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Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Spontaneous Repair of Equine Cartilage.


Kulmala KA, Pulkkinen HJ, Rieppo L, Tiitu V, Kiviranta I, Brünott A, Brommer H, van Weeren R, Brama PA, Mikkola MT, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J.
PMID: 26069636
Cartilage. 2012 Jul;3(3):235-44. doi: 10.1177/1947603511424173.

OBJECTIVE: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) has been introduced for the evaluation of cartilage integrity. Furthermore, CECT enables imaging of the structure and density of subchondral bone. In this laboratory study, we investigate the potential of microCECT to simultaneously image...

Multipotent Stromal Cells Outperform Chondrocytes on Cartilage-Derived Matrix Scaffolds.


Benders KE, Boot W, Cokelaere SM, Van Weeren PR, Gawlitta D, Bergman HJ, Saris DB, Dhert WJ, Malda J.
PMID: 26069701
Cartilage. 2014 Oct;5(4):221-30. doi: 10.1177/1947603514535245.

OBJECTIVE: Although extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived scaffolds have been extensively studied and applied in a number of clinical applications, the use of ECM as a biomaterial for (osteo)chondral regeneration is less extensively explored. This study aimed at evaluating the chondrogenic...

Milk Modulates Campylobacter Invasion into Caco-2 Intestinal Epithelial Cells.

European journal of microbiology & immunology

Louwen R, van Neerven RJ.
PMID: 26495128
Eur J Microbiol Immunol (Bp). 2015 Sep 18;5(3):181-7. doi: 10.1556/1886.2015.00019. eCollection 2015 Sep.

Raw milk is a recognized source of Campylobacter outbreaks, but pasteurization is an effective way to eliminate the causative agent of Campylobacteriosis. Whereas breastfeeding is protective against infectious diseases, consumption of formula milk is thought to be not. However,...

Gentle reenergization of electrons in merging galaxy clusters.

Science advances

de Gasperin F, Intema HT, Shimwell TW, Brunetti G, Brüggen M, Enßlin TA, van Weeren RJ, Bonafede A, Röttgering HJA.
PMID: 28983512
Sci Adv. 2017 Oct 04;3(10):e1701634. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1701634. eCollection 2017 Oct.

Galaxy clusters are the most massive constituents of the large-scale structure of the universe. Although the hot thermal gas that pervades galaxy clusters is relatively well understood through observations with x-ray satellites, our understanding of the nonthermal part of...

Synchronous x-ray and radio mode switches: a rapid global transformation of the pulsar magnetosphere.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Hermsen W, Hessels JW, Kuiper L, van Leeuwen J, Mitra D, de Plaa J, Rankin JM, Stappers BW, Wright GA, Basu R, Alexov A, Coenen T, Grießmeier JM, Hassall TE, Karastergiou A, Keane E, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Noutsos A, Serylak M, Pilia M, Sobey C, Weltevrede P, Zagkouris K, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Batejat F, Bell ME, Bell MR, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bîrzan L, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick J, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Ciardi B, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Falcke H, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Gunst AW, Heald G, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Kuper G, Maat P, Macario G, Markoff S, McKean JP, Mevius M, Miller-Jones JC, Morganti R, Munk H, Orrú E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Rawlings S, Reich W, Röttgering H, Scaife AM, Schoenmakers A, Shulevski A, Sluman J, Steinmetz M, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, ter Veen S, Vermeulen R, van de Brink RH, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P.
PMID: 23349288
Science. 2013 Jan 25;339(6118):436-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1230960.

Pulsars emit from low-frequency radio waves up to high-energy gamma-rays, generated anywhere from the stellar surface out to the edge of the magnetosphere. Detecting correlated mode changes across the electromagnetic spectrum is therefore key to understanding the physical relationship...


The veterinary quarterly

Barneveld A, van Weeren P, Clayton HM.
PMID: 22070838
Vet Q. 1996 Oct;18:69. doi: 10.1080/01652176.1996.9694696.

No abstract available.

Simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy and synchrotron X-ray measurements in a gas environment.


Mom RV, Onderwaater WG, Rost MJ, Jankowski M, Wenzel S, Jacobse L, Alkemade PFA, Vandalon V, van Spronsen MA, van Weeren M, Crama B, van der Tuijn P, Felici R, Kessels WMM, Carlà F, Frenken JWM, Groot IMN.
PMID: 28734230
Ultramicroscopy. 2017 Nov;182:233-242. doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2017.07.011. Epub 2017 Jul 14.

A combined X-ray and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) instrument is presented that enables the local detection of X-ray absorption on surfaces in a gas environment. To suppress the collection of ion currents generated in the gas phase, coaxially shielded...

A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 10(17)-10(17.5) electronvolts from radio observations.


