-Phenylethylamine.

Applied and environmental microbiology

Hamasaki N, Shirai S, Niitsu M, Kakinuma K, Oshima T.
PMID: 16349025
Appl Environ Microbiol. 1993 Aug;59(8):2720-2. doi: 10.1128/aem.59.8.2720-2722.1993.

A large amount of 2-phenylethylamine was produced in cells of alkalophilic Bacillus sp. strain YN-2000. This amine is secreted in the medium during the cell growth. The amounts of 2-phenylethylamine in both cells and medium change upon changing the...

Showing 1 to 12 of 579 entries