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[Dynamic consideration of the formation and adaptation of a multidisciplinary psychiatric team].

Canadian Psychiatric Association journal

Solomon ML, Morel-Navon A, Laflamme L.
PMID: 5415463
Can Psychiatr Assoc J. 1970 Feb;15(1):49-56. doi: 10.1177/070674377001500107.

No abstract available.

High-density equilibrium phases of colloidal ellipsoids by application of optically enhanced, direct current electric fields.

Soft matter

Ganesan M, Solomon MJ.
PMID: 28480936
Soft Matter. 2017 May 24;13(20):3768-3776. doi: 10.1039/c7sm00359e.

We use direct current (DC) electric fields in conjunction with ultraviolet light to self-assemble highly dense structures of colloidal ellipsoids with three-dimensional order and volume fraction as large as 67%. Ellipsoidal phases of colloids are of fundamental interest because...

Kinetic modeling and design of colloidal lock and key assembly.

Journal of colloid and interface science

Beltran-Villegas DJ, Colón-Meléndez L, Solomon MJ, Larson RG.
PMID: 26550782
J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Feb 01;463:242-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.10.062. Epub 2015 Oct 28.

We investigate the kinetics of colloidal lock and key particle assembly by modeling transitions between free, non-specifically and specifically (dumbbells) bound pairs to enable the rapid formation of specific pairs. We expand on a model introduced in a previous...

Soft matter

Pavlovsky L, Younger JG, Solomon MJ.
PMID: 25544855
Soft Matter. 2013 Jan 07;9(1):122-131. doi: 10.1039/C2SM27005F.

We developed a method to grow

Binding kinetics of lock and key colloids.

The Journal of chemical physics

Colón-Meléndez L, Beltran-Villegas DJ, van Anders G, Liu J, Spellings M, Sacanna S, Pine DJ, Glotzer SC, Larson RG, Solomon MJ.
PMID: 25956122
J Chem Phys. 2015 May 07;142(17):174909. doi: 10.1063/1.4919299.

Using confocal microscopy and first passage time analysis, we measure and predict the rates of formation and breakage of polymer-depletion-induced bonds between lock-and-key colloidal particles and find that an indirect route to bond formation is accessed at a rate...

Elasticity of microscale volumes of viscoelastic soft matter by cavitation rheometry.

Applied physics letters

Pavlovsky L, Ganesan M, Younger JG, Solomon MJ.
PMID: 25316925
Appl Phys Lett. 2014 Sep 15;105(11):114105. doi: 10.1063/1.4896108.

Measurement of the elastic modulus of soft, viscoelastic liquids with cavitation rheometry is demonstrated for specimens as small as 1 

Wine ranking.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Solomon BP.
PMID: 17794817
Science. 1981 Jul 31;213(4507):496. doi: 10.1126/science.213.4507.496-b.

No abstract available.

Application of Information Extraction Techniques to Human Scanning.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Solomon AK, Friedell HL, Quastler H.
PMID: 17754184
Science. 1962 Jun 08;136(3519):885-98. doi: 10.1126/science.136.3519.885.

No abstract available.

Some aspects of the design and monitoring of clinical trials.

Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine

Moran JL, Solomon PJ.
PMID: 16573471
Crit Care Resusc. 2003 Jun;5(2):137-46.

No abstract available.

Innovations in end-of-life care: improving quality by focusing on the process of change.

Journal of palliative medicine

Solomon MZ.
PMID: 15859734
J Palliat Med. 2000;3(1):111-4. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2000.3.111.

No abstract available.

Testing issues.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Solomon RJ.
PMID: 17733663
Science. 1979 Oct 19;206(4416):274-5. doi: 10.1126/science.206.4416.274.

No abstract available.

Electric-field-induced yielding of colloidal gels in microfluidic capillaries.

Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids

Kogan M, Solomon MJ.
PMID: 20067317
Langmuir. 2010 Jan 19;26(2):1207-13. doi: 10.1021/la9023635.

We introduce a method to generate a purely internal rupture of colloidal particle gels by application of an electric field as they are confined in a microfluidic device. Characterization of the local, microstructural effect of yielding made possible by...

Showing 1 to 12 of 172 entries