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Psychology graduate student training in developmental disability: A Canadian survey

Graduate training programs

Lunsky Y, Weiss JA.
GSID: jLQN_vkMnkoJ
JA Weiss, Y Lunsky, D Morin - Canadian Psychology/Psychologie …, 2010 -

… has examined the state of training for clinical and counselling … to examine psychology graduate student training in the area … experience of graduate training in unaccredited programs. …

Making autism research inclusive by attending to intersectionality: a review of the research ethics literature

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation AND Program Evaluation

Cascio MA, Racine E, Weiss JA.
MA Cascio, JA Weiss, E Racine - Review journal of autism and …, 2021 - Springer

Growth in autism research necessitates corresponding attention to autism research ethics, including ethical and meaningful inclusion of diverse participants. This paper presents the results of a review of research ethics literature, strengthened by consultation with a task force involving...

Protecting transgender students: Application of Title IX to gender identity or expression and the constitutional right to gender autonomy

gender (e.g., male, women, girls, transgender)

Weiss JT.
GSID: 9gsmRA967t8J
JT Weiss - Wis. JL Gender, & Soc'y, 2013 - HeinOnline

… to use the female restroom. The male student's grandfather urged him to enter the girls' … The Eighth Amendment right to medical care, for example, is an interesting analogy (though …

Piecing Together the Next 15 Years of Computing Education Research Workshop Report

Science and "broadening participation"

Becker BA, Dougherty JP, Weiss MA.
A Decker, MA Weiss, BA Becker, JP Dougherty… - … Science Education V. 2, 2022 -

The session will present an overview of findings of a recently funded NSF workshop that set out to examine the pressing issues for computing education research for the next 15 years. Based on dialogs for scholars working in this...

Removing a Barrier: Analysis of the Impact of Removing Calculus and Physics from CS on Employability, Salary, and Broadening Participation

Broadening participation in STEM

Ross M, Weiss MA.
GSID: 97_78OhcE7AJ
M Ross, MA Weiss, L Minaya, A Laginess… - Proceedings of the 53rd …, 2022 -

This study was designed to compare salary implications and employability of students who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BACS)-primarily distinguished by the removal of calculus and physics requirements from the traditional computer science curriculum versus...

And still more on surgical training for specialists of all kinds.

The Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology

Weiss HA.
PMID: 641251
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1978 May;4(5):354-5.

No abstract available.

AR2, a novel automatic muscle artifact reduction software method for ictal EEG interpretation: Validation and comparison of performance with commercially available software.


Weiss SA, Asadi-Pooya AA, Vangala S, Moy S, Wyeth DH, Orosz I, Gibbs M, Schrader L, Lerner J, Cheng CK, Chang E, Rajaraman R, Keselman I, Churchman P, Bower-Baca C, Numis AL, Ho MG, Rao L, Bhat A, Suski J, Asadollahi M, Ambrose T, Fernandez A, Nei M, Skidmore C, Mintzer S, Eliashiv DS, Mathern GW, Nuwer MR, Sperling M, Engel J, Stern JM.
PMID: 28491280
F1000Res. 2017 Jan 10;6:30. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10569.2. eCollection 2017.

No abstract available.

Film Confinement Induced "Jump-Percolation" Wetting Transition in Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Films.

ACS applied materials & interfaces

Salunke N, Nallapaneni A, Yuan G, Stafford CM, Niu H, Shawkey MD, Weiss RA, Karim A.
PMID: 28925687
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Oct 11;9(40):35349-35359. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b07245. Epub 2017 Oct 02.

We report a first-order like sharp surface wettability transition with varying film thickness dependent morphology in cast films of an amphiphilic triblock copolymer. Films composed of poly(2-(N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamido) ethyl methyl acrylate), poly(FOSM), and poly(N,N'-dimethyl acrylamide), poly(DMA), with thickness (h) in...

Multifaceted antitumor responses to activating anti-CD40 antibody therapy combined with immunomodulatory or targeted agents.


Weiss JM, Wiltout RH.
PMID: 25610748
Oncoimmunology. 2014 Aug 03;3(8):e954483. doi: 10.4161/21624011.2014.954483. eCollection 2014.

Therapeutic targeting of the CD40 pathway may be efficacious for cancer treatment. Accumulating evidence suggests synergistic and unique antitumor responses may be achieved using CD40-based therapies in combination with other immunomodulators or targeted agents.

Erratum to: Lessons Learned from Community-Led Recruitment of Immigrants and Refugee Participants for a Randomized, Community-Based Participatory Research Study.

Journal of immigrant and minority health

Hanza MM, Goodson M, Osman A, Porraz Capetillo MD, Hared A, Nigon JA, Meiers SJ, Weis JA, Wieland ML, Sia IG.
PMID: 27075032
J Immigr Minor Health. 2016 Oct;18(5):1246. doi: 10.1007/s10903-016-0414-2.

The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error in the author affiliation. The affiliations for the Authors Marcelo M. Hanza, Miriam Goodson, Ahmed Osman, Maria D. Porraz Capetillo, Abdullah Hared, Julie A. Nigon, Mark L. Wieland, and...

Complete Genome Sequence of Herbaspirillum hiltneri N3 (DSM 17495), Isolated from Surface-Sterilized Wheat Roots.

Genome announcements

Guizelini D, Saizaki PM, Coimbra NA, Weiss VA, Faoro H, Sfeir MZ, Baura VA, Monteiro RA, Chubatsu LS, Souza EM, Cruz LM, Pedrosa FO, Raittz RT, Marchaukoski JN, Steffens MB.
PMID: 26514770
Genome Announc. 2015 Oct 29;3(5). doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01288-15.

We report the complete genome sequence of Herbaspirillum hiltneri N3 (DSM 17495), a member of the genus Herbaspirillum of the Betaproteobacteria. The genome is contained in a single chromosome, and analysis revealed that N3 lacks the whole nitrogen fixation...

Desmopressin in the treatment of nocturia: clinical evidence and experience.

Therapeutic advances in urology

Friedman FM, Weiss JP.
PMID: 24294289
Ther Adv Urol. 2013 Dec;5(6):310-7. doi: 10.1177/1756287213502116.

Nocturia is a common and bothersome condition experienced by both men and women. Studies have suggested that nocturia contributes a level of morbidity to those who suffer from the condition, both young and old. Desmopressin has historically been utilized...

Showing 1 to 12 of 1012 entries