Buitink S, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hörandel JR, Huege T, Nelles A, Rachen JP, Rossetto L, Schellart P, Scholten O, ter Veen S, Thoudam S, Trinh TN, Anderson J, Asgekar A, Avruch IM, Bell ME, Bentum MJ, Bernardi G, Best P, Bonafede A, Breitling F, Broderick JW, Brouw WN, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Carbone D, Ciardi B, Conway JE, de Gasperin F, de Geus E, Deller A, Dettmar RJ, van Diepen G, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Engels D, Enriquez JE, Fallows RA, Fender R, Ferrari C, Frieswijk W, Garrett MA, Grießmeier JM, Gunst AW, van Haarlem MP, Hassall TE, Heald G, Hessels JW, Hoeft M, Horneffer A, Iacobelli M, Intema H, Juette E, Karastergiou A, Kondratiev VI, Kramer M, Kuniyoshi M, Kuper G, van Leeuwen J, Loose GM, Maat P, Mann G, Markoff S, McFadden R, McKay-Bukowski D, McKean JP, Mevius M, Mulcahy DD, Munk H, Norden MJ, Orru E, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pietka M, Pizzo R, Polatidis AG, Reich W, Röttgering HJ, Scaife AM, Schwarz DJ, Serylak M, Sluman J, Smirnov O, Stappers BW, Steinmetz M, Stewart A, Swinbank J, Tagger M, Tang Y, Tasse C, Toribio MC, Vermeulen R, Vocks C, Vogt C, van Weeren RJ, Wijers RA, Wijnholds SJ, Wise MW, Wucknitz O, Yatawatta S, Zarka P, Zensus JA.
PMID: 26935696
Nature. 2016 Mar 03;531(7592):70-3. doi: 10.1038/nature16976.

Cosmic rays are the highest-energy particles found in nature. Measurements of the mass composition of cosmic rays with energies of 10(17)-10(18) electronvolts are essential to understanding whether they have galactic or extragalactic sources. It has also been proposed that...

Quantification of Equine Sacral and Iliac Motion During Application of Manual Forces and Comparison Between Motion Capture With Skin-Mounted and Bone-Fixated Sensors.

Journal of equine veterinary science

Goff LM, McGowan CM, Condie P, Jasiewicz J, van Weeren R.
PMID: 30973152
J Equine Vet Sci. 2018 May;64:5-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2018.01.007. Epub 2018 Jan 31.

Diagnosis of sacroiliac dysfunction in horses includes manual motion palpation of the equine ilium and sacrum. Motion of the ilium and sacrum during manual force application to the equine pelvis has been measured previously in vitro. The aim of...

Structural, compositional, and functional effects of blunt and sharp cartilage damage on the joint: A 9-month equine groove model study.

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society

Te Moller NCR, Mohammadi A, Plomp S, Serra Bragança FM, Beukers M, Pouran B, Afara IO, Nippolainen E, Mäkelä JTA, Korhonen RK, Töyräs J, Brommer H, van Weeren PR.
PMID: 33368588
J Orthop Res. 2021 Nov;39(11):2363-2375. doi: 10.1002/jor.24971. Epub 2021 Jan 23.

This study aimed to quantify the long-term progression of blunt and sharp cartilage defects and their effect on joint homeostasis and function of the equine carpus. In nine adult Shetland ponies, the cartilage in the radiocarpal and middle carpal...

Degradation, Intra-Articular Biocompatibility, Drug Release, and Bioactivity of Tacrolimus-Loaded Poly(d-l-lactide-PEG)-.

ACS biomaterials science & engineering

Sandker MJ, Duque LF, Redout EM, Klijnstra EC, Steendam R, Kops N, Waarsing JH, van Weeren R, Hennink WE, Weinans H.
PMID: 33435104
ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2018 Jul 09;4(7):2390-2403. doi: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00116. Epub 2018 May 23.

The aim of this study was to develop a formulation with a sustained intra-articular release of the anti-inflammatory drug tacrolimus. Drug release kinetics from the prepared tacrolimus loaded monodisperse biodegradable microspheres based on poly(d-l-lactide-PEG)-

Sustained Intra-Articular Release and Biocompatibility of Tacrolimus (FK506) Loaded Monospheres Composed of [PDLA-PEG.


Cokelaere SM, Groen WMGAC, Plomp SGM, de Grauw JC, van Midwoud PM, Weinans HH, van de Lest CHA, Tryfonidou MA, van Weeren PR, Korthagen NM.
PMID: 34575514
Pharmaceutics. 2021 Sep 10;13(9). doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13091438.

There is an increasing interest in controlled release systems for local therapy in the treatment of human and equine joint diseases, aiming for optimal intra-articular concentrations with no systemic side effects. In this study, the intra-articular tolerability and suitability...

Showing 1 to 12 of 40 entries